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The reference book

“If You Want to Succeed in
Your English Vocabulary”

Made by: Ekaterina Balabanova

Student of the 8th class Lyceum.
“If You Want to Succeed in
Your English Vocabulary”
Levels of English knowledge.
“If You Want to Succeed in
Your English Vocabulary”
An actual problem : using different words-synonyms
according the context of the text.

The main idea: to create the product, which helps me

and my schoolmates to improve English skills in
using words.

The aim of the project : to systematize the most-met

English words through the analyzing of the
examination assignments.
“If You Want to Succeed in Your
English Vocabulary”
• to analyze the examination assignments;
• to define which words are used more
• to study different informative sources
(dictionary, the Internet, the reference
• to make the product of the project.
“If You Want to Succeed in
Your English Vocabulary”
The stage Time Results
The stage Time Results
the theme and the
Formulation of the problem
Formulation November,
of the problem November, 2017 2017 the theme and problemthe of the work
problem of the work
were formed
were formed
Planning the activities
Planning the activities November,
November, 2017 2017 work plan was made work plan was made
The choice of theThe choice of the product December,
product December, 20172017
- - the reference book
shape February, 2018 the reference book
shape The search of necessary December, 2018 2017 - the necessary
information February, 2018 information was
the necessary
The search of necessary December, 2017 - February, collected
The creation of the product March - April, 2018 the product was made information was
information 2018 with using Publisher
The creation of the April, 2018 Power Point
presentation presentation was the
createdproduct was made
The creation of the product
Protection of the project March
April, 2018 - April, 2018
with using Publisher
The creation of the Power Point presentation
April, 2018
presentation was created
Protection of the project April, 2018  
“If You Want to Succeed in
Your English Vocabulary”

Methods of the work : analysis and


The recourses for the work: exam’s

assignments, the Internet,
dictionaries, reference books.
“If You Want to Succeed
in Your English
The product of the project: the reference book for
preparing for English exams which is called “If You
Want to Succeed in Your English Vocabulary”.
“If You Want to Succeed in Your English
landlord- хозяин, хозяйка, владелец Try to insert the correct word:
жилья, гостиницы, дома или квартиры
(по отношению к жильцам, • The ________ says your rent is
квартиросъемщику) late.
host- хозяин, хозяйка • The _____ circulated among the
(по отношению к гостям)
master- хозяин, хозяйка (по отношению guests.
к слугам, прислуге, животным, а также • Such _____ , such servant.
по отношению к другим домочадцам • The _______ is having to close
более низкого социального положения)
owner- хозяин, владелец the shop
employer- хозяин, работодатель (по down.
отношению к служащим и рабочим • The _______ wants to cut back
boss- хозяин, начальник (разговорная health benefits.
форма, часто используется как • I'll ask my _____ if I can leave
обращение) work early tomorrow.
“If You Want to Succeed in Your
English Vocabulary”
Right answers:
• The landlord says your rent is late.
• The host circulated among the guests.
• Such master, such servant.
• The owner is having to close the shop down.
• The employer wants to cut back health benefits.
• I'll ask my boss if I can leave work early
“If You Want to Succeed in Your
English Vocabulary”
The practical value of the project:
Working with the reference book and doing exercises
of it pupils has got the opportunity to learn and revise
the words of the English language, which are the
synonyms but are used in the particular situations.
Thanks to my project learners of English can improve
their speaking skills and it helps to achieve better
results in English learning. Teachers can use the work in
their teaching process, especially preparing the
students for examinations.
“If You Want to Succeed in Your
English Vocabulary”
The selection of information from different
sources and arranging it into a single
The further work:
Systematizing other aspects of English
vocabulary: antonyms of the English
language and phrasal verbs.
Thank you for your

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