Social Midia: Advantages and Disadvantages Members: Leidys Tejedor Kathleen Vasquez

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Social Midia

Advantages and disadvantages

• Leidys tejedor
• Kathleen Vasquez

The biggest advantage of social networks is that thanks to

easy communication it is a good way to give inclusion
messages for example in June last month Instagram gave the
option to put your stories of the LGBT pride flag and also had
new pride stikers, and not only messages of pride but also of
acceptance such as raising self-esteem to people who do not
like their body

 network addition:
Much of the day we use the cell phone or computer to talk
through social networks and even when we put them aside
we are waiting for the call, messages and multiple
applications they have. For studies, this generates addictive
behavior and that is when there is addiction to networks
 grooming:
Another of these in grooming is when an adult who pretends
to be a child to talk to a minor trying to open his friendship,
to be able to deceive him and often comes to kidnapping and
rape; this mostly in whatsApp and messenger
 Cyber bullying:
we can see it reflected on Facebook, messenger and
Instagram among others and that is when a person is bullied
through the internet by lowering the self-esteem of this
person normally occurs in minors

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