Cultivation of Pulling Spinach

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No Point Of Activity Description Of Activity Time Information


1. Preliminary Opening, introduction and 2, Lecture

2. Discussion 1. Understanding the spinach spinach    
cultivation system
4’ Lecture
2. Stages of spinach cultivation

3. Processed of pulling spinach

3. Closing The community can understand pulling 1, Lecture

spinach cultivation.
Title : Cultivation Of Pulling Spinach
Spinach cultivation is very easy to be carried out in a variety of
soil media. Stages of spinach cultivation are the same as other
stages of vegetable cultivation such as (seed selection, tillage,
planting, fertilizing, irrigation, maintenance, harvesting and post-
The first step,
in spinach cultivation is the selection of spinach seeds or seeds, spinach develops
through the seeds. Spinach seeds used as seeds must be quite old (+ 3 months). Young
seeds, short shelf life and low germination rate. Old spinach seeds can be stored for
one year. Spinach seeds have no dormancy period and seed requirements are as much
as 5-10 kg per hectare. The recommended varieties are Green Giti, Red Giti, Green
Snapper, Bangkok and Cimangkok.
land preparation is a 20-30 cm deep hoe so that it becomes loose. then make beds in the
longitudinal direction from West to East to get full light. Bed widths should be 100 cm,
height 30 cm and length according to land conditions. The distance between the beds is 30
cm. After the beds are leveled, 3 days before planting give basic fertilizer (chicken manure
fertilizer) with a dose of 20,000 kg / ha or fermented organic compost (fermented chicken
manure) at a dose of 4 kg / m2. As a starter add 150 kg Urea / ha (15 g / m2) stirred with
water and poured on the plants in the afternoon 10 days after sowing the seeds, if necessary
give liquid fertilizer 3 liters / ha (0.3 ml / m2) at age 2 week after sowing the seeds.
Furthermore, self-planting can be done in three

1. Spread directly on the beds, i.e. the seeds are mixed with manure
that has been crushed and spread evenly on the beds.

2. Spread on the line / row with a distance of 10-15 cm, then covered
with a layer of soil.
3. Sowing after growing (about 10 days) the seeds are planted and
maintained for + 3 weeks. Then transferred to beds with a spacing of 50 x
30 cm. Usually for picking spinach.

Benefits of thinning in spinach plants to reduce disease (which is transmitted through the
soil), is spinach pull. Spinach can produce well as long as the fertility of the soil is always
maintained, for example by regular organic fertilization and sufficient water, for young plants
(up to one week after planting) need water 4 l / m2 / day and before adulthood these plants
need water around 8 l / m2 / day.
Types of pests that often attack spinach plants include leaf caterpillars, aphids, leaf
scrapers and grasshoppers. Diseases that are often found are sprouting sprouts (Rhizoctonia
solani) and white rust disease (Albugo sp.). For pest control, use pesticides that are easily
biodegradable, such as biological pesticides, plant pesticides or synthetic pyrethroid
pesticides. The use of these pesticides must be done properly in terms of the type, dosage,
spray volume, method of application, interval and time of application. Unplug spinach is
usually harvested if the plant height is approximately 20 cm, at the age of 3 to
4. weeks after planting

This plant can be uprooted by its roots or cut at the base. While picking spinach can
usually be harvested at the age of 1 to 1.5 months with picking intervals once a week.
Freshly harvested spinach is placed in a shady place or immerses the roots in water and
delivers the product as quickly as possible to maintain its freshness. Thus up to the
consumer is still in fresh condition and the nutritional content is still intact.
Spinach can be consumed fresh with cooked soup or the like. But along with the
increased production of spinach, many are currently using spinach as chips. Besides
increasing the taste of spinach itself, it can also add economic value.

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