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A.Uma Mahesh (16131A1206)

Ch.Surya Meghana (16131A1222)
D.Mounika (16131A1226)
K.Gayathri Sai Prathyusha (16131A1255)
 Our moto is to determine the frequency of planets
orbiting Sun-like stars, but these planets are on the very
edge of the mission's detection sensitivity. Accurately
determining the occurrence rate of these planets will
require automatically and accurately assessing the
likelihood that individual candidates are indeed planets,
even at low signal-to-noise ratios. We present a method
for classifying potential planet signals using deep
learning, a class of machine learning algorithms that
have recently become state-of-the-art in a wide variety
of tasks. We train a deep convolutional neural network
to predict whether a given signal is a transiting
exoplanet or a false positive caused by astrophysical or
instrumental phenomena.
 An exoplanet or extra solar planet is a planet
outside the Solar System. Planets that orbit around
other stars are called exoplanets. Exoplanets are
very hard to see directly with telescopes. They are
hidden by the bright glare of the stars they orbit.
  The light curve is a graph that shows the
brightness of the star over time, and is the
measurement Kepler makes to discover
exoplanets. The dip in light that happens when the
planet passes in front of the star is called the
"transit." Transits give information about the planet's
size and orbit.
 In this project we will be taking the data set which
is produced by the Kepler telescope.
 The data set is in the form of numpy array which
consists of light curve, planet candidate,
astrophysical false positive (AFP), and
nontransiting phenomenon (NTP).
 We randomly partitioned our data into three
subsets: training (80%), validation (10%), and test
(10%). We used the validation set during
development to choose model hyper-parameters,
and we used the test set to evaluate final model
 PyTorch is an open source machine learning library
based on the Torch library, used for applications
such as computer vision and natural language
processing. It is primarily developed by Facebook's
AI Research lab. It is free and open-source
software released under the Modified BSD license.
 We are using PyTorch in this project development
because it is much easier to use than tensor flow.
 In order to detect the exoplanets we are going to
develop a convolutional neural network
 The workflow of the model is explained in further

A CNN typically consists of convolutional layers and pooling

layers  The input to a (one-dimensional) convolutional layer
is a stack of K vectors   of length , and the output is a stack
of L vectors  (l = 1,2, ..., L) of length ni. The operation that
takes the stack of K input vectors to the lth output vector is
called a feature map and is defined by the operation

Where * is the discrete cross-correlation operation

(colloquially called "convolution"),  is a vector of length mi of
learned parameters called the convolution kernel or filter,  is
a vector of length ni of learned bias parameters, and  is an
element wise activation function.
 The first step of the project is we divide the data set
into three parts. That is the global light curves, local
light curves, the info .
 This is done by constructing a class and then the
obtained output is reshaped to make a single row
for better processing.
 In this we are constructing the base architecture for
our model.
 We will be constructing the model with three
convolution layers, one for the global light curves,
one for local light curves. In the third layer it is a
fully connected layer i.e. it is generated by the
combination of the outputs generated from the first
two layers.
 After the architecture model is prepared , our model is
ready to be trained.
 In order to train our model and get the precise
accuracy for the detection we should pass some
parameters to our training model.
They are:
1: number of epochs for training
2:data loader for training set
3: data loader for validation set
4: model being trained
5: criterion for calculating the loss
6: optimizer used for training
Epoch is nothing but the number of times the model should train
itself so that it gets better accuracy in the prediction. The higher
the epoch value the greater the accuracy.

Criterion for calculating the loss:

It is the amount of the limit that we can able to face the loss.

Optimizer used for training:

In this model we will be using Adam optimizer
Adam is an optimization algorithm that can be used instead of
the classical stochastic gradient descent procedure to update
network weights iterative based in training data.
 After all the requirements are gathered now it is
time for the execution.
 During the execution for every epoch iteration the
epoch value loss that is its validation loss, epoch
value accuracy(validation accuracy) and the
average precision is calculated and displayed as
 Basing on the above values generated the final
predictions and ground truths for validation set are

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