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Answers to Practice

Lambda #11.4 (2/3e) or 13.4 (1e)
Gamma #12.4 (2/3e) or 14.4 (1e)
Computing Lambda (λ) for 11.4 (13.4)
• The question asks “Are sex and the perception
for more social occasions associated?”

E1  E 2
• Formula for Lambda:  

– Where E1 = (N – the largest row total)

– and E2 = (For each column, subtract the largest cell
frequency from its column total and then add the
differences together)
Computing Lambda (λ) for 11.4 (13.4) cont.

• To compute λ, we must first find E1 and E2:

– E1 = N – largest row total = 1173-747 = 426
– E2 = For each column, subtract the largest cell
frequency from the col. total and add together
= (496-321) + (677-426) = 175 + 251 = 426

Sex (x)
Parties? (y) Male Female Total
Yes 10 12 22

No 17 5 22

Total 27 17 44
Lambda (λ) cont.
• Substitute E1 and E2 into formula:

E1  E 2 426  426
  0
E1 426

• Therefore, since lambda=0, knowing the

resident’s sex does not reduce error in predicting
whether residents would prefer more social
Gamma for Healey #14.4 (1e), #12.4 in 2/3e)
• The question asks if crime rates and city size are
associated for a random sample of 150 cities.

• Part a.
– Are the two variables, City Size, (measured as
Small, Medium and Large) and Crime Rate (Low
and High) associated?
– How strong is this association?
– What direction is the association?

• Part b.
– Is the association significant?
Part A: Gamma cont.
• Ns, start with the Low-Low cell (upper left), multiply each cell frequency
by total of all cell frequencies below and to the right and add together.
• Ns = 21(33+42) + 17(42) = 2289
• Nd, start with High-Low cell (upper right), multiply each cell frequency by
total of all cell frequencies below and to the left and add together.
• Nd = 8 (29+33) + 17 (29) = 989

City Size (x)

Crime Rate (y) Low Moderate High Total

Low 21 17 8 46

High 29 33 42 104

Totals 50 50 50 150
Part A: Gamma (cont.)
ns  nd 2289  989 1300
G    0.397
ns  nd 2289  989 3278

Value Strength
Between 0.0
Using the table from Weak
and 0.30
the gamma powerpoint,
we see that G =+0.397
0.30 and Moderate
is a moderate positive 0.60
Greater than
Part B: Testing Gamma for Significance

• Step 1: Assumptions
– Random sample, ordinal, Sampling Dist. is normal

• Step 2: Null and Alternate hypotheses

– Ho: γ=0, H1: γ≠0 (Note: γ is the population value of

• Step 3: Sampling Distribution and Critical

– Z-distribution, α = .05, z = +/-1.96
Part B: Testing Gamma for Significance (cont.)
• Step 4: Calculating Test Statistic:

n s  nd 2289  989
z G  .397  2.02

N 1 G2  150(1  .397 2 )

• Step 5: zobt > zcr Reject Ho. The Association between city size
and crime is significant (z= 2.02, α =.05)

• Summary: the three questions….

– Association is significant
– It is moderate
– The direction is positive. As city size goes up, so does the crime rate.

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