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(a) But at last God took pity on him. (Make it

negative without changing the meaning) (b) One day
the old sailor was watching the water snakes
swimming round the ship. (Make it passive) Their
colors were very beautiful. (c) He was filled with a
strange wonder. (Make it active) Then he felt a great
love for them and blessed them from his heart. (d)
At once the dead albatross fell from his neck into the
Sea and the old man fell into a deep sleep. (Make it
complex) (e) When he woke up, it was raining. (Make
it simple)
(a) There is no school without a library
(b) We must read many books other than text
books to widen our knowledge (complex).
(c) A college library helps us in this respect
(d) We are provided with joy by books (active).
(e) They are the best of all friends (comparative).
(a) We work hard to attain success in our life
(b) Peace and prosperity are not possible
without hard work (Affirmative).
(c) A man, who leads an idle life things misery
for his life (Simple).
(d) He can never help people of the society
(Passive). Such kind of man is the burden of the
(e) Everybody dislikes him (Negative
Bangladesh is called nature's darling child. (a) No other
country the world is so blessed with the beauty of
nature as Bangladesh. (Comparative) (b) The banks of
the rivers present an unbroken view of a variety of
scenes which enchant the eyes. (Compound) The blue
water of Bay of Bengal soothes our turbulent mind
whereas the Sundarbans presents a very spectacular
wave (c) Rangamati, Khagrachhayri and Bandarbans are
the three hilly districts where nature has opened her
wings of beauty. (Simple) (d) The beautiful lakes and
fountains of crystal clear water which charm us all are
easily noticeable here. (Passive) (e) The presence of
tribal people makes this place more splendid. (Complex)
(a) Books are our best friends. (Comparative) (b)
If we want to succeed in life, we have to read
books. (Simple). (c) Good books guide us to the
right path. (Passive) (d) We should read books to
acquire knowledge. (Complex) (e) Only reading
books can increase our intellect. (Negative)
(a) Very few insects are as busy as a bee. (make
it imperative) It is known as an industrious
creature. (b)It lives together. (make it negative).
(c) It flies from flower to flower and collects
honey (make it simple) (d) It stores honey in the
hive. (make it passive) (e) In winter, it remains
idle but it works hard in spring.
(make it passive) It leads a disciplined life.
(a) Amina's life was very difficult. (Make
exclamatory sentence)
(b) One day she got a loan from Grammen Bank
and started to make a plan (Make simple
sentence) .
(c) She bought a dekhi to husk rice. (Make
complex sentence)
(d) In spite of her working very hard, there was
happiness in her heart. (Make compound
(e) She was a very hardworking and responsible
loanee. (Make negative sentence)
(a) Most people seem to have an innate fear of failure, but
it is really your best friend (Complex) (b) People who
succeed also fail a great deal because they make a lot
of attempts. (Compound) Those who have the most
successes have the most failure. (c) Failure is as
important as pass. (Comparative) (d) There is nothing
wrong or shameful in failing. (interrogative) The only
regret lies in never making the attempt. Even if you fail
in your attempt, you'll learn something valuable and
can make a better attempt next time. Sometimes the
quickest way to find out if something will work is to
jump right in and do it. (e) You can always make
adjustments along the way. (Passive)

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