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Anatomy of

Abdomen & Pelvis

 Commonly known as Belly

 Space between Thorax and Pelvis

 Diaphragm upper surface

 Ends at the level of the pelvic bones

 Contains all the digestive organs

 stomach, small and large intestines,
pancreas, liver, and gallbladder
 Urinary system
Abdominal Wall
 Abdominal wall encloses the abdominal cavity,

 which holds the bulk of the gastrointestinal viscera.


Xiphoid process.
Costal cartilages of the 7th and 10th ribs.
Iliac crest.
Anterior superior iliac spine.
Inguinal ligament.
Pubic tubercle, pubic crest and pubic symphysis.

Quadrants & Regions
 Divided into Four quadrants
Right and left upper quadrants
Right and left lower quadrants

 Also divided into Six regions

 Midclavicular vertically

 Horizontally

 Subcostal plane

 Transtubercular plane
Layer of Abdominal Wall

 Skin
 Superficial fascia: Fatty and membranous
 Deep fascia
 Muscles:
 Extra peritoneal tissue
 Peritoneum

 Superficial layer
 Creases
 Umbilicus scar-fetus umbilical cord
 Collagen fibres in the dermis-
Langer's lines
 lines are surgically important
 pregnant women, obese people
Striae gravidara
 skin is very sensitive to touch, and
when touched, the muscles contract
Anatomy of Skin

 40 to 50 rows of stacked

squamous epithelial cells

 Protection from pathogens

 Sensory stimuli external


 Insulation

 Avg. 20 square feet area

Nerve Supply

 Anterior rami of the lower

six thoracic nerve
 lower five intercostal and
the subcostal nerves
 the 1st lumbar nerve
 iliohypogastric and the
ilioinguinal nerve
Blood Supply

 Arteries
 midline is supplied by branches of the superior
and inferior epigastric arteries

 skin of the flanks- branches of the intercostal,

lumbar, and deep circumflex iliac arteries

 inguinal region -superficial epigastric, the

superficial circumflex iliac, and the superficial
external pudendal arteries, branches of the
femoral artery
Venous Supply

 venous drainage passes above mainly into the axillary vein via the lateral
thoracic vein
 below into the femoral vein via the superficial epigastric and the great
saphenous veins
Superficial Fascia

 Superficial fatty layer (fascia of Camper)

 Deep membranous layer (Scarpa’s fascia)

 3 inch thick in Obese People

 membranous layer is thin and fades out


 front of the thigh, where it fuses with the

deep fascia one fingerbreadth below the
inguinal ligament
Deep Fascia
 anterior abdominal wall is merely a thin layer of connective tissue
covering the muscles;

 it lies immediately deep to the membranous layer of superficial fascia

Muscles of the Anterior Abdominal Wall

 Three types of Muscles

 External oblique
 Internal oblique, and
 Transversus
 Either side of the midline anteriorly
 A wide vertical muscle, the rectus
 Aponeuroses-sheet of pearly white
Abdominal Cavity

 The largest hallow space

 It contains the greater part of the digestive tract & Urinary System
 the liver and pancreas, the spleen, the kidneys, and the adrenal glands
located above the kidneys

 Small and Large Intestine etc.

 Cavity is lined up by Peritoneum, Omenta, Mesenteries and

 Other Viscera
General Arrangement of Abdominal Viscera
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