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• By definition, a celestial
body is any natural body
outside of the Earth’s
atmosphere. A few
examples are the other
planets in our solar system
(Mercury, Venus, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus(not
mine), and Neptune),
asteroids, meteoroids,
comets, stars, and black
There are two groups that the planets in our solar system belong to: The Terrestrial
Planets and the Gas giants

Terrestrial Planets Gas Giants

• Comprised mostly of • Made out of mostly gas.
rocks. • Has the planets Jupiter, Saturn,
• Has the planets Uranus, and Neptune
Mercury, Venus, Earth,
and Mars
• The word terrestrial
comes from the latin
word “terra” which is
why all the planets here
are rocky.
• Mercury is the closest planet to
the sun. It travels around the sun
the fastest. It was named Mercury
after the messenger of the gods
which is said to be faster than any
• It is the second planet from the
sun. It is the hottest planet despite
Mercury being closer to the sun. It
was named after the roman
goddess of love and beauty.
• The Earth is the third planet from
the sun. Unlike the other planets,
Earth wasn’t named from a roman
god. It is also known as the blue
planet because its color is
dominantly blue. It is the only
planet in our solar system that
supports life.
• Mars is the fourth planet from the
sun. It is named after the roman
god of war because its color is like
blood which is usually everywhere
during a war.
• It is the fifth planet from the sun. It
was named after the king of the
roman gods since it is the largest
planet within our solar system. It
has had a huge ongoing storm for
a long time which is seen as a
giant red dot.
• It is the sixth planet from the sun.
It is named after the roman god of
agriculture. It isn’t the only planet
with rings but it is the planet in
our solar system that has the most
visible rings.
• Uranus is the seventh planet from
the sun. It wass named after the
ML hero roman god which was
called father sky.
• It is the eighth planet from the
sun. It was named after the roman
god of the sea. It is the coldest
planet in our solar system since it
is the farthest planet from the sun.
• Asteroids-A large rocky body in
space that is orbiting the sun.
• Meteoroids-It is like an asteroid but
is smaller in size.
• These are mostly found in the
asteroid belt in between the orbits
of Jupiter and Mars.
• Stars are celestial bodies made
out of mostly gasses. They create
energy through fusion by fusing
elements into heavier ones. They
eventually become iron which is
considered as nuclear ash since it
can no longer produce energy
through fusion. One of the most
common examples of a star is our
sun. Stars have different colors
depending on the amount of
energy they produce.
• Once stars use up too many elements.
They will no longer have enough
elements to undergo fusion. Once this
happens, it will no longer have enough
energy to combat the force of gravity
pulling all of its matter into the core.
Since all of the elements are getting
more dense as they fall into the core,
fusion is able to happen again and
much stronger producing enough
energy to beat gravity and send all the
elements into outer space. This is
called a supernova. Scientists believe
that this is where all the heavier
elements come from as the iron in the
core will be forced to fuse again.
• Once stars use up too many elements.
They will no longer have enough
elements to undergo fusion. Once this
happens, it will no longer have enough
energy to combat the force of gravity
pulling all of its matter into the core.
Since all of the elements are getting
more dense as they fall into the core,
fusion is able to happen again and
much stronger producing enough
energy to beat gravity and send all the
elements into outer space. This is
called a supernova. Scientists believe
that this is where all the heavier
elements come from as the iron in the
core will be forced to fuse again.
• Once stars use up too many elements.
They will no longer have enough
elements to undergo fusion. Once this
happens, it will no longer have enough
energy to combat the force of gravity
pulling all of its matter into the core.
Since all of the elements are getting
more dense as they fall into the core,
fusion is able to happen again and
much stronger producing enough
energy to beat gravity and send all the
elements into outer space. This is
called a supernova. Scientists believe
that this is where all the heavier
elements come from as the iron in the
core will be forced to fuse again.
• Once stars use up too many elements.
They will no longer have enough
elements to undergo fusion. Once this
happens, it will no longer have enough
energy to combat the force of gravity
pulling all of its matter into the core.
Since all of the elements are getting
more dense as they fall into the core,
fusion is able to happen again and
much stronger producing enough
energy to beat gravity and send all the
elements into outer space. This is
called a supernova. Scientists believe
that this is where all the heavier
elements come from as the iron in the
core will be forced to fuse again.
• After a supernova, the star may
become a neutron star. It is much
denser than a regular star. This is
because all the leftover matter
from the supernova are
compacted into a very much
smaller space. This star spins
many times per second. Inside a
neutron star is nuclear pasta as
the atoms are theorized to form in
a weird way. Closer to the core,
the atoms turn into quarks which
might become strange quarks.
• A blackhole is the other thing a
star can become once it dies is a
black hole. It becomes so dense
that it starts pulling everything
towards its center making it
denser. The first image of a
blackhole is actually its silhouettes
against the light around it. This is
because nothing can escape a
blackhole. Not even light which
makes it impossible to picture
since cameras use the refelection
of light to capture an image.
• It has the most energy in the
universe being able to blast
gamma-rays a trillion times more
powerful than visible light. In a few
seconds, it can release more
energy than the sun can over it’s
entire life. To create this energy,
material must be emitted at
99.99% the speed of light. The
material is then forced through
gas which makes the gamma-ray
burst itself.
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