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EE765-Reliability and Failure

Analysis of electronic devices

Course Project-Time Dependent Dielectric

Breakdown in Capacitors (V&T)

Time Dependent Dielectric Breakdown in Capacitors

● Gate oxides breakdown as a result of long-term application of relatively low electric

● Two modes of breakdown:
1. Intrinsic Breakdown - Caused by electrical stress induced defect generation.
2. Extrinsic Breakdown - Defects induced during manufacturing processes.
● TDDB is one of the intrinsic wear out failure mechanisms.
● It is caused by formation of a conducting path through gate oxide to substrate, When it
operates close to or beyond specified operating voltages.
● We can estimate when an capacitor can fail in actual devices, by which we can reduce
failures of electronic devices.

Accelerated Test

Batch No. No. of samples Temperature Voltage Duration

1 100 326K 95V 200 hours

2 100 323K 95V 200 hours

3 100 329K 95V 200 hours

4 100 329K 97V 200 hours

5 100 329K 99V 200 hours

Total duration = T1+T2+T3+T4+T5 = 1000 hours

Total number of samples = 500
Highest temperature 63.3C
Highest voltage 108.49
α and β for different stressors

Accelerated Test# α (hours) with β


1 105.527 3.62
2 131.698 3.65
3 81.689 4.08
4 70.419 3.4
5 73.862 3.55

● The average value of β is 3.66.

Equation for the Failure Mechanism:
𝐿 = 𝛼 = 𝐴(𝑆)^(−𝜂)* exp( 𝐸𝑎 /𝑘𝑇)

Model Parameters for this equation are A, 𝜂 and Ea(activation energy).

● A= 9.31 x 10^(-7) (+-) (9.2 x10-9, 7 x10-11)

● 𝜂 = 2.458 with 17% uncertainty

● Ea = 0.8359 (+-) 0.12384

Warranty Period
● The time in which the reliability decreases to certain value.

● In the problem given manufacturer intends as the time taken for the
reliability to decrease to 20%.

● So it approximately takes 2531 hours which is 105 days and 11 hours, if

deployed in the field at the starting if the year.

R(t) = exp(-(t/α )^β )

Warranty Period

● If we deploy in the field from first hour on April 1(i.e. 01:00

Hours, on April 1).

● We need to start from 2161 th hour, we’ve modified the same

to find reliability of 0.2 at t= 3013 that is 35.5 days from april 1

Accelerated Test

● For an accelerated test for healthy devices that should last for less than or
equal to 100 hours, we need to take the maximum value of (1/𝛼) so that
the time is least,


1/𝛼 => (S^n)*exp(T)

● So 1/𝛼 is maximum at T=363.3 and S=105.80V, so we get t=38.61 hours.

Thank you

Ritesh Sadwik Mahesh JS

17D070051 17D070058

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