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Ariel Cheong Hui En

Compassion: Definition

■ sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes

of others.
■ If someone shows kindness, caring, and a willingness to help
others, they're showing compassion. This is a word for a very
positive emotion that has to do with being thoughtful and
decent. ... When you have compassion, you're putting yourself
in someone else's shoes and really feeling for them.
■ The definition of compassionate is someone who shows
kindness and empathy to others or is something or some act
that expresses kindness or empathy.
Compassion: why should we be
compassionate towards others?
■ Being compassionate can improve our physical health,
emotional well-being and naturally, our relationships. ...
Because compassion is a natural human instinct we believe now
that is essential to a healthy and fulfilling
life. Compassion naturally bonds and connects us to others.
■ Compassion gives us the ability to understand someone else's
situation and the desire to take action to improve their lives. ...
For people who are dependent on others for help and
support, compassion is often the most important factor in
allowing them to lead fulfilling lives.
■ If someone shows kindness, caring, and a willingness to
help others, they're showing compassion. This is a word for a
very positive emotion that has to do with being thoughtful and
Compassion: examples

Compassion consists of six 'attributes': Sensitivity, Sympathy, Empathy,

Caring, Distress Tolerance, and Non-Judgement. 6. “The feeling that arises

in witnessing another's suffering and that motivates a subsequent desire to
Make eye contact, keep your body turned toward the person speaking, and

listen quietly. You might also practice active listening, which involves
paraphrasing what you’ve just heard, and ask open-ended questions to
send the message that you’re ready to hear more.
The best way to learn how to be compassionate toward others is to be

compassionate with yourself. Praise yourself for your successes (even

things as little as making your bed in the morning) and forgive yourself for
your mistakes. Focus on your strengths and positive qualities.
Compassion: why is it important?
• Compassion and empathy are fundamental aspects of quality
relationships as they enable kind and loving behavior. ... Not
only does showing compassion for others make us feel better
about ourselves, but self-compassion also serves
an important function for well-being.
• When individuals view their own behaviors and shortcomings
without compassion, they may ruminate about their faults
and inadequacies in such a way that erodes self-esteem and

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