Cost of Capital

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Cost of capital is defined as the financing costs a
company has to pay when borrowing money, using: COST OF CAPITAL
 equity financing
 How companies will finance a project
 selling bonds or make an investment is an important
In each case, the cost of capital is expressed as an decision, since that choice will
annual interest rate, such as 7%. determine a firm's capital structure.

Beta is the volatility of a company's financial results  Cost of capital is very important to
to determine whether a certain stock is too risky or companies who need capital to expand
would make a good investment.  their operations and fund their
When weighing a big investment, like funding a new
manufacturing plant, the cost of capital represents  At minimum, any capital used by a
the return rate the company could garner if it company must have a minimum return
invested cash in an alternative investment, with the that's in line with what shareholders,
same risk applied. stakeholders, and lenders expect for
the use of their money.
R= Cost of capital (rate of return)
R = rf + B (rm-rf) rf = the rate of return on risk-free securities
(typically Treasuries)
B = the beta of the investment in question
rm = the market's overall expected rate of return

The return on market portfolio is 12% and risk free rate is 5%. The beta
coefficient is 1.4.
R = rf + B (rm-rf)
= 5%+1.4(12%-5%)
= 14.8%
Cost of New Ordinary Shares
Re = [D1 / P0(1-Flotation Cost)] + g
Common Stock has a par value of P10
where: and is selling for P42 per share, net of P3
Re = Cost of Capital per share flotation cost. The company
had a P3.6 dividend per share in 2018
D1 = Dividends/share next year
and a growth rate of 9% per year.
P0 = Current market price
Cost = [D1 / P0(1-Flotation Cost)] + g
g = Dividend growth rate (it is assumed
that this is constant) = [(P3.6*1.09)/42]+9%

Flotation cost= cost of issuing new =18.34%

Cost of Retained
Earnings Example:
Common Stock has a par value of
Re = (D1 / P0) + g P10 and is selling for P42 per
where: share, net of P3 per share flotation
cost. The company had a P3.6
Re = Cost of Capital
dividend per share in 2018 and a
D1 = Dividends/share next year growth rate of 9% per year.
P0 = Current share price Cost of RE= (D1 / P0) + g
g = Dividend growth rate (it is =[(P3.6*1.09)/42+3] + 9%
assumed that this is constant
= 17.72%


Rp = D / P0 Effective Interest rate (1-Tax rate)

Where: Example:
D= dividends
The 10% yield on bonds is applicable
P0= Current price to a maximum of 70M bonds. The
Example: corporate tax rate is 30%.
16% Preferred Stock, 100 par value. Cost of bonds= Effective Interest rate
Preferred Stock may be issued at par. (1-Tax rate)
Cost = Dividends/ Current Price = 10% (1-30%)
= (P100*16%)/100
= 7%
= 16%
We use WACC by getting the average cost of financing, which is
weighted by its proportion to the total capital structure. With this, we
could determine how much interest a company owes for each peso

WACC = [(E/Cs)*(Re)] + [(D/Cs)*(Rd)]

E/Cs = proportion of equity over the total capital structure
D/Cs =proportion of debt over the total capital structure
Re = cost of equity
Rd = cost of debt
Example: WACC if the cost of RE was used
z At the end of 2019, Y Corp had the following capital structure Source of Cost of Proportion Weighted
considered to be optimal (in millions of pesos). Fund Capital of Funds Cost
Amount %
42.00 25%
Bonds 7% 25% 1.75%
Debt (10% coupon Bonds

16% Preferred Stock, 100 par value 25.20 15%

Preferred 16% 15% 2.4%
Common Stock and RE 100.80 60% Stock
RE 17.72% 60% 10.63%

Preferred Stock may be issued at par. Common Stock has a

WACC 14.78%
par value of P10 and is selling for P42 per share, net of P3 per
share flotation cost. The company had a P3.6 dividend per
share in 2018 and a growth rate of 9% per year. The 10% yield
on bonds is applicable to a maximum of 70M bonds. The
corporate tax rate is 30%. WACC if the cost of common
Solution stocks is used
Cost of bonds = Effective Interest rate (1-Tax rate)
Source of Cost of Proportion Weighted
= 10% (1-30%) Fund Capital of Funds Cost
= 7%
  Bonds 7% 25% 1.75%
Cost of Preferred Stock= Dividends/ Current Price
= (P100*16%)/100 Preferred 16% 15% 2.4%
= 16%
  Common 18.34% 60% 11.00%
Cost of RE = (D1 / P0) + g
WACC 15.15%
=[(P3.6*1.09)/42+3] + 9%
= 17.72%
Cost of Capital= [D1 / P0(1-Flotation Cost)] + g
= [(P3.6*1.09)/42]+9%

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