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Name: Harsh Sharma, Birender Kumar
Roll No: 11610666, 11610664
Section: M5
Submitted to: Mukesh Kumar

To study and measure the

deflection of the cantilever
beam for a given load.
Apparatus required
 Inductive Pick up with
Instrumentation Tutor
Strain Measurement
 Vernier Calliper
 Wooden Blocks of
known dimensions
 Inductive pick-up is a self
generating type secondary
 It consists of a core of a magnetic
material and two coils of inductance
L1 and L2.
 The core is the only moving
component and the object whose
displacement is to be measured is
attached to the core. Circuit
 When load is applied the displacement
is transmitted to the core.
 The movements of the core alters the
relative inductance of the coil
 The inductance of one coil increases
and other coil decreases.
 This causes variation in output voltage
of the Wheatstone Bridge circuit
and the it varies linearly with the
displacement of the core.
e and ensure the
1. Check the apparatus
smooth movement of core.
2. Connect the leads of the Inductive pick- Instrumentation tutor
up to proper port in instrumentation tutor.
3. Switch on the power supply and check
the connections.
4. Set the span of the output voltage
measuring device with the help of span
knob on the tutor.
5. Set the output voltage measuring device
at zero/preference position.
6. Place the wooden blocks between the core shaft tip and the
reference surface one by one smoothly, and note down the
output voltage corresponding to each displacement.
7. Repeat the above step with the same wooden block at least
thrice to get three set readings.
8. Plot a curve between the output voltage and linear
displacement and obtain beat fitting straight line using the
method of least square.
9. Place the test object between the core shaft tip and
reference surface smoothly.
10.Note down the output voltage for current setting.
11.Corresponding to this output voltage, find out the linear
dimensions from the calibration curve obtained before.
12.Measure the linear dimensions of the test object with the
help of Vernier calliper.
13.Find out the percentage error in the measurement obtained
in step 12 w.r.t. the linear dimensions obtained.
Apparatus without Power

Apparatus Connected to
Power and value of strain is
set to 000
Weights are added to the cantilever
by dead weight of known value

The value of strain it

displayed on the indicator
and it noted for every
weight added
1. There should not be any physical defect in the measuring
2. The linear scale should be parallel to the axis to the LDR.
3. The outer cylinder of the LDR and the linear scale should be
firmly fixed to the base.
4. Movement of the inner cylinder should be smooth enough to
ensure a frictionless motion.
5. In collection of data points for calibration of LDR, the linear
displacement of the inner cylinder should be overly distributed
over its range in one direction.
6. Remove parallax error, if any, in the output device.
7. Take steady state output values.
Source of error

 Give a scientific justification of you result point

 Identify the modifying and the interfering
inputs that are sources of error in the results.
Experimental Level outcome

After performing this experiment, students will

be able to calibrate an LDR for measurement of
a displacement in static as well as dynamic
conditions as per the scientific standards.

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