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A noun phrase is a phrase where the main noun is
a noun with other words or another nouns that
describe the main noun.
A noun phrase is a phrase where the main noun is a noun with
other words that describe the noun Formation of Noun Phrase
Noun phrases can be in the form of words like the


Demonstra Possesive
Article+ tive + Numerals Quantifier Adjective +
Adjective +
Noun + Noun + Noun Noun
Noun Noun
a) Indifinite Article + Noun
Noun Phrase can be formed in the presence of
“a” and “an” article before the noun.
example :
a girl
an apple

a girl's series of words is a noun phrase,

“a” describing the girl noun; girl is the main word
(headword) in that phrase,
“a” is a word that explains the word girl.
b) Difinite Article + Noun
What is meant by Definite article is the article
“The” Example:
• The house
• The boys
• The pens

“The” explains nouns house, boys, and pens.

The words house, boys, pens are the main words
and “The" explains the main words.
2. Demonstrative Adjective + Noun
It has also been explained several demonstrative
adjective words including the words this, these,
that, and those.
This song
That poem
Those disasters
That stranger
These tragedies
This liquid
3. Possessive Adjective + Noun and Possessive
noun + noun
What is meant by possessive adjective are
words that state the owner of something, for
example my, your, his, her, her, our, their,
jean’s, Mr.Jones', etc.Example:
Her computers
your ideas
Toni’s pen
4. Numerals (number words)
What is meant by numerals are one, two,
three, ten, etc.Example:
two women (= two women)
Four members (= four members)
Three books (= three books)
5. Quantifier + noun
Is a word that states the number of objects,
for example some, any, much, many, a lot of,
few, a little, etc.
some brothers
much money
many pencils
6. Adjective + Noun Adjective
is a word that describes an object in other words
explaining the object's nature. Examples of
adjectives; big (big), tall (tall), old (old), far (far),
angry (angry), sad (sad), etc.
for example:
big houses
tall men
clever students
the word "big" is an adjective that explains the
noun "houses"

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