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Leadership styles in CCM


 Growing interest in the concept of leadership in general

 Because our contemporary world (political, environmental and social) has

become a hotchpotch of good, bad and ugly leadership over the last few


 Manifold crises face us, all of which cry out for brave, authentic leaders.

 This is urgent.
Three workers
Axiom for thinking
 Whitehead once offered to the natural sciences the maxim "Seek
simplicity and distrust it"; to the social sciences he might well have
offered "Seek complexity and order it. Easy categorisation is
most leaders use a primary style in their
management approach.
Cultural traditions and values play a role in a leader's style.
According to the "International Journal of Cross Cultural
Management," leadership traits result partly from cultural
norms and partly from the needs of the leadership job. Cultures
differ regarding the use of power. People who act to maximize
their personal gain behave as individualists. Collectivists, on the
other hand, are expected to act to help the community. First
bullet point here
Autocratic Style

Autocratic leaders make all the decisions for their departments and tend to
show little concern for individuals. Staff members don't have the opportunity to
provide input. Typically, this results in high rates of low morale, absenteeism and
employee turnover.
In a crisis situation, such as a natural disaster, autocratic behavior tends to get
the best results.
However, effective leaders realize that motivating and inspiring employees on a
daily basis leads to greater employee satisfaction and productivity.
In collectivist cultures, employees expect leaders to focus on tasks but also show
concern toward people. For example, Latin Americans make more eye contact
and face each other more. Leaders from these countries tend to be less
autocratic and more sensitive to employee needs.
Bureaucratic leaders

Bureaucratic leaders set up rules and want them followed

precisely. For example, employees in western countries, such as
the United States and Germany, have an independent concept
of self.

Leaders distance themselves from their employees. They tend

not to nurture employees and accept mistakes.

In these individualistic cultures, leaders prefer to maintain

professional relationships.
Charismatic Style

Leaders who inspire their employees establish a vision and

communicate it with passion and enthusiasm.
A charismatic leader establishes an organization with dedicated
followers who believe in his mission.
In individualist cultures, these types of leaders focus on
accomplishing tasks and tend to accept paternalism, a hierarchy
based on a fatherly leader. 80 percent of the Japanese surveyed
accepted paternalism as compared with only 51 percent of
Americans surveyed.
Democratic Style

Democratic leaders involve their subordinates in decision

making processes. By encouraging collaboration, they typically
increase an employee's job satisfaction and commitment to his
job. Team members feel like they have control over their work.
Democratic leaders motivate their personnel to solve problems
themselves. Collectivists, such as the Japanese, tend to sacrifice
individual needs for the whole group. Leaders in these cultures
rely on an employee's sense of duty to produce quality products
and services.
Neurological make up

Genetically coded to connect with others for survival as a species

Handy formula

Be Authentic in all your affairs

Surrender the outcome
Do the uncomfortable thing

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