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Tissue are collections of cells with similar structures and functions. The tissue found in the function of the
organ is found.

Epithelial tissue

4 TYPES OF tissue
TISSUE Nervous
Muscle tissue
Epithelial tissue

Consists of cells that specialize in exchanging material between

the cell and its environment. Every material entering or leaving
the body must pass through a barrier epithelium.

The main function of epithelial tissue is as a protective layer

that protects the underlying tissue.

The location, function, and characteristics of epithelial tissue are

adjusted according to their type.
Classification of Epithelial Tissue
1 Simple Squamosa Epithelium

The cells have the appearance of thin scales. one layer

of squashed cells. Squamous cell nuclei tend to be flat,
horizontal, and elliptical, mirroring the form of the cell .
Examples in alveoli, kidneys, blood vessels smallest

There are 2 simple squamous epithelium in the body

a) Endothelium "inner covering", makes the surface
slippery, reduces friction in the walls of the lymph
vessels and all hollow organs such as the cardiovascular
b) Mesothelium "covering the middle", the epithelium
found in the wall serous membrane.
2 Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
Consists of one layer of cells in the shape of a cube.

In glands, the simple cuboidal cell forms the secretory

and ductal parts secrete to the target place.

In the thyroid gland, cuboid epithelial cells secrete

hormones hyroid like thyroxine.

In the salivary glands secrete saliva.

In the kidney tubules, this tissue functions to

reabsorption of substances that are still useful back into
the blood
3 Simple Columnar Epithelium
In simple columnar epithelium, the nucleus of the tall
column-like cells tends to be elongated and located in
the basal end of the cells.

This cell has functions for secretion and absorptionm

Found in the stomach and intestinal wall.

Another type of columnar cell is the goblet cell which is

a unicellular gland. Goblet cells secrete mucus found in
the intestinal wall and inner walls of the respiratory
tract such as the trachea.
4 Pseudostratified Collumnar Epithelium
Type of epithelium that appears to be stratified but instead
consists of a single layer of irregularly shaped and
differently sized columnar cells.

In pseudostratified epithelium, nuclei of neighboring cells

appear at different levels rather than clustered in the basal

The arrangement gives the appearance of stratification; all

the cells are in contact with the basal lamina, although
some do not reach the apical surface.

Pseudostratified columnar epithelium is found in the

respiratory tract, where some of these cells have cilia.
5 Stratified Squamosa Epithelium
The apical cells are squamous, whereas the basal layer
contains either columnar or cuboidal cells.

Found in areas that have a primary protective function.

Stratified squamous epithelium forms the outermost layer of

skin and is referred to as keratination.

Multilevel squamous epithelium of the non-keratinized type is

found in the lining of the oral cavity, esophagus, and in the
6 Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium

Usually consists of two layers of cells in the shape of a cube, and serves as a reinforcement of
the lumen wall. Its location in the sweat glands, pancreas and saliva.
7 Transitional Cubodial Epithelium

cell surfaces change the shape of the cuboid flattened (squamous), for example in the bladder which is coated
by a transitional epithelium.
8 Glandular Epithelium
A gland is a structure made up of one or more cells modified to synthesize and secrete chemical
substances. Most glands consist of groups of epithelial cells

The secretions of endocrine glands are called hormones. Hormones are released into the interstitial
fluid, diffused into the bloodstream, and delivered to targets, in other words, cells that have receptors
to bind the hormones. The endocrine system is part of a major regulatory system coordinating the
regulation and integration of body responses. A few examples of endocrine glands include the
anterior pituitary, thymus, adrenal cortex, and gonads.

Exocrine glands release their contents through a duct that leads to the epithelial surface. Mucous,
sweat, saliva, and breast milk are all examples of secretions from exocrine glands. They are all
discharged through tubular ducts. Secretions into the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, technically
outside of the body, are of the exocrine category.
connective tissue
Tissue that supports, protects,
a. Cover and protect other
and gives structure to other
networks. Connective tissue connective tissue cells are
tissues and organs in the body.
also forms a layer that dispersed in a matrix. A
Connective tissue also stores
separates tissue and characteristic feature of
fat, helps move nutrients and
organs. For example, connective tissue is that it has
other substances between
connective tissue separates little cellular component
tissues and organs, and helps
muscles, arteries, veins and compared to its intercellular
repair damaged tissue.
nerves from other parts. substance.
Connective tissue is made up
b. Bind tissue to one another
of cells, fibers, and a gel-like
(tendons and ligaments)
substance. Types of connective
c. Supports and moves body
tissue include bone, cartilage,
fat, blood, and lymphatic tissue.
d. Store substances.
1 Loose Connective Tissue

Also called as Areolar connective tissue

This network functions to wrap material in the body.

Tissue that can be found under the skin epidermal

tissue and under the epithelial tissue that is shared by
all external body systems. Areolar tissue cells
(connective transitions) are called fibroblasts.
2 Adipose Tissue
Also Called fat tissue that is special loose connective tissue
in which there are very few intercellular matrices.

Adipose tissue forms a protective pad around the kidneys,

heart, eyeballs, and various joints. This tissue can also be
found under the skin which protects it from heat. Adipose
tissue is located in the skin, heart, kidneys, bones, and eyes.

Adipose tissue cells are also referred to as adipocyte tissue

cells and have the main function of storing fat in the form
of liquid granules.
3 Dense Connective Tissue
Composed of layers with a dense protein layer.

Solid connective tissue is composed of structures such as

tendons, which connect bones, and most of the bones
that connect bones.

Dense elastic connective tissue is usually made of several

elastic ligaments, such as the vocal and nuchal folds
(back of the neck), which lie along the posterior neck,
helping to lift the head upright.

Solid irregular connective tissue forms a large part of the

skin, as well as connective tissue containing organs such
as kidneys and lymph organs.

Non-dense elastic connective tissue is found in the walls

of elastic arteries.
4 Elastic Connective Tissue
The main elastic connective tissue is elastin fiber.

Found inside the walls of large arteries, these tens

are stretched when the heart is contracting and
pumping blood and then vice versa these vessels
recoil when the heart relaxes.

Elastic connective tissue is also found around the

pulmonary alveoli. The elastic fibers are stretched
during inhalation, then returned during exhalation.
5 Cartillage (supportive connective tissue)
Hyaine cartilage, the most common type of cartilage in
the body, consists of short and dispersed collagen
fibers and contains large amounts of proteoglycans. It is
found in the rib cage and nose and covers

Fibrocartilage is tough because it has thick bundles of

collagen fibers dispersed through its matrix. The knee
and jaw joints and the the intervertebral discs are
examples of fibrocartilage

Elastic cartilage  contains elastic fibers as well as

collagen and proteoglycans. This tissue gives rigid
support as well as elasticity. Tug gently at your ear
lobes, and notice that the lobes return to their initial
shape. The external ear contains elastic cartilage.
6 Bones (supportive connective tissue)

The bone functions as a place to attach muscles and

acts as a mechanical lever to make movements. Bone
also plays a role in the formation of blood cells and
serves as a place to store mineral salts.

There are two types of bones:

Spongibone : looks like a sponge or cork.
Compact bone : denser and almost no space between
several thin layers of bone or lamellae
7 Blood (fluid connective tissue)
Blood is a unique connective tissue because it only has
a liquid matrix. Blood acts as a transport of compounds
throughout the body.

Blood cells are produced from stem cells in the red

bone marrow (hemopoetic tissue). Blood cells consist of
red blood cells (erythrocytes), platelets, and 5 types of
white blood cells (leukocytes), namely neutrophils,
euseinophils, basophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes.
8 Lymph (fluid Connective Tissue)

Lymph is an extracellular fluid that flows in lymphatic

vessels. Lymph is a liquid connective tissue consisting
of several types of cells in a clear liquid extracellular
matrix that is similar to blood plasma, but has little

Lymph drains into blood vessels, delivering molecules

to the blood that could not otherwise directly enter
the bloodstream. In this way, specialized lymphatic
capillaries transport absorbed fats away from
the intestine and deliver these molecules to the
Muscle tissue
Muscle tissue is a special network for contractions.

Muscle cells are excitable; they respond to a stimulus.

The main characteristic of muscle tissue is its ability to shorten

and thicken (contraction). This is due to the interaction of two
contractile proteins namely actin and myosin which form
microfilaments in the cytoplasm and are responsible for the
contraction process.

muscle tissue maintains body posture, generate heat, also

provides protection.
Types of Epithelial Tissue
3 Skeletal Muscle
Skeletal muscle is also commonly called a striated muscle
or conscious muscle

Cell (fiber) The long, cylindrical skeletal muscles contain

many nuclei located at the edge of the cell and appear to
be striped.

Each muscle cell has its own motor nerve endings.

Skeletal muscle is controlled by conscious nerves
because a person can intentionally cause contraction of
skeletal muscle to achieve certain body movements.
3 Smooth Muscle
smooth muscle is also referred to as unconscious
muscle or visceral muscle

tissue contraction is responsible for involuntary

movements in the internal organs.

smooth muscle acts to push substances through organs

by contraction and relaxation. Called smooth muscle
because it does not have lines or ribbons as do skeletal

In artery and vein walls, smooth muscle constricts or

dilates vessels to maintain normal blood pressure. The I
ris from the eye has two sets of smooth muscle to
constrict or dilate the pupils that regulate the amount
of light that enters the retina.
3 Cardiac Muscle
Cardiac muscle forms the contractile walls of the heart.
The cells of cardiac muscle, known as cardiomyocytes,
also appear striated under the microscope.

A principal characteristic of cardiomyocytes is that they

contract on their own intrinsic rhythms without any
external stimulation

The cardiac muscle pumps blood through the body and

is under involuntary control. 
Nervous Tissue
Cells in nerve tissue that
produce and condition
impulses are called neurons
(nerve cells).
This network coordinates our
This cell has 3 main parts: skeletal muscles, especially
dendrites, cell body, and one sensitivity to eyesight, taste, smell,
axon. and hearing.
This network controls our emotions
and reasoning abilities.
The nervous system has two
The neural network forms the
divisions: the central nervous
brain, spinal cord, and various
system and the peripheral
body nerves.
nervous system.

The neural network controls and

coordinates body activities. This
network allows us to understand
the environment and adapt to
changing conditions.

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