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Anatomy of Thorax
Main Causes of Chest
Different Types of Chest
Treatments of Chest Injuries
Anatomy of the chest
Thoracic Inlet.
Connects thoracic cavity to the root of the Neck.
Thoracic Wall

Posteriorly- Thoracic vertebrae 12.

Anteriorly- Sternum and Costal Cartilages.
Laterally- Ribs and Intercostal spaces.
Thoracic Wall
• Trachea
• Bronchi
• Lungs
• Heart
• Great Vessels.
• Oesophagus
Chest Trauma
• In modern conditions the number of victims
with severe chest injury is growing and is 9-
11% of all multiple trauma. All traumatic
injuries of the thorax are divided into: isolated
and combined.
• Deaths in isolated injury is 2%, while combined
– 28%.
• Because the number of dead from serious
injuries in conjunction with chest injury in 62%
death occurred at the scene, at 21% - during
transport from, 16% - after hospitalization.
• Radiography of the chest, 1st choice.
• Ultrasound
• CT Scan- Gold Standard.
Rapid Diagnosis, 3- dimensional Images.

• Chest tube- may be theraputic and diagnostic.

• Angiography.
General Management
ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support ) Principles of Resuscitation
Aim- To Restore Physiology, rather than

Early assessment and primary survey.

Simultaneous aggressive resuscitation.
Secondary survey with full examination.
Transfer to a definitive site of care.
• A. Airway
Assess for airway patency and air exchange -
check at nose & mouth
Assess for intercostal and supraclavicular muscle
Assess oropharynx for foreign body obstruction
• B. Breathing
Assess respiratory movements and quality
of respirations - look, listen, feel.

Shallow respirations are early indicator of

distress - cyanosis is late.
You need to tilt the head back and pull the lower jaw
• C. Circulation
Skin - look and feel for color, temperature,
capillary refill- Look for cyanosis.
Assess pulses for quality, rate, regularity
Look at neck veins - flat vs. distended-fluid
deficit or decreased supply to body from heart
due to compression.
Main Causes of Chest
• Blunt Trauma-
Blunt force to chest.
• Penetrating Trauma-
Projectile that enters chest causing small or
large hole.
• Compression Injury-
Chest is caught between two objects and chest
is compressed.
Chest wall injuries
Rib fractures
Flail Chest
Sternal fractures
Thoracic spine injuries
Rib Fracture
Single or Multiple.
Usually after blunt trauma.
Fracture of First Rib is Associated with Injuries to great vessels,
important nerves of the upper limb.
If 8,10,11,12 Ribs involved, be suspicious for liver or spleen or
kidney injuries.
Broken Rib

Strong analgesia
Intercostal Nerve blocks
Pulmonary toilet -> Patient is asked to cough ,breathe deeply since
the patient is usually unable to do so resulting in poor clearance of
secretions. Reduces atelectasis and pneumonia.
Severe injuries require Internal Fixation with plates and screws
Leading syndromes
Pleuritic chest pain
Rapid shallow breathing
Flail Chest
The breaking of 2
or more ribs in 2
or more places
Flail Chest
Flail Chest
Leading syndromes of Flail Chest
• Painful Breathing.
• Paradoxical Chest Movements.
• Rapid, Shallow respiration, Dyspnea,
Tachypnea, Tachycardia.
• Bruising/Swelling.
• Crepitus (Grinding of bone ends on palpation).
• Diagnosis is purely clinical.
• Chest X-Ray, can be done to confirm.
Treatment of Flail Chest
• High Flow oxygen
• Adequate analgesia (Including opiates)
• Intra-plural local analgesia
• Observe the patient for development of
Pneumothorax and even worse Tension
If Tension Develops Needle Decompress affected
• Surgery -> internal operative fixation.
• Rapid Transport!
Bulky Dressing for splint of Flail Chest

• Use Trauma bandage

and Triangular
Bandages to splint
Treatment for flail chest
Deadly Dozen

• Airway obstruction • Aortic injuries

• Tension Pneumothorax • Tracheobronchial injuries
• Pericardial Temponade • Myocardial contusion
• Open Pneumothorax • Rupture of diaphragm
• Massive hemothorax • Esophageal injury
• Flail chest • Pulmonary contusion

Pneumothorax is air in the pleural space resulting in partial or

complete collapse of the lung space.
 Closed /Simple pneumothorax is one in which chest wall is
intact and air enters the pleural space from lung surface
 Open pneumothorax is Sucking Chest Wound in which air
enters the pleural space through opening in the chest wall.
Simple/Closed Pneumothorax
• Opening in lung tissue
that leaks air into
chest cavity
• Blunt trauma is main
• Usually self correcting
Closed Pneumothorax
Leading syndromes of
Simple/Closed Pneumothorax
• Chest Pain
• Dyspnea
• Tachypnea
• Decreased Breath Sounds on Affected Side
Treatment for Simple/Closed
• Airway Assistance as needed
• Provide supportive care
• Usually small and self limiting.
• Monitor for Development of Tension
Open Pneumothorax

• Opening in chest
cavity that allows air
to enter pleural cavity
• Causes the lung to
collapse due to
increased pressure in
pleural cavity
• Can be life threatening
and can deteriorate
Open Pneumothorax
Open Pneumothorax
Open Pneumothorax
Open Pneumothorax
Open Pnuemothorax
Leading syndromes of Open
• Dyspnea
• Sudden sharp pain
• Subcutaneous Emphysema
• Decreased breath sounds on affected side
• Hyper-resonance
• Red Bubbles on Exhalation from wound
(Sucking chest wound)
• CXR Standing.
• Smaller pneumothorax may need Expiration CXR or CT

 Observation- Small pneumothorax, Asymtomatic.
 Aspiration.
 Chest Intubation- Gold standard,
 In surgical treatment less than 20% of patients need it.
With open pneumothorax:
The first aid is the immediate imposition on the wound of
the chest the sealed (occlusive) dressings with
adhesive plaster or oilcloth lining of the individual
packages, which are fixed to the edges of the wound
with glue and gauze (bandage). The wounded man was
a need for oxygen inhalation, enter analgesics
(morphine), antibiotics.
• Do not remove clothing stuck to the wound

• Do not clean the wound or remove objects

stuck in the wound
Occlusive Dressing
Tension Pneumothorax
• Air builds in pleural space with no way for the air
to escape
• Results in collapse of lung on affected side that
results in pressure on mediastium, the other lung,
and great vessels,…. Decreasing venous return =>
• Causes:
Penetrating trauma, blunt trauma, Iatrogenic.
Tension Pneumothorax
Each time we inhale,
the lung collapses further. There
is no place for the air to
Tension Pneumothorax
Each time we inhale,
the lung collapses further. There
is no place for the air to
Tension Pneumothorax
The trachea is
pushed to
the opposite side

Heart is being
Leading syndromes of Tension Pneumothorax

It’s a clinical diagnosis and treatment should not be delayed by waiting for X-ray

• Anxiety/Restlessness/Pani • Accessory Muscle Use

cky • Narrowing Pulse Pressures
• Severe Dyspnea • Hypotension
• Absent Breath sounds on • Tracheal Deviation
affected side
• Hyper-resonance
• Tachypnea
• Tachycardia
• Cyanosis
Needle Decompression
• Insert a large bore needle in the second inter-
costal space in mid-clavicular line.
Needle Decompression
Chest intubation
• Pneumothorax
• Malignant pleural effusion
• Empyema and complicated parapneumonic
pleural effusion
• Traumatic haemopneumothorax
• Postoperative—for example, thoracotomy,
oesophagectomy, cardiac surgery.
Contra- Indications
• Absolute- Need for emrgency Thoracotomy
• Relatives are
– Bleeding Diathesis
– Anti-coagulation
– Adhesions
– Pulmonary bullae

Complications of chest tube
• Hemorrhage
• Infection
• Trauma to the Liver, spleen, Diaphragm, Aorta,
• Minor complications like,
Subcut hematoma, dyspnea,Improper
• Subcutaneous emphysema
• Follows after injury
• Occurs when pleural space fills with blood
• Usually occurs due to lacerated blood vessel in
thorax mainly Intercostal and internal
mammary vessels.
• As blood increases, it puts pressure on heart
and other vessels in chest cavity
• Each pleural cavity can hold ~ 1.5 liters of
Classification hemothorax.
•Depending on the amount of blood in the pleural cavity :
– Small - to 500 - 600 ml of blood;
– Medium - up to 800-1000 ml of blood;
– Large - up to 1000 -1200 ml of blood;
– Total - Up to 1500 ml of blood or more.
• On the etiology:
- Traumatic (including firearms);
- Pathological (a consequence of different diseases);
- Postoperative.
• On the dynamics:
- Increasing;
- Not increasing.

• Depending on the complications, there are:

- Coagulated;
- Infected.

Where does the blood come

Lots of blood vessels

Basic complaints:
-Small hemothorax: in most cases are not clinically
recognized, in the future it usually resolves with
the formation of pleural adhesions.
-With an medium hemothorax marked cough,
shortness of breath, chest pain, weakness of the
act of breathing on the affected side, the clinical
manifestations of acute moderate blood loss.
• With a large and total hemothorax among
patients complaints in the foreground the
symptoms of massive intrapleural hemorrhage,
corresponding to acute severe blood loss:
marked weakness, shortness of breath,
dizziness, cold clammy sweat, the possible
short-term loss of consciousness and visual
impairment; marked anxiety, chest pain on the
lesion side, the lag in the act of breathing the
chest on the affected side, may protrusion
intercostals space.

Leading syndromes of
• Anxiety/Restlessness
• Tachypnea
• Signs of Shock
• Diminished Breath Sounds on Affected Side
• Dull percussion note
• Tachycardia
• Flat Neck Veins
Treatment for Hemothorax
• ABC’s with c-spine control as indicated
• General Shock Care due to Blood loss
• Chest intubation
Conservative treatment, which is based on
pleural puncture, apply for a small hemothorax in
combination with hemostatic therapy under
clinical and radiological control.
When pleural puncture is performed in patients
with hemothorax the following test must be

- Ruvilua-Gregoire test: if the blood is coagulated

in a test tube or tray folds, it is a sign of
continued bleeding, if the blood is not
coagulated - a sign of stopping hemorrhage.
With continue intra pleural bleeding thoracotomy
is applied to locate the source of bleeding and its
reliable removal.
Indications for thoracotomy are also: injured lung
and heart; suspicion of injury to the heart or
large vessel, damaging the main bronchi, or
esophagus; tense hemopneumothorax that not
removable by puncture and drainage, foreign
body in pleural cavity.
At thoracotomy the hemostasis is achieved and
pleural contents is evacuated, the operation ends
Pulmonary Contusion
 Crushing and bruising of the lung parenchyma.
 Sudden blow or blunt injury to the chest lead to
compression of thoracic cavity and lung followed by an
equally sudden decompression. Concussive and
compressive force is most important cause.
 The natural progression of pulmonary contusion is
worsening hypoxemia for the first 24 to 48 hours.
 X-ray findings not significant initially.
 CT with contrast is confirmatory.
Contusion of left upper & lower lobe with
aspirated blood around
Leading complaints of Pul.
• Hemoptysis
• Dyspnea
• Cough
• Chest wall hematoma.
Basic treatment Of Pul.
• Oxygen administration
• Pul. Toilet
• Mechanical ventilation => in severe case
Subcutaneous Emphysema
• Air collects in subcutaneous tissues from
pressure of air in pleural cavity
• Feels like rice crispies
• Can be seen from neck to groin area
• Usually occurs on the chest, neck and face,
where it is able to travel from the chest cavity
along the fascia.
Leading syndromes of SCE
• swelling of the neck
• Chest pain
• Neck pain
• Dysphagia
• Wheezing and difficulty breathing.
Causes of SCE
• Both blunt and penetrating trauma

• Mainly clinical
• Usually benign, no treatment needed.
• If massive then small cuts in the skin.
• Catheters in subcutaneous tissues.
• Treat the underlying cause.
Tracheo-bronchial Injuries
• Blunt and penetrating trauma
• Presented as hoarseness, SCE.
• Dyspnea , Pneumothorax , hemoptysis ,
Hamman’s Sign (is a crunching, rasping sound, synchronous with the
heartbeat, heard over the precordium in spontaneous mediastinal emphysema
, Intercostal
produced by the heart beating against air-filled tissues)

retractions, Respiratory distress , Stridor.

• Priority is to stabilize AIRWAY.
• Intubation of the unaffected bronchus and
operative repair.
Traumatic Asphyxia
• Results from sudden compression injury to
chest cavity
• Can cause massive rupture of Vessels and
organs of chest cavity
Leading syndromes of Traumatic
• Severe Dyspnea
• Distended Neck Veins
• Bulging, Blood shot eyes
• Swollen Tounge with cyanotic lips
• Reddish-purple discoloration of face and neck
• Petechiae
Treatment for Traumatic
• High Flow oxygen
• Treat for shock
• Care for associated injuries
Pericardial Temponade
Pericardial Tamponade
Penetrating Trauma
Blood and fluids leak
into the pericardial
sac which surrounds
the heart.
As the pericardial
sac fills, it causes
the sac to expand
until it cannot
expand anymore
pericardial sac
Pericardial Tamponade
Once the pericardial
sac can’t expand
anymore, the fluid
starts putting
pressure on the heart

Now the heart can’t

fully expand and can’t
pump effectively.
Pericardial Tamponade
With poor pumping the
blood pressure starts
to drop.
The heart rate starts
to increase to
compensate but is
The patient’s level of
conscious drops, and
eventually the patient
goes in cardiac arrest
Leading syndromes of Pericardial
• Distended Neck Veins
• Increased Heart Rate
• Muffled heart sound
• Respiratory Rate increases
• Poor skin color
• Hypotension
• Beck’s Triad- Low BP, Raised venous pressure,
Muffled Heart sounds.
• All the patients with penetrating injury
anywhere near the heart + Shock => Always
suspect cardiac injury.
• Must be differentiated from Tension
• In case of major bleeding from other site, neck
veins may be flat.
• Clinical suspicion.
• CXR- enlarged Globular heart shadow.
• Echo- Fluid in pericardial sac.
• Central venous pressure- high
• CT scan
Treatment of Pericardial Tamponade
• High Flow oxygen.
• Treat of shock
• Rapid Transport
• What patient needs is Pericardiocentesis
• Using aseptic technique, Insert at least 3”
needle at the angle of the Xiphoid Cartilage at
the 7th rib
• Advance needle at 45 degree towards the
clavicle while aspirating syringe till blood
return is seen
• Continue to Aspirate till syringe is full then
discard blood and attempt again till signs of no
more blood
• Closely monitor patient due to small amout of
blood aspirated can cause a rapid change in
blood pressure
Blunt Myocardial Injury
• Rarely Causes hemodynamic Instability.
• Dx on Echo, Trans esophageal Echo, Cardiac
• Complication- Arrythmias in 1st 24 hrs.

• Results from penetrating trauma; blunt injury is rare

• Patient can present with odynophagia, subcutaneous
or mediastinal emphysema, pleural effusion, air in the
retro-oesophageal space and unexplained fever within
24 hours of injury
• Combination of oesophagogram and oesophagoscopy
confirm diagnosis
• CT can be done
• Treatment is operative repair and drainage
• Mid-oesophageal injury => Right thoracotomy.
• Distal oesophageal injury => Left thoracotomy.
Diaphragmatic Rupture
• A tear in the Diaphragm that allows the abdominal
organs enter the chest cavity
• Any penetrating injury to or below 5th intercostal space
can cause diaphragmatic penetration & abdominal
• Blunt injury to the diaphragm is usually caused by a
compressive force applied to the pelvis & abdomen.
• More common on Left side due to liver helps protect
the right side of diaphragm
• Associated with multiple injury patients
• usually large, with herniation of the abdominal
contents into the chest.
Diaphragm Rupture
Leading syndromes of
Diaphragmatic Rupture
• Abdominal Pain
• Shortness of Air
• Decreased Breath Sounds on side of rupture
• Bowel Sounds heard in chest cavity
• Chest radiography after placement of a
nasogastric tube, Contrast studies of the upper
or lower gastrointestinal tract, CT scan &
diagnostic peritoneal lavage.
• Most accurate evaluation is by video-assisted
thoracoscopy (VATS) or laparoscopy.
Treatment of Diaphragmatic Rupture
 Operative Repair.
 Penetrating diaphragmatic injury must be
repaired via the abdomen and not the chest,
to rule out penetrating hollow viscus injury.
 Laproscopy can be done.

Is the result of damage to the thoracic lymph

duct or large duct lymph flow in it, which is
accompanied lymphorrhea in the pleural
1. By etiology: traumatic and non-traumatic
2. According to localization:
a) right-handed (there is an injury below the III -
IV level of thoracic vertebrae);
b) left-sided injury is observed at higher III - IV
level of thoracic vertebrae);
c) bilateral (extremely rare).
• If the acute development of chylothorax then
patients complain of dyspnea, pain in the side
of the lesion, paleness of the skin.
• At the subacute course of chylothorax, lymph
accumulates in the pleural cavity in 5 - 9 days
after injury. Shortness of breath chest pain are
increasing gradually.
• Patients with a chronic clinical symptoms are
not pronounced.
Leading symptoms:

• chest pain;
• acute respiratory failure.
Additional methods of investigations:
• Clinical analysis of blood;
• Biochemistry (protein);
• Coagulogram;
• Radiography of the chest;
• Radiographic contrast study of thoracic lymph
• CT of the chest;
• Diagnostic puncture of pleural cavity.
Differential diagnosis of chylothorax

Is carried out with pneumothorax,

hemothorax, rib fractures, posttraumatic
pneumonia, pleurisy.
Conservative treatment:
• The chylous pleural fluid is removed by
puncture technique before the onset of
thrombosis of thoracic lymph flow and
replacement of its losses. This method
requires a long-term care - from several weeks
to several months.
• The treatment complex included transfusion of
plasma, blood transfusion, infusion therapy,
the patients limiting consumption of fat,
restriction of fluid intake per os. In order to
reduce venous pressure was prescribed
diuretics, cardiac glycosides.
Operative treatment.
Indications for surgery:
• Injury thoracic lymph duct, identified during
intrathoracic interventions on the closed or
penetrating injury to the chest.
• Inefficiency of conservative therapy within 2 -
3 weeks.
• Incipient exhaustion of the patient at ongoing
medication substitution therapy.
• The daily loss of chyle in adults 1500 - 2000 ml,
in children 100 ml for a year of living within 5
Surgical interventions are divided into palliative
and radical.
•Palliative surgery - tamponade the duct or
suspected location of the damage the lymphatic
duct by muscular graft. It is performed in the
serious condition the patient.
•Radical surgical interventions:
–Ligation of thoracic duct lymph;
–Applying duct anastomosis "end to end";
–Implantation of the thoracic duct in one of the
major veins (azygos, brachiocephalic).
Possible complications of chylothorax:
• The development of pleuro-cardiac shock;
• The development of pleural empyema.

• Chest Injuries are common and often life

threatening in trauma patients. So, Rapid
identification and treatment of these patients is
paramount to patient survival. Airway
management is very important and aggressive
management is sometimes needed for proper
management of most chest injuries.

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