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Light as information: Photomorphogenesis

• Photomorphogenesis refers to the response of

plants to light which is import in plant
In this lecture we will be looking at:
• The role of the phytochrome photoreceptor
• Photo-reversible responses
• Response to light fluence
• Complex phytochrome responses
• Most photomorphogenic responses in higher
plants appear to be under the control of one
(or more) of four classes of photoreceptors.

• Phytochromes (red and far red)

• Phytochrome is synthesised as the inactive red light
absorbing form (Pr)
• Exposure to red light (or full white light) converts Pr to the
active far-red light–absorbing form (Pfr)
• This can be reversed by exposure to far-red light
Phytochrome multigene family

• Type I (encoded by phyA)

• Expressed in dark grown tissue, rapidly disappears
in light, as it is unstable in Pfr forme.g. VLFR, LFR,
and De-etiolation under shade in shade plants (HIR)
• Type II (encoded by phyB-E)
• Stable in Pfr form and remains active throughout
the life of the plant.e.g. Shade avoidance response
andDe-etiolation in full sun in sun plants (HIR)
Phytochrome in ‘sun’ and ‘shade’ plants

• Small seeds from sun plants:

– Need light to germinate
– Quickly become de-etiolated (in full sun)
– Will show shade-avoidance (if under a canopy)
• Large seeds from shade-tolerant plants:
– Will germinate in the dark, deep understory
– Will de-etiolate under a canopy
– Will remain short even under a canopy

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