Presentation On Culture

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My Presentation
Submitted by:

Name: Abdul Aziz Tuhin

Id: 1118430021.
Program: BBA.
Batch: 43.

Name: Faisal Ahmed.
Id: 1118430081.
Program: BBA .
Culture is shared
Culture is something shared. It is nothing that an
individual can passes but shared by common
people of a territory. To be considered a cultural
characteristic, a particular belief, value, or
practice must be shared by a significant portion
of the society. . Culture is often viewed as group
customs that link together by the members of
Sometimes the people share different aspects of
culture. For example, among the Christians,
there are – Catholic and Protestant, liberal or
conservation, as clergymen or as laymen. The
point to our discussion is not that culture or any
part of it is shred identically, but that it is shared
by the members of society to a sufficient extent.
Culture is Transmitted
Culture is capable of transmitted from one
generation to the next. Parents papas cultural
traits to their children and in return they pass to
their children and son on. It is not transmitted
through genes but through language. Language
is means to communication which passes
cultural traits from one generation to another.
For example, the styles of dress, political views,
and the use of recent labour saving devices. One
does not acquire a behaviour pattern
spontaneously. He learns it. That means that
someone teaches him and he learns much of the
learning process both for the teacher and the
learner is quite unconscious, unintentional, or
Thank You

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