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ALS for Basic Geography

Topic: the continents of the world

write your answer on the one(1) clean yellow paper, if
yellow paper is not available use long bond paper
Write your answers legibly, cursive writing is prohibited.
For activity no. 4 you may use extra paper for your
answer sheet.
You may sent a copy of your output via messenger by
simply taking a clear picture
Do not throw your output it will be collected once the
formal class will resume.
Activity no. 1
Search, discuss and study the following terms:
1. Eurasia
2. Asia
3. Europe
4. Oceania
5. Micronesia
6. Melanesia
7. Polynesia
Activity no. 2
Research and Discuss Alfred Wegener”s theory on Continental
 A limit of 350 words for your discussion

 write your answer on the one(1) clean yellow paper

 Write your answers legibly and cursive writing is prohibited

Activity no. 3
Create a Venn Diagram for the similarities and
difference of the different continents on the
following category:
 Climate
 Culture
 Tradition
 Religion
Activity no. 4
 Draw the 7 continents on a long bond paper
 Color the largest continent red and the smallest
continent blue, the color of continents in
between is in your own discretion.
 Label the large bodies of water including the
major rivers and lakes.
 On the back of your bond paper list down the
first (5) countries in each continent that have the
largest land area . (latest data should be used)
 List down the first five countries in each
continent that have biggest population. (latest
data should be used)
 Choose five countries in Asia that have the
largest land area. List down the population of
each country. (latest data should be used)
 Prove that Antarctica is not desirable for
human habitation.

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