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Teachings of lord

Outline of chapter one – “Teachings to
Rupa Goswami” [C.c.M.19.37-236]
Chanting the name of Krishna
 That seed of devotional service received from the
pure devotee is the lord’s holy name.
 When watered by continual chanting, the seed of
devotion fructifies and grows, piercing through the
universal covering and entering the spiritual sky,
where it continues to grow until it blooms in full
flower of love of godhead.
Offenses to the holy name of
the lord
 The “mad elephant offense”, or Vaishnav aparadha-
1. When growing any plant, there is a danger that
animal may come and destroy or eat it.
2. An offense to a pure devotee of the lord can
similarly wreak havoc with the devotional creeper.
Ten offense against holy name
1. Blasphemy of great devotee.
2. Denial of lord Vishnu as absolute truth.
3. Considering the spiritual master to be an ordinary man.
4. Blasphemy of Vedic literature and authorized scriptures like the puranas.
5. Considering the glories of the holy name to be exaggeration.
6. Concocting perverted theories about the holy name.
7. Committing sinful activities on the strength of chanting.
8. Considering religious rituals to be equal to the chanting of hare Krishna.
9. Preaching the glories of the holy name to the faithless person.
10. To maintain material attachments while chanting the holy name.
Some other offense are –
O Attraction to too many followers.
O Desiring liberation.
O Neglecting the four regulative principles.
Some Further Considerations of
devotional service:
 No desire should be had by the devotee ,except for the desire to advance
in Krishna consciousness.
1. He should not worship any demigod , or any other form of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead.
2. Should not speculate.
3. Should not engage in fruitive work
 The devotee should minimize bodily demands , enough to simply keep
body and soul together .
 He should engage the senses in Krishna's service.
 He should reject all kinds of liberation for his personal sense gratification:
1. Oneness with lord.
2. Living on the same planet as the lord.
3. Having the same form as the lord.
4. Having the same opulence as the lord.
5. Living side by side with the lord.
Three Stages Of Devotional
 Beginning of cultivation [9 processes of bhakti-yoga.]
 Realization of service.
 Attainment of love of Godhead [Frist 3 stages from
1. Sneha- melting of heart.
2. Mana- hiding of love by crooked means [distain].
3. Pranaya- love that avoids honor.
The Elements Of Krishna-
A. Sthayi-bhava- (the context of steadiness itself,
where is no fear of falling down);this mixes with .
B. Vibhva- [special ecstasy];
C. Anubhava- [sub ecstasy];
D. Sattvika- [natural ecstasy];
E. Vyabhichari- [transitory ecstasy].
O The total ecstasy of love has two component parts:
1. The context
2. The cause of excitement (transcendental qualities).


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