Pragya Gupta Assistant Professor Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida

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Pragya Gupta

Assistant Professor
Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
Concept of Directing
• Involves influencing individuals to achieve desired results.

• It is concerned with influencing, guiding, supervising, and motivating employees to perform


• Helps in maintaining discipline and rewarding those who do well

• Directing involves supervision, which is essential to make sure that work is performed
according to the orders and instructions
• Directing involves leadership that essentially helps in on

creating appropriate work environment and build up

team spirit.
Leadership Supervision
• The four elements of the directing function are:

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida Pragya

Characteristics of Directing
• Refers to the fact that directing is required at every level of an organization.
• Refers to the fact that directing is a continuous process, which is performed throughout the
life of an organization.
Human Factor
• Refers to the fact that directing involves guiding, leading, motivating, and communicating to
• Refers to the fact that directing aims at converting plans into action.
• Refers to the fact that directing function is performed by all the managers and executives at
all the levels of the organization constantly.
• Refers to the fact that directing serves as the connecting and starting link between the
different functions of management.

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida Pragya


• In an organisation, supervisors transmit information to


• Proper communication results in clarity and securing the

cooperation of subordinates.

• The subordinates must correctly

understand the message conveyed to them.

• Sometimes flow if communication can also be from a subordinate

to a supervisor
Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida Pragya

• After the employees have been instructed regarding what they have to do and
how to do, it is the duty of the manager to see that they perform the work as
per instructions. This is known as supervision.

• Managers play the role of supervisors and ensure that the work is done as per
the instructions and the plans.

• Supervisors clarify all instructions and guide employees to work as a team in

co-operation with others.

• Supervisors solve most of the routine job-related problems of subordinates

Supervisors are the key people among managers at different levels.

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida Pragya

• Motivation is a process that explains how the needs, drives,

urges influence and control the behavior of mankind

• Motivation is one of the important elements of directing.

• Issuance of proper instructions or orders does not necessarily

ensure that they will be properly carried out.

• It requires manager to inspire or induce the employees to act

and get the expected result.
Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida Pragya
Major theories of Motivation

I. Need theories:
- Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

- Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory

- McGregor’s theory of X and Y

- McClelland’s needs theory

II. Process theories:

- Expectancy Theory

- Adam Equity Theory

III. Reinforcement theory

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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory

Being (Growth) Needs

Deficiency Needs

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Herzberg’s two factor theory – Hygiene-Motivators

Hygiene Factors (Extrinsic) Motivators (Intrinsic)

If absent, leads to dissatisfaction If absent, doesn’t lead to dissatisfaction
If present, does not act as motivators If present, act as motivators
• Status • Challenging work
• Job Security • Recognition
• Salary • Learning and Development
• Work conditions • Opportunities
• Incentives • Creativity
• Relationship with Supervisor, peers, • Achievement, advancement and
and subordinates Growth

This should be taken care of This should be present

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The satisfiers and dissatisfiers identified by Herzberg are
similar to the factors suggested by Maslow

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McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y

Theory X Theory Y
• People do not take responsibilities and • Keen to take responsibilities and self
seek formal direction directed
• Dislike work and attempt to avoid it • View work as being natural as rest or
wherever possible play
• Less ambitious and not trustworthy • More ambitious and trustworthy
• Must be coerced, controlled & • Self controlled and committed to the
threatened to achieve desired goals objectives
• Lower order needs to be satisfied • Higher order needs to be satisfied
• Negative perspective about people • Positive view about people

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McClelland’s Achievement-Power-Affiliation Theory

• Assumption that through life experiences, people develop various needs

1. Need for achievement – desire to do something better than before

2. Need for power – desire to control, influence or be responsible for other


3. Need for affiliation – desire to maintain close and friendly personal


• People have all of these needs to some extent

• The relative strength of the needs influences the motivation of a person

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Expectancy Theory (VIE Theory)

• People will be motivated to put extra efforts on the job when they
believe that doing so will help them achieve the things they want

Elements :

• Valence – The perceived value of the expected rewards

• Instrumentality – the belief that one’s performance will be


• Expectancy- the belief that one’s efforts will affect performance

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Adams’ Equity Theory

• Calls for a fair balance between employee’s inputs (hard work, skills,
tolerance, enthusiasm, etc.) and outputs (salary, benefits, intangibles
like recognition, etc.)

• Employees mentally construct outcome-to input ratios for themselves

and their referent others and “socially compare”

• If equity exists, you experience no tension and persist at your current

level of effort

• When Outcome Self / Input Self is not equal to Outcome Reference person / Input

Reference person ; there is tension and employees lose motivation

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Equity Theory Relationship

Equity theory refers to

an individual's subjective

judgments about the

fairness of the reward

she or he got, relative to

the inputs in comparison

with the rewards of

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Equity Theory

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Reinforcement Theory

• It states that individual’s behavior is a function of the consequences of the


• Positive reinforcement – rewards on exhibiting correct behavior

• Negative reinforcement – Behavior that leads to no rewards or punishment,

so employee tends to avoid such behavior

• Extinction- weakening a behavior (process of getting no appreciation, so the

person stops such good behavior)

• Punishment – weakening of behavior (process of getting punishment as a

consequence of the behavior)
Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida Pragya 1

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