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Who will reengineer ?

..a journey from familiar to unknown.

How companies select and organize the People who actually do reengg is key
to success of the endeavor
• Following roles emerge during work with companies that are
implementing reengg
• Leader:- senior executive who authorizes and motivates the overall
reengg effort.
• Process owner:- a manager with responsibility for a specific process
and the rengg effort focused on it.
• Reengg teams:-a group of individuals dedicated to the reengg of a
particular process , who diagnose the existing process and oversees
its redesign and implementation
• Steering committee:- a policy making body , who develop the
organization’s overall reengg . strategy and monitors its progress
• Reengg czar:- an individual responsible for developing reengg
techniques and tools within the company’s separate reengg projects.
In an ideal world:- the relationship among these,
• the leader appoints process owners
• Process owners converse reengg team,
• to reengineer the process with the assistance
from the czar under auspices of steering

• A senior executive with enough clout to cause an

organization ti turn itself inside out and upside
down to persuade people to accept radical
disruptions that reengg brings.
• If no senior executive then someone who is sized
by a passion
- to reinvent the company
-to make the organization the best in business
-to get it completely right.
Role of leader

• To act as visionary and motivator.

• To kick off the organization’s reengg efforts.
(set new vision, new std, induce to translate
vision to reality).
• To create an environment conductive to
reengg .
• Leadership • Other traits
• One’s ability to get others to • Decisiveness
willingly follow one • Integrity
• Ability to direct a team to • Ability to motivate
achieve organizational goals,
and in extreme conditions, led • Communicate and inspire
by the leader’s vision , direct • HUMILITY (noble, fair , open
organization goal. and honest)

Good leader is one who

• Is magnanimous (does not
hoard credit)
(AS TO Jack Welch) • Passes credit
• Good business leaders • Faces the music
• Create a vision • Stands up
• Articulate the vision • Gains respect and unflinching
• Passionately own the vision support.
• Relentlessly drive it to
Job of leader

• urging the owner and teams to perform.

• supporting them so that they can perform.
(‘be bold , if you get heat from anyone, pass it
on me if someone block your way, let me
know , I will take care of it’).
To find commander appropriate working space for the teamswho fills the

• Someone who has enough authority overall stake holders in the processes.
• Someone who have Ambition, Restlessness and Intellectual curiosity.
• Someone who will be able to muster the passion and enthusiasm the effort
• Someone who makes them want what he or she want
• Someone who articulates a vision and persuades people that they want to
become part of it.
• Someone who has visionary.
• Someone who has demonstrates leadership (signals, symbols and systems)
a)fanatic : someone who can’t change his mind and won’t change his subject.
b) actions: to reinforce the contents of signals to demonstrate that he live his
c)systems: must measure and reward performance (we celebrate noble failure).
• Someone who is strong, aggressive , committed and knowledgeable.
Process owner

• Who is responsible for reengg a specific

• Who is senior level manager
• Who carries prestige, credibility and clout
within company
• Who have comfortable with change ,Tolerant
of ambiguity ,Sereve in adversity
Job of Process owner

• To see that reengg gets done

• To assemble a reengg team
• To do whatever is required
• To obtain resources that team requires
• To run interference with bureaucracy
• To gain cooperation of other managers
• To motivate, inspire and advise their teams
• To act as critics, Spokesperson , monitor and liaison
• To act as a shield , so that their teams can concentrate on
making reengg happen
Reengineering team (Job)

• The heavy lifting – produce ideas, plans

• To turns them into reality
• Reinvent the business
“Truth arises from disagreement amongst
friends .”
Reengineering team…
Points to be noted :-
• No team can reengineer more than one
process at a time
• They are teams not committees , so should be
small <5,<10 ; ratio of 2 or 3 insider to one
insider is right .
• Team members are expected to make
mistakes and to learn from them
Reengineering team…
• One who is currently working inside the process
• Come from various functions involved in process
• Know the existing process and how the company performs
• Have credibility with worker , hence act as key agents (to understand what is
being changed, team needs insider but to change it , the team needs a
disruptive element i.e. outsider)
Outsider are one who
• Don’t work in process
• Good listeners
• Good communicators
• Job is to make waves
• Imaginative thinkers.
Reengineering involves

• invention and discovery;- creativity and synthesis

• team must feel comfortable with ambiguity and make mistakes.
• Conventional organisation are analytic details oriented find
right answer the first time model of Problem solving is lengthy
period of analysis leads to a plan so perfect…..
• Reengineering requires team to go through an iterative learning
process as it reinvents a new way of performing work.
• Team members have to unlearn the traditional Problem solving
style, difficult.
• No official head.
Steering committee

• Optional aspect of reengineering governance structure.

• Is a collection of senior managers not limited to the
process owners
• Plans the organization overall reengineering strategy
• The order of priority among all the company’s
completing reengineering projects .
• Allocation of resources
• Act as part supreme court, part mutual aid society part
house of loads
• Leader should chair the group.
Reengineering czar
• Serves as the leader’s chief of staff for reengineering
• Should report to the leader directly
Functions of czar
• enabling and supporting each individual process owner and
• Co-ordinating all ongoing reengineering activities .
• Concerned with developing the infrastructure for reengineering .
• To anticipate these infrastructure needs and to meet them even
before they arise.
• Czars become problems by becoming too controlling and
forgetting that the leader and process owner are incharge.

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