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The Association Between Water Sanitation With Nutrition Status of

6 months -24 month at 10 Village Stunting Sumedang Disrtrict in 2020

Yunita RMB Sitompul, Florentina Rahabeat, Paulus Alvayonando, Cicylia Mangindaan, Ria Lubis

Departement of Public Health

Faculty of Medicine Christian University
Christian University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Nutritional status is a measure of a person's body condition that can be seen from the food consumed
and the use of nutrients in the body. One way to do measurements of body weight and height according
to age and gender. Environmental sanitation is the health status of an environment that includes
settlement, sewage disposal, water supply, waste management and water pollution. The research use
observational analytic, with a cross sectional design. The population in this study were all all children
aged 0-2 years at 10 Village Stunting Sumedang Disrtrict. Data analysis usisng analysis bivariate.

INTRODUCTION malnourished children under five with

Southeast Asia has an incidence of malnutrition of poor water sanitation are 28
49.9%. In Indonesia, in 2018, infants under 2 years respondents. THe number of
with malnutrition are 13.8%. According to the
underweight toddlers with poor water
Ministry of Health in 2018, the province of West
Java is in the lowest order. Malnutrition itself has
sanitation are 7 respondents
several factors, including economic, education,
customs, nutrition and parenting. The environment CONCLUSION
is one of the things that need to be considered for There are 16 respondents (38,1%) who used
example water sanitation, because it can affect the refills and 26 others used pump water for
child's developmental body Drinki water consume (61,9%). 42
respondents manage the water before they
METHOD comsumotion (100%). there are 22
respondents who have latrines <10 meters
It is a observational analytic, with a cross sectional
(52,4%), 20 others > 10 meters (47,6%).
design and data analysis using chi square. The
14 respondents have good sanitation (33,3%)
population of all children aged 0-2 years, with a
and 28 respondents have bad
total sample of 41 respondents
sanitation(66,7%). Based on the z score there
RESULT are 30 respondents(71,4%) with normal
The number of short toddlers with poor water height and followed by 12 respondents
sanitation are 17 respondents. The number of (28,6%) who have short height

UNICEF (2019) The State of the World’s Children 2019: Children, food and nutrition: Growing well in a changing world  Hasil Utama Riset Kesehatan
Dasar (Riskesdas) 2018. Kementerian kesehatan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan   Profil Kesehatan Indonesia. Kementerian
Kesehatan Republik Indonesia 2018. Sholikah A, Rustiana E R, Yuniastuti. Faktor - Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Status Gizi Balita di Pedesaan
dan Perkotaan. Public Health Perspective Journal 2 (1) (2017). Hal 9 -  18

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