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1. HESTY WULANDARI (33111801005)

2. FATKHOR RASYID (33111801024)

Brenton Tarrant, one of the perpetrators of the brutal shooting at the Christcurch Mosque,
New Zealand, Friday (03/15/2019) immediately became the spotlight.

The identity and background of the perpetrators of this vicious shooting immediately
became a conversation on social media.

The public must be curious about the reason Brenton Tarrant carried out a cruel act of
shooting mosque worshipers during Friday prayers.

Moreover, Brenton Tarrant is determined to do live Instagram while realizing the shooting
The following are six facts about the
perpetrators and the brutal shootings in New Zealand
by Brenton Tarrant:

1. Smile when arrested

Brenton Tarrant, a terrorist shooting a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand has begun
trial after shooting dozens of people on Friday (3/15/2019).

The 28-year-old man actually smiled 'grinned' when the media crew tried to take his
picture at the trial while being escorted by the police.
2. Tuning metal songs
In addition to doing live streams on Facebook, Brenton Tarrant also played metal songs
while shooting. He heard playing a metal song called fire which was popularized by Ozzy
Osbourne and Die Krupps from Germany.

3. Poor family
Brenton Tarrant, the shooter in New Zealand turned out to come from a family with a low
economy. Brenton Tarrant's background is known from his manifesto which claimed only
ordinary white people. "I was born in Australia in a poor family, a hard worker. My parents are
Scottish, Irish, and British. My childhood runs normal without great things. I don't have much
interest in school, I very rarely have good grades.“ he wrote.

Brenton Tarrant's life background supports the action of shooting in New Zealand.
4. The shooting action was planned
Brenton Tarrant, the New Zealand shooter, apparently had planned his action for a long time
through a manifesto entitled 'The Great Replacement'. He is known to have planned his shooting
action for the past 2 years and decided to make it happen at the Christchurch mosque a few months

"I started this attack plan for the past two years. Then I set a location in Christchurch in the last
three months." he said.

5. Reasons for brutal shooting

Before carrying out the shooting action in New Zealand, Brenton Tarrant had uploaded 73 things
in the manifesto. In connection with his statement only ordinary white people and low economic family
backgrounds. Brenton Tarrant deliberately commits acts of cruelty to take a stand to ensure the future
of the people. He carried out the attack to reduce the level of immigration to European lands.

So, this incident took much casualties, namely 49 peoples were killed in this incident.
6. Originally from Australia
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the shooter at the New Zealand mosque was
his citizen. Scott Morrison also condemned the actions of his citizens who carried out brutal
shootings in New Zealand. "The two countries are not only allies or partners, both countries are
families. As a family, we express sadness, surprise, anger regarding this incident. We also
condemn attacks carried out by extremists, terrorists, right-wingers.“ Morrison said.

In addition, Brenton Tarrant intentionally came from Australia to fire on Friday prayer
congregations with military camouflage appearances and carrying automatic rifles.
This is a video of the shooting action:
Egg Boy is absent from the actions against the kefanfare: this Egg unite all
The Australian teenager, nicknamed the 'Egg Boy', finally spoke publicly to the media for
the first time after he struck an egg over the head of Senator Fraser Anning. Monday
(03/25/2019), the act of a teenager named Will Conolly became an international symbol
against a bigotry.
"I understand what I'm doing is not the right thing to do." Connolly said when interviewed
by Channel 10, an Australian television channel.
"However, these eggs have brought people together." he said, adding that the incident had
been used to collect tens of thousands of dollars for terrorist victims that occurred on March 15
in Christchurch, New Zealand.
The money was collected at Conolly's fundraising page and was originally intended to help
cover Conolly's legal costs and to buy 'more eggs'.
On Monday, the money collected nearly 80 thousand Australian dollars around 56
thousand Australian dollars.
Connolly's sudden transformation from an nameless Australian teenager to an international
sensation began one day after the Christchurch attack, when Fraser Anning of Australia's right-
wing senator instead blamed Muslim immigration for the attack.

He revealed this when a press conference was held in Melbourne.

Connolly crawled behind the senator and broke an egg at Anning's head.
This is a video of Australian Teenagers:
Conclusions about the incident:
Terrorist is an action that aims to provide a threat and create fear
on certain parties, and terrorists do not come from any group/religion.
So, we as educated students must open our minds, and do not
consider/judge a group/religion as a terrorist. Because basically, any
religion never teaches about violence, or killing anyone. Then, our way
to deal with such an event is to not spread the videos of
violence/terrorism. Because, if we share in it, we indirectly help him to
achieve his goal of threatening and frightening.
Topic: The shooting action
Main Idea: The perpetrators of the brutal shooting at the Christcurch Mosque,
New Zealand.
Supporting Details:
=>The identity and background of the perpetrators of this vicious shooting
immediately became a conversation on social media.
=>The public must be curious about the reason Brento Tarrant carried out a cruel
act of shooting mosque worshipers during Friday prayers.
=>Brenton Tarrant is determined to do live Instagram while realizing the shooting
=>Six facts about the perpetrators and the brutal shootings in New Zealand by
Brenton Tarrant.
1. What is the reason of the shooter?
a. He hate New Zealand
b. He carried out the attack to reduce the level of immigration to European lands
c. He wants them to get hurt
d. He doesn’t like black skin
2. Who is the perpetrator in the incident above?
a. Will Connolly
b. Frasor Anning
c. Brenton Tarrant
d. Jass Moke
3. How much victims did the incident above?
a. 43 peoples
b. 45 peoples
c. 47 peoples
d. 49 peoples

Lecturer: Milawati, S.Pd., M.pd

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