E Mailetiquette

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e-Mail Etiquette

• Use plain text only
• Don’t send the whole mail back
• Use threads
• Use > to refer to the original mail
>and do you agree with the proposal to hire
>Ms. Rani to handle our legal services?
Yes. Please make the necessary arrangements.
Subject box must contain relevant information
To: recipient@hisco.com
From: Rummy Sharma (jdoe@aheadcompany.com)
Subject: Work Proposal
Ahead C o m p a n y    Ltd .

Rummy Sharma (rsharma@aheadcompany.com)

Visit our web page at http://www.aheadco.com/
e-Mail Etiquette
• Follow formal letter writing style in official
• Avoid abbreviations
BTW by the way
FWIW for what it's worth
FYI for your information
e-Mail Etiquette

• Use smilies sparingly

:-* :-{}
:- >-
• Use proper salutation in business mail
• It is o.k. to use first name only with friends
e-Mail Etiquette
• Include your position & co. name in
signature space
• Save recev.mails in ‘folders’ than print
• Provide system specific information
• Be considerate to others
• Acknowledge / reply a.s.a.p
e-Mail Etiquette
Don’t s
• Forward forwards
• C C to everybody in the company
• Type in only UPPER CASE
• use only lower case type
• Use too many BANGS
e-Mail Etiquette
Don’t s
• Address opp. sex by 1st name
• Put in to writing you won’t say
• Comment on other’s grammar
• Expect others to respond

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