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Presented by: Ravena hassan

Topic: Research paper

Roll no: 1
Research paper:

A research paper is a piece of academic writing that requires a more abstract, critical
and thoughtful level of inquiry than you might be used to.
 Writing a research paper involve (1) first Familirizing Yourself with the works of
“experts”. For example On the page on the internet through personal interviews
to build upon what you know about a subject and then (2) Comparing their
thoughts on the topic with your own.
 Elements of research paper:
The basic elements of research paper are;
1. Title
2. Abstract
3. Introduction
4. Literature review
5. Methodology
6. Results
7. conclusion / discussion
8. Reference
Characteristics of research paper

 Title:
It may seem silly to include the title as an important element , but it really is vital .
Think about the books at libraries and bookstores. The lined up in a stacks on tables
and shelves. There are so many. How do you decide Which one to even consider?
By its title if one doesn’t grab your attention, you skip it. So, take your title seriously.
Even the title of research paper. Essential, it expresses the main idea of your paper .
 Abstract:

The abstract is a paragraph that briefly and succinctly summarize

your article. It should;
Affirm your objectives
Explain how data was gathered, handled and examined .
Condense your results and
Identify the main research deductions.
 Introduction:
The introduction states your thesis, rationalize your work and
explains why it is relevant. This section is really important part of
your paper as it direct it’s flow. Specifics or not required- that is for
the body of the your paper. Just focus on making this part
 Literature review:
A literature review considers current published works that focus on the subject
matter and evaluates What other have already done.
 Methodology:
Illustrate how your research was carried out and provide detail about your techniques. They
should be sharply detailed and rationalized. The should be clearly imagine and or duplicate
your methods themselves.
 Results:
Leaving out your personal opinion detail your results but don’t explain. Graphics and tables
are recommended in order to help the reader visualize and understand your findings, but
don’t rely on graphics and tables to do all the work.
 Discussion/conclusion:
Now you get to talk about the results, the effects and how it relates to your thesis.
You can relate your dedications to prior studies, provide suggestions and or warning
and outline and relate your interpretation.
 Reference:
To list alphabetically all the reference materials that have been cited in the text of
the report.
Reference should consistently follow one recognizable system.

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