Unique Benefits

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Unique Benefits

 An article about Google just wouldn’t be complete without covering

the company’s unique benefits. But many discussions of Google’s
benefits focus on the wrong thing—they focus on what the benefits
are and not why Google offers them.

 For example, in Google’s early days, Page and Brin noticed that

young software engineers were really bad about washing their clothes.
This led to the company’s on-site laundry perk. No one sat down to
brainstorm benefits and thought, “I bet this perk will make people
want to work here.” They were simply fulfilling a need.
 When putting together the benefits package for SMBs, consider what
you know about company employees, and use that information to
design unique benefits:
a) If many employees have young children, consider offering childcare
reimbursement instead of/in addition to tuition reimbursement.
b) If many employees are recent college graduates, consider offering
student loan payment matching instead of/in addition to 401k
c) If many employees are nearing retirement, consider allowing them to
invest their professional development funds into their retirement
If you don’t know enough about employees to know what benefits they
need, collect information from managers, or include demographic
questions in engagement surveys.

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