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Author Study

Dedrick Kline
ECI 310 - Integrated Literacy II: Reading
Barbara White
Brian Jacques
Dedrick Kline
ECI 310 - Integrated Literacy II: Reading
Barbara White
Brian Jacques
 Age 10: St. John’s Caning Incident
 Age 15: Finishes school and begins an incredibly varied career
 Merchant Seaman
 Folk Singer
 Fireman
 Fisherman
 Long-Distance Truck Driver
 Bus Driver
 Boxer
 Policeman
 Milkman
 Postmaster
 Stand-up Comic
 Radio Show Host featuring wit and ……. opera
 Age 32: Officially begins writing career with his first published work
Brian Jacques’ Early Works
 A series of anthologies featuring Brian’s humorous short stories and poems:
 Get Yer Wack: A Liverpoole Anthology
 Yennoworrameanlike
 A Mersey Bible
 Scouse with the Lid Off

 Jakestown

 Several plays after being appointed Resident Writer in The Everyman Theatre:
 Brown Bitter

 Wet Nellies

 Scouse

 Gets the idea for the Redwall series when volunteering at a local school.
Brian Jacques’ Redwall series
A series that uses animals as the main characters and places them in a medieval context.

“Mice are my heroes because, like children, mice are little and have to learn to be
courageous and use their wits.” Brian Jacques
Brian Jacques’ Redwall series
A series that uses animals as the main characters and places them in a medieval context.

“Mice are my heroes because, like children, mice are little and have to learn to be
courageous and use their wits.” Brian Jacques
Brian Jacques’ Redwall series
A series that uses animals as the main characters and places them in a medieval context.

“Mice are my heroes because, like children, mice are little and have to learn to be
courageous and use their wits.” Brian Jacques
Brian Jacques’ Redwall series
A series that uses animals as the main characters and places them in a medieval context.

“Mice are my heroes because, like children, mice are little and have to learn to be
courageous and use their wits.” Brian Jacques
Brian Jacques’ Redwall series
A series that uses animals as the main characters and places them in a medieval context.

“Mice are my heroes because, like children, mice are little and have to learn to be
courageous and use their wits.” Brian Jacques
Brian Jacques’ Redwall series
A series that uses animals as the main characters and places them in a medieval context.

“Mice are my heroes because, like children, mice are little and have to learn to be
courageous and use their wits.” Brian Jacques
Brian Jacques’ Redwall series
A series that uses animals as the main characters and places them in a medieval context.

“Mice are my heroes because, like children, mice are little and have to learn to be
courageous and use their wits.” Brian Jacques
Brian Jacques’ Other Works
A tale of a ghost ship and its mad sea captain, cursed to sail the seas forever;
a cabin boy and his dog are sent on a journey of their own by an avenging angel …
Brian Jacques’ Other Works
Picture books …

Short stories…
Brian Jacques’ Accolades

 Lancashire Libraries Children’s Book of the Year Award on 3 occasions

 Western Australian Young Readers Award on 3 occasions
 Shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal on 4 occasions
 Sony Award for the Best Light Entertainment Show
 In 1998, the Audie Award for Best Children's Title
 In 2005, he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Letters by the University of Liverpool

 In the spring of 2007 Brian was honored as one of the top 10 Greatest Merseysiders
 In 2008, he was awarded the honor of Fellow of Liverpool John Moores University
Works Cited
Stanford, F. (2008). Oration - Brian Jacques, honorary fellow. Liverpoole John Moores
University, Retrieved from
The Redwall experience. (2010). Retrieved from
Brian Jacques: the official website. (2010). Retrieved from

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