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Exercise: Which in these is an argument and

which is not??
 1. Ram studies so much! He’s always into
his books. He even reads Plato and

 *** Answers are in the last slide.

Exercise: Which is these is an argument and
which is not??
 2. Kathmandu will get more polluted in the
future. The government is doing nothing
about old cars and buses. People too are
not concerned about emissions.
Exercise: Which is these is an argument and
which is not??
 3. Nepal will not be affected by the global
recession. Our economy is insulated to the
maximum extent.
Exercise: Which is these is an
argument and which is not??
 4. There are several heritage sites in
Kathmandu. There are several hills
surrounding it too. Tourists can also enjoy
the great food here.
Exercise: Which is these is an
argument and which is not??
 Women’s rights in Nepal is in a very bad
state. They are not allowed equal
professional rights. At home they are
subjugated and dominated.
 1. This is not an argument.
 2. This is an argument
 3. This is an argument
 4. This is not an argument
 5. This is an argument

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