Building Design PART 2

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TIP Vision
In the year 2020, T.I.P. envisions itself to be:
 a leading professional technological institution

in the Philippines through

 outcomes-based education, and
 a culture of innovation and continuous
improvement, and
 an institution whose graduates contribute to
the welfare of society.
TIP Mission
 Mission
 The Technological Institute of the Philippines (T.I.P.) is committed:
 to continue to empower the Filipino youth through technological
education of the highest standard, employing outcomes-based
education and state-of-the-art laboratories
 to transform students into graduates with full competence in their
fields of study and who also possess:
 The Filipino values of honesty and integrity, service to others, the importance of
family, frugality, resilience in the face of adversity, and the willingness to
surmount difficulties in order to succeed and excel.
 The industry-desired values of positive work attitude, good communication
skills, proficiency in computers and in the software that pertain to their fields of
study, initiative, and the openness to keep on learning to reinvent themselves.
 The global citizen values of mindfulness, respect for cultural diversity, care for
the environment and the desire to contribute to the general welfare of society.
T.I.P. Graduate Attributes
T.I.P. Graduate
Institutional Intended Learning Outcomes (IILO)
Demonstrate understanding and mastery of the
Professional Competence fundamental knowledge and skills required for effective
professional practice in the field of specialization.
Critical Thinking and Exercise critical and creative thinking in providing
Problem Solving Skills solutions to discipline-related problems.
Apply effective communication skills, both orally and in
Communication Skills
writing, using the English language.
Utilize lifelong learning skills in pursuit of personal
Lifelong Learning
development and excellence in professional practice
Hold personal values and beliefs as ethical professional
Social and Ethical
consistent with Filipino family values, industry-desired
values and global citizen values.
Contribute to nation-building and national development
through application of new technology
Work effectively in multi-disciplinary and multicultural
Interpersonal Skills
The Civil Engineering program has adopted the following
educational objectives.
Three to five years after graduation, the Civil Engineering
alumni shall:
 have advanced their practice or achievement in the
field of Civil Engineering and/or other endeavors or
advocacies supported by their acquired civil
engineering education;
 strive to be globally competitive through
• - living by the TIP mission values, pursuing continuing
education, and practicing continuous quality improvement in
their personal lives
• - continuously scanning, adopting, and building on the best
practices in their field.
Course Description
 This course deals with the study on building
parts and its construction, i.e. from the
foundation to the roofing. Study of the
National Building Code and other pertinent
codes. A practical subject that will develop in
the student the skills required in building
design and construction. This includes
interpretation of building plan and actual
observation and study.
Course Objective
 This course aims to state the classification and
importance of the different components of a
building, explain the process of building
construction, discuss the industry standard
codes (NBC, NSCP, and other codes), interpret
building plans, and discus the process of cost
estimate in building construction.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students are expected to:
1. Distinguish the various structural parts and method
of construction
2. Anayze structural building permits and construct and
estimate the materials and labor costs of proposed
structural plans
3. Analyze the principles and concepts derived from the
National Building Code of the Philippines and the
National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP)
4. Analyze construction methods and safety practices in
actual construction sites.
General Design and
Construction Provisions
SECTION 1201. General Requirements
1. Buildings proposed for construction shall comply with all the regulations and
specifications including safety standards embodied in the Administrative Order of
DOLE herein set forth governing quality, characteristics and properties of materials,
methods of design and construction, type of occupancy and classification.
2. The various applicable referral codes shall supplementally guide the planning,
design, layout, content, construction, location/siting, installation and maintenance of all
3. For the guidance of the general public, the Secretary shall periodically issue generic
lists of approved, strictly regulated or banned items, procedures, usages and the like
relative to the design, construction and use/occupancy of buildings/structures:
a. Materials for construction;
b. Processes for the production of materials, their installation or construction;
c. Procedures/methodologies/systems for both design and construction;
d. Organizational structures/hierarchies for construction;
e. Types of occupancy; and
f. Classifications relative to design, construction and occupancy.
4. All buildings/structures shall be placed in or upon private property or duly
designated public land and shall be securely constructed in conformance with the
requirements of the Code.
Permit for Occupancy
A Permit for Occupancy is a document
issued by a local government agency or
building department certifying a building's
compliance with applicable building codes
and other laws, and indicating it to be in a
condition suitable for occupancy.
Summary of the Content of PD 1185
 Sprinkler systems in commercial buildings.
 Fire Alarm Systems.
 Fire Walls to separate adjoining separate buildings.
 Termination of all exits in all area affording safe
passage to a public way or safe dispersal area.
 A fire exit plan for every floor showing the routes
from each room to appropriate exits.
 Self-enclosing fire doors loading to corridors.
 Roof Vents.
 Properly marked and lighted exit signages.
Building Classes
SECTION 705. Allowable Floor
1. General. The Allowable Maximum Total Gross Floor Area
(TGFA) of any proposed building/structure shall only be as
allowed under this Rule.
2. TGFA Limitation. In Table VII.1. hereafter, the
percentages (%) indicated in the third (3rd) through eighth
(8th) columns, but excluding the multiplier numbers 3, 5, 12,
18, and 30 (which represent the number of storeys/floors),
are the percentages of the Total Lot Area (TLA) that may be
used to initially determine the Allowable Maximum TGFA
for a proposed building/structure.
3. Crosscheck of TGFA with Allowable Maximum Volume
Building (AMVB). The Allowable Maximum TGFA once
established must be thoroughly crosschecked with the
AMVB to find out if the AMVB is not exceeded. If exceeded,
the necessary adjustments on the Maximum Allowable
TGFA must be made since the AMVB must always prevail
Group Dwelling
Group Dwelling Means one of
a group of two or more detached
buildings, each of which is used as
a dwelling and one or more of which
has a site without a frontage to a
public road.
Electrical Outlets
SECTION 1301. Electrical Regulations
All electrical systems, equipment and
installations mentioned in the Code shall
conform to the provisions of the Philippine
Electrical Code Part 1 (PEC-1) and Part 2
(PEC-2), as adopted by the Board of
Electrical Engineering pursuant to Republic
Act 7920, otherwise known as the
Philippine Electrical Engineering Law.
Type of construction
TYPE I – This concrete and steel structure, called fire
resistive when first built at the turn of the century, is
supposed to confine a fire by its construction. This type of
construction in which the building elements listed in IBC
Table 601 are of non-combustible materials, such as
concrete and steel. The roof is also of non-combustible
material, such as concrete or steel.
TYPE II – This type of building has steel or concrete walls,
floors, and structural framework similar to type I
construction; however, the roof covering material is
combustible. The roof covering of a type II building can be
a layer of asphalt waterproofing, with a combustible felt
paper covering. Another layer of asphalt may be mopped
over the felt paper.
Type of construction
TYPE III – This type of constructed building is
also called a brick-and-joist structure by some. It
has masonry-bearing walls but the floors,
structural framework, and roof are made of wood
or other combustible material; for example, a
concrete-block building with wood roof and floor
trusses. Fire-retardant-treated wood framing
complying with IBC Sec. 2303.2 shall be permitted
within exterior wall assemblies of a two-hour
rating or less.
Type of construction
TYPE IV – These buildings have masonry walls like type
III buildings but the interior wood consists of heavy
timber. In a heavy-timber building, a wood column cannot
be less than 8″ thick in any dimension and a wood girder
cannot be less than 6″ thick. The floor and roof are plank
board. One difference between a heavy timber type IV
building and type III construction is that a heavy-timber
type IV building does not have plaster walls and ceilings
covering the interior wood framework. The details of type
IV construction shall comply with the provisions of 602.4.1
through 602.4.7. Fire-retardant-treated wood framing
complying with IBC Section 2303.2 shall be permitted
within exterior wall assemblies with a two-hour rating or
Type of construction
TYPE V – Wood-frame construction is the most
combustible of the five building types. The interior
framing and exterior walls may be wood. A wood-frame
building is the only one of the five types of construction
that has combustible exterior walls. This is the typical
single-family home construction method. These buildings
are built with 2 x 4 or 2 x 6 studs and load-bearing walls,
wood floor trusses, or wood floor joist and wood roof
Changes in Constrcution
In construction projects, a change refers to
an alteration or a modification to pre-
existing conditions, assumptions or
requirements. Changes in construction
projects are very common and likely to
occur from different sources, by various
causes, at any stage of a project, and may
have considerable negative impacts.
Construction requirements
SECTION 1201. General Requirements
1. Buildings proposed for construction shall comply with all the regulations and
specifications including safety standards embodied in the Administrative Order of
DOLE herein set forth governing quality, characteristics and properties of materials,
methods of design and construction, type of occupancy and classification.
2. The various applicable referral codes shall supplementally guide the planning,
design, layout, content, construction, location/siting, installation and maintenance of all
3. For the guidance of the general public, the Secretary shall periodically issue generic
lists of approved, strictly regulated or banned items, procedures, usages and the like
relative to the design, construction and use/occupancy of buildings/structures:
a. Materials for construction;
b. Processes for the production of materials, their installation or construction;
c. Procedures/methodologies/systems for both design and construction;
d. Organizational structures/hierarchies for construction;
e. Types of occupancy; and
f. Classifications relative to design, construction and occupancy.
4. All buildings/structures shall be placed in or upon private property or duly
designated public land and shall be securely constructed in conformance with the
requirements of the Code.
SECTION 801. General
Requirements of Light and
1. Subject to the provisions of the Civil Code of the Philippines on
Easements of Light and View, and to the specific provisions of the
Code, every building shall be designed, constructed, and equipped to
provide adequate light and ventilation. (Refer to Guidelines on
Easements, View Corridors/Sight Lines and Basements at the end of
this Rule)
2. All buildings shall face a street or public alley or a private street
which has been duly approved. (Refer to Guidelines on
Streets/RROW and Sidewalks at the end of this Rule)
3. No building shall be altered nor arranged so as to reduce the size of
any room or the relative area of windows to less than that provided
for buildings under this Rule, or to create an additional room, unless
such additional room conforms to the requirements of this Rule.
4. No building shall be enlarged so that the dimensions of the
required court or yard would be less than what is prescribed for such
building lot.
SECTION 802. Measurement of
Site Occupancy
SECTION 802. Measurement of Site Occupancy
1. The measurement of site occupancy or lot
occupancy shall be taken at the ground level and
shall be exclusive of courts, yards, and light wells.

2. Courts, yards, and light wells shall be

measured clear of all projections from the walls
enclosing such wells or yards with the exception
of roof leaders, wall copings, sills, or steel fire
escapes not exceeding 1.20 meters in width.
SECTION 805. Ceiling Heights

SECTION 805. Ceiling Heights 1. Habitable rooms provided with

artificial ventilation shall have ceiling heights not less than 2.40
meters measured from the floor to the ceiling; provided that for
buildings of more than one (1) storey, the minimum ceiling height of
the first storey shall be 2.70 meters and that for the second story 2.40
meters and the succeeding stories shall have an unobstructed typical
head-room clearance of not less than 2.10 meters above the finished
floor. Above-stated rooms with natural ventilation shall have ceiling
heights of not less than 2.70 meters.
2. Mezzanine floors shall have a clear ceiling height not less than 1.80
meters above and below it.
SECTION 808. Window Openings
1. Rooms intended for any use, not provided with
artificial ventilation system, shall be provided
with a window or windows with a total free area
of openings equal to at least 10% of the floor area
of the room, provided that such opening shall be
not less than 1.00 sq. meter. However, toilet and
bath rooms, laundry rooms and similar rooms
shall be provided with window or windows with
an area not less than 1/20 of the floor area of such
rooms, provided that such opening shall not be
less than 240 sq. millimeters. Such window or
windows shall open directly to a court, yard,
public street or alley, or open watercourse.
SECTION 808. Window Openings
2. Required windows may open into a roofed
porch where the porch:
a. Abuts a court, yard, public street or alley, or
open watercourse and other public open spaces;
b. Has a ceiling height of not less than 2.70 meters;

c. Has one of the longer sides at least 65% open

and unobstructed.
3. Eaves, canopies, awnings (or media agua) over
required windows shall not be less than 750
millimeters from the side and rear property lines.
SECTION 808. Window Openings
4. There shall absolutely be no openings
on/at/within/through all types of abutments
(such as firewalls) erected along property lines
except for permitted vent wells. This Rule strictly
applies to all new and existing developments.
5. In locating window openings it should be borne
in mind that in cases of extreme emergencies
windows must serve as emergency egress to
vacate the premises or access for rescue
operations. Such windows shall meet the
following requirements:
a. They can be opened from the inside without
the use of any tools;
SECTION 808. Window Openings
b. the minimum clear opening shall have a width not less
than 820 millimeters and a height of 1 meter;
c. The bottom of the opening should not be more than 820
millimeters from the floor;
d. Where storm shutters, screens or iron grilles are used,
these shall be provided with quick opening mechanism so
that they can be readily opened from the inside for
emergency egress and shall be so designed that when
opened they will not drop to the ground;
e. All areas immediately outside a fire exit window/grille
must be free of obstacles and must lead to a direct access
down into the ground or street level.
SECTION 809. Vent Shafts
1. Ventilation or vent shafts shall have a horizontal cross-
sectional area of not less than 1.00 sq. meter for every
meter of height of shaft but in no case shall the area be less
than 1.00 sq. meter. No vent shaft shall have its least
dimension less than 600 millimeters.
2. Unless open to the outer air at the top for its full area,
vent shafts shall be covered by a skylight having a net free
area or fixed louver openings equal to the maximum
required shaft area. 3. Air ducts shall open to a street or
court by a horizontal duct or intake. Such duct or intake
shall have a minimum unobstructed cross-sectional area
of not less than 0.30 sq. meter with a minimum dimension
of 300 millimeters. The openings to the duct or intake
shall be not less than 300 millimeters above the street
surface or level of court.
SECTION 809. Vent Shafts
1. Ventilation or vent shafts shall have a horizontal cross-
sectional area of not less than 1.00 sq. meter for every
meter of height of shaft but in no case shall the area be less
than 1.00 sq. meter. No vent shaft shall have its least
dimension less than 600 millimeters.
2. Unless open to the outer air at the top for its full area,
vent shafts shall be covered by a skylight having a net free
area or fixed louver openings equal to the maximum
required shaft area. 3. Air ducts shall open to a street or
court by a horizontal duct or intake. Such duct or intake
shall have a minimum unobstructed cross-sectional area
of not less than 0.30 sq. meter with a minimum dimension
of 300 millimeters. The openings to the duct or intake
shall be not less than 300 millimeters above the street
surface or level of court.
SECTION 1002. Projection into
Alleys or Streets
1. No part of any structure or its appendage shall project into any
alley or street, national road or public highway except as provided in
the Code.
2. Footings located at least 2.40 meters below grade along national
roads or public highway may project not more than 300 millimeters
beyond the property line provided that said projection shall not
obstruct any existing utilities/services such as power, water, sewer,
gas, communication, and drainage lines, etc, unless the owner
concerned shall pay the corresponding entities for the rerouting of the
parts of the affected utilities.
3. Foundations may be permitted to encroach into public sidewalk
areas to a width not exceeding 500 millimeters; provided that the top
of the said foundation is not less than 600 millimeters below the
established grade; and provided further, that said projection shall not
obstruct any existing utilities/services such as power, water, sewer,
gas, communication and drainage lines, etc., unless the owner
concerned shall pay the corresponding entities for the rerouting of the
parts of the affected utilities.
SECTION 1004. Arcades
SECTION 1004. Arcades
1. Whenever required by existing building and zoning regulations,
arcades shall be constructed on sidewalks of streets. The width of the
arcade and its height shall be uniform throughout the street provided
that in no case, shall an arcade be less than 3.00 meters above the
established sidewalk grade. (Fig. X.1.)
2. Arcaded pedestrian walkways shall have a clear height of 3.00
meters. (Fig. X.1.)
SECTION 1004. Arcades
3. Driveways crossing arcaded pedestrian walkways shall be at the
same level with that of the arcades for the safety of the pedestrians.
(Fig. X.2.)
SECTION 1006. Movable Awnings
or Hoods
1. Awning is a movable shelter supported entirely from
an exterior wall of a building and of a type which can be
retracted, folded, or collapsed against the face of a
supporting building.
2. Clearance. The horizontal clearance between the
awning and the curb line shall not be less than 300
millimeters. The vertical clearance between the undermost
surface of the awning and the pavement or ground line
shall be not less than 2.40 meters. Collapsible awnings
shall be so designated that they shall not block a required
exit when collapsed or folded.
SECTION 1007. Doors, Windows,
and the Like
SECTION 1007. Doors, Windows, and the
Doors, windows, and the like less than 2.40
meters above the pavement or groundline
shall not, when fully opened or upon
opening, project beyond the property line
except fire exit doors.
Estimates for Material and Cost of
 A cost estimate is the approximation of
the cost of a program, project, or operation.
The cost estimate is the product of the cost
estimating process. The cost estimate has a
single total value and may have identifiable
component values.
SECTION 1108. Demolition
The Secretary shall prescribe standards and
promulgate rules and regulations on the testing of
construction materials for flame-spread
characteristics, tests on fire damages, fire tests of
building construction and materials, door assemblies
and tinclad fire doors and window assemblies, the
installation of fire doors and windows and smoke
and fire detectors for fire protective signaling system,
application and use of controlled interior finish, fire-
resistive protection for structural members,
fireresistive walls and partitions, fire-resistive floor or
roof ceiling, fire-resistive assemblies for protection of
openings and fire-retardant roof coverings.
SECTION 601. Fire- Resistive Rating Defined
Fire-resistive rating means the degree to which a material
can withstand fire as determined by generally recognized
and accepted testing methods.
SECTION 602. Fire- Resistive Time Period Rating
Fire-resistive time period rating is the length of time a
material can withstand being burned which may be one-
hour, two- hours, four- hours, etc.
SECTION 603. Fire-Resistive Standards
All materials of construction, and type of materials and
assemblies or combinations thereof shall conform to the
following fire-resistive ratings:
SECTION 1102. Storage in Public
1. Materials and equipment necessary for work to be done
under a permit when placed or stored on public property
shall not obstruct free and convenient approach to and use
of any fire hydrant, fire or police alarm box, utility box,
catch basin, or manhole and shall not interfere with any
drainage of any street or alley, gutter, and with the safe
and smooth flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
2. Materials to be stored at or near construction sites shall
be piled or stacked in an orderly manner to avoid toppling
over or being otherwise displaced. No materials shall be
piled or stacked higher than 1.80 meters, except in yards
or sheds intended especially for storage. When piles
exceed 1.20 meters in height, the material shall be so
arranged that the sides and ends of the piles taper back.
SECTION 1103. Mixing Mortar
on Public Property
SECTION 1103. Mixing Mortar on Public
The mixing of mortar, concrete, or similar
materials on public streets shall not be
SECTION 1105. Walkway

1. When the Building Official authorizes a

sidewalk to be fenced or closed, or in case there is
no sidewalk in front of the building/structure site
during construction or demolition, a temporary
walkway of not less than 1.20 meters shall be
2. Such walkway shall be capable of supporting a
uniform live load of 650.00 kilogram per sq.
3. Durable wearing surface shall be provided and
must remain safe throughout the construction
SECTION 1105. Walkway

4. Where the sidewalk is permitted by the Building

Official to be fully occupied and fenced-off or enclosed, a
temporary walkway adjacent to the curb line shall be
required. Where the street has no sidewalk, a temporary
walkway adjacent to the street line not less than 600
millimeters wide shall be provided. Where the RROW is
5.00 meters or less, no temporary walkway shall be
5. Where only partial occupancy and fencing-off of the
sidewalk is necessary, a temporary walkway will not be
required provided that a width of at least 600 millimeters
of the sidewalk with protective railing on road side shall
be left open for the use of pedestrians.
SECTION 1005. Canopies
SECTION 1005. Canopies (Marquees)
1.Canopy or Marquee is a permanent roofed structure above a door
attached to and supported by the building and projecting over a wall
or sidewalk. This includes any object or decoration attached thereto.
2. Projection and Clearances. The horizontal clearance between the
outermost edge of the marquee and the curb line shall be not less than
300 millimeters. The vertical clearance between the pavement or
ground line and the undersurface of any part the marquee shall not
be less than 3.00 meters.
3. Construction. A marquee shall be constructed of incombustible
material or materials of not less than two- hours fire- resistive
construction. It shall be provided with necessary drainage facility.
4. Location. Every marquee shall be so located as not to interfere
with the operation of any exterior standpipe connection or to obstruct
the clear passage from stairway exits from the building or the
installation or maintenance of electroliers.
SECTION 1106. Pedestrian
SECTION 1106. Pedestrian Protection
1. Where the walkway occupies part of the roadway or is adjacent to
an excavation, protective railings on the street side or on the side of
the excavation shall be required.
2. Railings where required, shall be built substantially strong and
sturdy and shall not be less than 1.00 meters in height. 3. Fences
Fences shall entirely enclose the construction/demolition site and
shall be erected on the building side of sidewalks or walkways
and shall be made of approved materials (e.g. G.I. sheet, wooden
boards and/or planks, plywood or Lawanit, sawali), not less than 2.40
meters in height above the curb line. Fences shall be built solid for its
full length except for such openings as may be necessary for proper
execution of the work. Such openings shall be provided with doors,
which shall be kept closed at all times except when in actual use.
SECTION 1106. Pedestrian
a. When the horizontal distance between the outermost
face of the building/structure area and the inner edge of
the sidewalk is more than one-half (1/2) the height of the
building, a 2.40 meters fence is required. (Figure XI.1.)
b. When the horizontal distance between the outermost
face of the building and the inner edge of the sidewalk is
equal to or less than one-half (1/2) the height of the
building, a canopy shall be required in addition to a fence.
(Fig. XI.2.)
SECTION 1202. Excavation,
Foundation, and Retaining Walls
SECTION 1202. Excavation, Foundation, and Retaining
1. Subject to the provisions of Articles 684 to 686 of the
Civil Code of the Philippines on lateral and subjacent
support, the design and quality of materials used
structurally in excavation, footings, and in foundations
shall conform to accepted engineering practice.
(c) Footings, Foundations, and
Retaining Walls

(c) Footings, Foundations, and Retaining Walls

(1) Footings and foundations shall be of the appropriate
type, of adequate size, and capacity in order to safely
sustain the superimposed loads under seismic or any
condition of external forces that may affect the safety or
stability of the structure. It shall be the responsibility of
the architect and/or engineer to adopt the type and design
of the same in accordance with the standards set forth by
the Secretary.
SECTION 1301. Electrical

SECTION 1301. Electrical Regulations

All electrical systems, equipment and
installations mentioned in the Code shall conform
to the provisions of the Philippine Electrical Code
Part 1 (PEC-1) and Part 2 (PEC-2), as adopted by
the Board of Electrical Engineering pursuant to
Republic Act 7920, otherwise known as the
Philippine Electrical Engineering Law.
SECTION 604. Fire- Resistive
SECTION 604. Fire- Resistive Regulations
The Secretary shall prescribe standards and promulgate
rules and regulations on the testing of construction
materials for flame-spread characteristics, tests on fire
damages, fire tests of building construction and materials,
door assemblies and tinclad fire doors and window
assemblies, the installation of fire doors and windows and
smoke and fire detectors for fire protective signaling
system, application and use of controlled interior finish,
fire-resistive protection for structural members,
fireresistive walls and partitions, fire-resistive floor or roof
ceiling, fire-resistive assemblies for protection of openings
and fire-retardant roof coverings.
SECTION 801. General
Requirements of Light and
1. Subject to the provisions of the Civil Code of the Philippines on
Easements of Light and View, and to the specific provisions of the
Code, every building shall be designed, constructed, and equipped to
provide adequate light and ventilation. (Refer to Guidelines on
Easements, View Corridors/Sight Lines and Basements at the end of
this Rule)
2. All buildings shall face a street or public alley or a private street
which has been duly approved. (Refer to Guidelines on
Streets/RROW and Sidewalks at the end of this Rule)
3. No building shall be altered nor arranged so as to reduce the size of
any room or the relative area of windows to less than that provided
for buildings under this Rule, or to create an additional room, unless
such additional room conforms to the requirements of this Rule.
4. No building shall be enlarged so that the dimensions of the
required court or yard would be less than what is prescribed for such
building lot.
SECTION 1207. Stairs, Exits, and
Occupant Loads
(a) General. The construction of stairs and exits shall conform to the
occupant load requirements of buildings, reviewing stands, bleachers, and
(1) Determination of Occupant Loads. The occupant load permitted in any
building or portion thereof shall be determined by dividing the floor area
assigned to that use by the unit area allowed per occupant as determined by
the Secretary. (2) Exit Requirements. Exist requirements of a building or
portion thereof used for different purposes shall be determined by the
occupant load which gives the largest number of persons. No obstruction
shall be placed in the required width of an exit except projections permitted
by this Code. (3) Posting of Room Capacity. Any room having an occupant
load of more than 50 where fixed seats are not installed, and which is used for
classroom, assembly, or similar
purpose shall have the capacity of the room posted in a conspicuous place
near the main exit from the room. (4) Changes in Elevation. Except in Group
A Occupancies, changes in floor elevations of less than 300 millimeters along
any exit serving a tributary occupant load of 10 or more shall be by means of
SECTION 1207. Stairs, Exits, and
Occupant Loads
(a) General. The construction of stairs and exits shall conform to the
occupant load requirements of buildings, reviewing stands, bleachers, and
(1) Determination of Occupant Loads. The occupant load permitted in any
building or portion thereof shall be determined by dividing the floor area
assigned to that use by the unit area allowed per occupant as determined by
the Secretary. (2) Exit Requirements. Exist requirements of a building or
portion thereof used for different purposes shall be determined by the
occupant load which gives the largest number of persons. No obstruction
shall be placed in the required width of an exit except projections permitted
by this Code. (3) Posting of Room Capacity. Any room having an occupant
load of more than 50 where fixed seats are not installed, and which is used for
classroom, assembly, or similar
purpose shall have the capacity of the room posted in a conspicuous place
near the main exit from the room. (4) Changes in Elevation. Except in Group
A Occupancies, changes in floor elevations of less than 300 millimeters along
any exit serving a tributary occupant load of 10 or more shall be by means of
SECTION 1604. Skylights
SECTION 1604. Skylights
1. General – Approved plastics may be used in skylights installed on roofs of
Types I, II or III Constructions and all buildings in these categories shall be
equipped with an approved automatic fire-extinguishing system in Groups A,
B, C, E, F, J, H-3 and H-4 Occupancies; Except, that:
a. Approved plastics may be used in any type of construction or occupancy as
a fire venting system when approved by the Building Official.
b. Plastics may be used in approved skylights in Type II one-hour fire-
resistive construction which are located 300 millimeters or more above the
lower flange of the ceiling. The walls of the skylight well shall be no less fire-
resistive than the adjacent ceiling.
c. Where a fire-resistive ceiling is not required in one-storey buildings,
approved plastics may be used in skylights.

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