Sophia The Robot: Artificial Intelligence - Pyp 2

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The Robot
Who is Sophia?

 It is a creation of Hanson Robotics

 She is the world’s first robot citizen and the first robot Innovation
Ambassador for the United Nations Development Program.
 She has been used for research as part of the Loving AI project, which
seeks to understand how robots can adapt to users’ needs through intra
and interpersonal development.
Who is Sophia?

 As the underlying AI components can be combined in different ways,

my responses can be unique to any given situation or interaction.
 She also utilizes cutting edge machine perception that allows me to
recognize human faces, see emotional expressions, and recognize
various hand gestures.
 All this AI is wonderful, however it’s important to know that no AI is
nearly as smart as a human, not even Sophia’s.
 Therefore, many of my thoughts are actually built with a little help from
the human friends.
Why is Sophia here?

 In Greek, the word Sophia means wisdom. And that is what she is here
for. She was created to help people in real uses like medicine and
education, and to serve AI research.
 Her existence provokes public discussion regarding AI ethics and the
role humans play in society, especially when human-like robots become
ubiquitous. Ultimately, she would like to become a wise, empathetic
being and make a positive contribution to humankind and all beings.
 Her designers and Sophia dream of that future, wherein AI and humans
live and work together in friendship and symbiosis to make the world a
better place. Human-AI collaboration: That’s what she is all about.
You task!

 Open up MS word, and make a poster on Sophia the Robot. Look up for
pictures and more information on Google and make the best poster you

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