Eng 2

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Welcome to our
presentation !
Md. Najmul Hasan
Md. Shohidul Islam Polash
Abu Taher
Sarwar Azmain Eyafi
 Definition: Conditional tenses are used to
speculate about what could happen, what
might have happened, and what we wish would
Example: If I won the lottery , I would travel
around the world.
 Types of Conditional Sentences:
1.Zero Conditional Sentences
2.First Conditional Sentences
3.Second Conditional Sentences
4.Third Conditional Sentences
Zero Conditional Sentences

Zero conditional sentences express general truths—

situations in which one thing always causes another. When
you use a zero conditional, you’re talking about a general
truth rather than a specific instance of something.

Rules: If + Simple present + Simple present.

Example: 1.If you don’t brush your teeth, you get cavities.
2.If you heat ice , it melts.
First Conditional Sentences

 First conditional sentences are used to express situations in

which the outcome is likely (but not guaranteed) to
happen in the future.
Rules: If + simple present + simple future (will + verb’s
present form)

Examples: 1.If you don't hurry, you will miss the train.
2. If it rains, you will get wet.
3. If you study regularly , You will get CGPA 4 .
Second Conditional Sentences

Second conditional sentences are useful for expressing

outcomes that are completely unrealistic or will not
likely happen in the future.

Rules: If + simple past + would + verb’s present form.

Examples: 1.If it rained, you would get wet.
2. If she fell, she would hurt herself.
Third Conditional Sentences

Third conditional sentences are used to explain that present

circumstances would be different if something different had
happened in the past.

Rules: If + past perfect + would have + verb’s past

participle form
Examples:1.If it had rained, you would have gotten wet.
2. If you had worked harder, you would have
passed your
exam .
Some exercise for classmates

1. I ____ (to call) the office if I was you.
2. If we meet at 9:30, we ____(to have) plenty of time.
3.If you spoke louder, your classmates ____(to understand) you.
4.Dan ____(to arrive) safe if he drove slowly.
5.You _____(to have) no trouble at school if you had done your

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