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What is Compassion?

The dictionary defines it as…

How do you learn to be a compassionate person?

Here are some examples…

Being sympathetic, sincere,

kind, a listening ear, are
some ways you can become
a compassionate person.
Video about compassion, Mr Lee’s Story

What do you think after watching the video? What are some
values Mr Lee displays?
Eg: Perseverance, Compassion, Empathy, Care…

From A Straits Times Article:

Offers of donations and assistance have poured in for Mr Lee
Cho Poon, an 83-year-old retired busker who has opened his
rental flat to three different housemates over the past
decade, caring for their every need, including their funerals.
But when The Straits Times visited Mr Lee in his one-room
apartment in Ang Mo Kio on Wednesday, he politely declined
every one of them, asking instead that donors help those less
fortunate than he is.
What are some takeaways from Mr Lee’s story?

Some are…

- Putting other’s needs before

our own
- Understanding people’s
Lending a helping hand in - Acknowledging their pain
someone’s time of need.

-Despite being so old and feeble ,

persevering to care for others.
-Caring for strangers with no place to go
despite him not having a very stable life
What are some things we can do right now at school / home?

Always be respectful.

Pick up rubbish
even if it is not
ours. Be
considerate to
the cleaners.
Be thoughtful, think and
empathise with the person.
Help out with chores whenever possible
-Sweeping / vacuuming / mopping the floor
Lend a
-Bring out the cutlery to eat
helping hand
-Wash your own dishes
-Help out with house maintenance (eg:
cleaning the windows, washing the bathroom,
hanging clothes to dry, watering the plants
-Feed pets daily (if you have any)
Now we come to the end of this talk,
do remember how to be
compassionate and never stop
learning. Do try your best to be as
helpful and considerate as you can.
--- Goodbye!!! ---

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