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focus on the part where

there is no gap

2. sequence of tense

3. play with verbs

(a) Physical exercise keeps us healthy and strong. If you take regular
physical exercises, _________________ . [DB-2016]
(b) They came to you with a view to _________ . But you scolded
them without any reason.
(c) Please wait here until __________ . I have a serious matter to
discuss with you.
(d) I was not hungry at all. If I had been hungry, _____________ .
(e) Trees are essential for our existence. So, we should plant
____________ .
(f) There goes a proverb that ____________ . So, we must make proper
use of time.
(g) We should drink pure water. Since the water of this bottle is not
pure, ________________ .
(h) The two brothers are not on good terms. Yesterday when we
went to their house,______________ .
(i) Air is polluted in many ways. It is high time _______________ .
(j) The martyrs laid down their lives in 1971. They did it so that
2. (a) 16th December is observed as Victory Day every year in
Bangladesh. It is really a red-letter day in our national history, because on
this day ___________________ [CB-2016]
(b) A proverb goes that __________ . So, we must try to lead an honest life.
(c) Courtesy means ___________ . Courtesy costs nothing but brings a lot.
(d) Bangladesh is an agricultural country. As her economy depends on
agriculture, _____________________ .
(e) Time is very important in our life. You cannot prosper in life unless
______________________ .
(f) Bangladesh is our motherland. It is a small but beautiful country.
Though it is a small country, it is ___________ .
(g) Early rising gives a man enough free time. Since I am an early riser
_______________________ .
(h) You must have confidence in your ability. If you ____________ , you will
be successful.
(i) My final examination is going on. I studied hard lest I _______ .
(j) His father has no ability to bear his sons educational expenses. So the
son takes up a part-time job so that ________________ .
03. (a) Industry is the key to success. If you work hard,
_________________ . [RB-2016]
(b) Corruption is the main hindrance to development. It is high time
__________________ .
(c) Abdul is an HSC candidate. He is studying hard lest
_________________________ .
(d) There are a good number of reasons why ______________ . That
English is a foreign language is the main reason.
(e) Birds fly in the sky. I wish ______________ .
(f) No sooner had we reached there than ____________ . Unless we
went there earlier, we would miss the beginning of the programme.
(g) It is not good ___________ . A man is known by the company he
(h) Dulal Sheikh is a quack. He behaves as if ____________ .
(i) It is very cold outside. You had better ____________
(j) My childhood was full of joys and happiness. Would that __________ .
4. (a) I think you are not punctual in studies. Be punctual lest
__________________________ . [DjB-2016]
(b) I’ve missed the 8 0'clock train. Do you know when ___________________ ?
(c) The thief stole my watch and I saw it. As soon as I saw him
(d) Though he was late, ________________ .
(e) As he is unwilling to work, he cannot get rid of poverty. He must work if
_______________ .
(f) I usually avoid ______________ . It is boring to drive now.
(g) As it is a difficult task, __________ .He is very skilled in doing such work.
(h) Whenever I go to visit the factory, l __________ . He must account for his
(i) The film ended very fantastically. lf you enjoyed the film, _____________.
(j) There are many /obstacles in our way to success. We must work hard so
that _______________
05. (a) Geometry is very much confusing to Zillur. He practices geometry a lot
so that ______________ . [.JB-2016]
(b) I could not recognize you at first. lt was five years since we __________ .
(c) Sanjida was writing quite well in the-exam when suddenly she
_______________ . As a result, she could not finish the exam with satisfaction.
(d) Don’t worry. I _____________ after I have finished my study.
(e) Fahim was really in a great danger. He came to you with a view to
_________________ from you, but you disappointed him.
(f) Sujon was very weak but he had to carry a big box. The box was too heavy
for _____________________ .
(g) The farmers of our country are very poor, but they can work hard. If the
bank gives them loan on easy term, they ____________________ .
(h) Load-shedding occurs because we cannot produce adequate electricity. It is
high time we _______________ .
(i) I requested him to join me in playing cricket. He joined me ____________.
(j) He tried his best to get the job, but he could not do it. Had he got the job, he
would ____________ .
6. (a) Garment industry in Bangladesh is one of the major sources
__________________ . But this sector is afflicted with many problems.
(b) Once Taimur attacked the province of a powerful prince. When
the prince heard the news, _____________ .
(c) Mr. Karim is a hard working man. _____________ he cannot turn
the wheels of his fortune.
(d) Success doesn't come to a man automatically. When a man
works in a systematic way ___________ .
(e) Female education is a crying need for our country. It is a good
sign that nowadays ____________ .
(f) Motherland is like heaven. It is our sacred duty_____________ our
(g) Life should not be considered _______ . It is full of sorrows and
(h) When you ________ work, you will go home.
(i) The thief was afraid of police. He ran away lest __________
(j) He is an honest worker . Despite his honest work _______ .
7. (a) The students were sympathetic and patriotic. That’s why _______.
(b) There were five boys. I took five books that _______ .
(c) When he came out, ___________ . He was worthy of getting such
(d) Though the pen writes well, __________ . I can't afford to use it.
(e) The poem is too difficult for the students ___________ . They
couldn't but memorize it.
(f) If l had a camera, _____________ . I like photography.
(g) He came to my room while ___________ . He didn't wake me up.
(h) Rina waited until ____________ . She went after getting it.
(i) He went to London so that ______________ . He was devoted to study.
(j) He confessed that ____________ . So, I forgave him.
8. (a) You cannot buy a car unless ________ . lt costs a lot.
(b) You are now sick. Call me in case
________________________ .
(c) He is so short that _____________________ .
(d) Since there are no more questions to discuss ,
________________ .
(e) I worked hard although _______________
(f) Hardly had we started to eat when __________ .
(g) We were unable to go by train because of ___________ .
(h) I will give him the message as soon as __________ .
(i) When I was a child, __________ .
(j) There are many helpless people. I wish ___________ .
9. (a) The financial condition of my family was not so good. So, I took a part
time job so that ___________________ .
(b) Flood visits Bangladesh almost every year. Most often it occurs because of
_______________________ .
(c) He is absent from the meeting as ___________ . He has gone to consult a
(d) Sarat Chandra is my favourite author. His writings are outstanding.
Whenever I read any of his writings, ____________ .
(e) Wait for me until __________ . I have something important to tell you.
(f)“ __________ when the last train will arrive?" "Sorry I’m a newcomer here.
(g) Rakib and Sajol saw an old man lying on the road while ____________ _____ .
They rushed to the man and found him Senseless. They felt pity for him and
took him to the hospital.
(h) I don’t know whether _________ . But It’s sure that he will come tomorrow.
(i) The exam is knocking at the door. But you are not still so serious in your
studies. Be serious lest __________ .
(j) “Would you mind ?” “Certainly not. Please take it. I have an extra.”
10. (a) “Would you mind __________ ?” “No, thanks. I have just had a glass of
(b) Shafiq didn’t like to meet me. For this, he left the place after ___________ .
(c) Rakib was too late for the station. He had to take a taxi. Hardly had he
reached the station _______________ .
(d) I’m so tired that ______________ . Please, take a rickshaw.
(e) Students should avoid adopting unfair means in the examination. It may
bring a good result for them, but _________________ .
(f) Though Bangladesh is a small country, ______________ . It is now the number
one problem for her.
(g) English is used for global communication. Unless you learn it,
_________________________ .
(h) Jahid is ill. I should go to see him. Do you know where
______________________ ?
(i) l may meet Ratan tonight at 7. ____________ , I’ll tell him the news.
(j) The concert is great! I have really enjoyed it. But now I have to hurry lest
_________________________ .
11. (a) The exam is knocking at the door. Arif is studying heart and soul
so that __________________________ .
(b) Sohel is very sincere in his study. He never misses any class. But
because of his illness, ______________________ .
(c) Whenever I read something, _______________________ . I know it
makes my study perfect.
(d) I’m afraid of going there alone. So, I have to wait until
______________________________ .
(e) Everyone was more affectionate to me when ___________________ . I
wish I could be a child again.
(f) The other day while I was coming home from college, _____________ .
It occurred near the college. It killed two men and injured other three.
(g) The plants died. If someone had watered the plants, __________ .
(h) I’m not fond of jokes. ____________ who cut jokes all the time.
(i) Nicola’s car is clean now. She’s just _____________ .
(j) The room is not very big. I wish it _________________ .
12. (a) Mr. Jamal used to lose his temper on the slightest matter. His relative
didn’t like him because of ________________ .
(b) Richard is finding life a bit difficult in France. He can’t communicate with the
natives as _____________________ .
(c) Writing is his favourite pastime. Whenever he gets time, ________________ .
(d) Is Lisa coming to the party?” “No, _____________ until you call her.”
(e) A wise man is one who has knowledge. So, acquire knowledge if __________ .
(f) To save himself from his enemies, Robert Bruce took shelter in a cave. He
began to think how ___________________ .
(g) Bangladesh is a small country but ____________ . It is now the number one
problem for her.
(h) The load is too heavy for me to carry. So, I have called my cousin. He is
strong enough ____________________ .
(i) Vidyasagar noticed that his mother was wearing an old, torn shwal. So,
______________________________ .
(j) Despite being a millionaire, Mr. Ahmed hates ______________ . But don’t think
that he is a miser. He is actually frugal.
13. (a) You should avoid bad companies, because a person is
known______________________ .
(b) This place is not safe for you. You had better _______ .
(c) Rahul returned home last night. He went to Dhaka with a view to
_________________ .
(d) Sham needed to go to the station to receive his maternal uncle. But
the weather was so rough that _____________ .
(e) Students in primary school dropout in large number. We cannot ensure
education for all unless ________________ .
(f) AIDS is a fatal disease which ________ . We should be aware of it.
(g) The plan may ___________ . we’ll have to think of something else.
(h) Kalam: Hello, Shafiq. I phoned you at about ten but there was no
Shafiq: Oh, sorry. You phoned me while ____________ .
(i) Whenever he sees me, __________ . So, I think I should avoid him.
(j) Fresh air is good for health. So, I get up early and go for a morning walk
so that _____________________ .
14. (a) We are fond of our physics teacher, Mr. Latif. ___________
whenever we face any problem. Really, he is an ideal teacher.
(b) Success depends on utilization of time. So we should not waste time
if ____________ .
(c) I couldn’t buy the book because ___________ . I could have bought the
book if I had had some money.
(d) Patriotism is a noble virtue. A patriot is a person who ________ .
(e) We were not late for the conference. we couldn’t get a seat in spite
of ___________ . Many people were there.
(f) I can never understand him. Every time he behaves as if ____________
(g) Would you mind __________ ? I am very thirsty.
(h) My cousin intended to walk in the beach at night. But it was not
safe. So, I prevented him __________
(i) Childhood is the most enjoyable period of anybody’s life. I wish I
________________________ .
(j) I think he is not in a good mood today. You had better ____________ .
15. (a) Normally our college starts at noon. But nowadays, it starts in the
morning because of ____________________ .
(b) He never refuses any of my order. He does any hard job for me
whenever _______________ .
(c) Jamil is coming soon. ___________ , can you let him in?
(d) illiteracy is a great problem of Bangladesh. ___________ if its people
are illiterate.
(e) Jahid didn’t lock his bike and it got stolen. If he had locked his bike,
(f) A patriot is a person who ____________ . It is our sacred duty to love
our country.
(g) Enemies are about to attack the province. The prince is also ready
with his soldiers. The soldiers are strong enough ______________ .
(h) Tisha and her parents were in a hurry. They were to catch the train.
Unfortunately, the train had left the station before ____________ .
(i) Oho! We’ve lost our way. If you haven’t forgotten the map,
____________ .
(j) There is a small river close to his house. Whenever he gets
chance,_______________ .
16. (a) He is a liar. Do not rely ______________ .
(b) No sooner had he reached the station, ____________ .
(c) He is satisfied with what _______________ .
(d) My mother also _____________ .
(e) He behaves as if _________________ .
(f) ____________ that my parents lied on any ground.
(g) My purse has been lost and _______________ .
(h) My friend Sakib appeared before the interview board. As he
was smart _____________ .
(i) You are a liar. You cannot eat one mango let alone
(j) l am very hungry today. l had better _____________ .
17. (a) Bangladesh is _________ .
(b) ____________ here live by agriculture.
(c) As these people are mostly illiterate, ___________ .
(d) Consequently, it is not sufficient for us _________ .
(e) Moreover, the country is very small _________ our large
(f) So it is essential for us ______________ .
(g) _____________ our government has taken various steps.
(h) But our government should give more importance on
vocational education so that _______________ .
(i) in the present globalized world, we can export _________________
to different countries.
(j) Side by side, we must make them skilled in English
_________________________ .
18. (a) Idleness brings about dejection. I don't like people who _________ .
(b) His phone number is switched off l have an urgent work with him. Do you
know where ________________ ?
(c) Nice to meet you. It was long since __________________
(d) Read attentively. You will not pass unless ____________
(e) Had I been proposed to go, _____________ . But he did not propose me.
(f) Health is wealth. For sound health ______________ .
(g) Time and tide wait for none. ___________ know this wise saying?
(h) Unity is power. Unless you are united, you ___________
(i) We have read the story of an old man and his quarrelsome sons. The
story of the old man and his sons teaches us ________________ .
(j) Food adulteration is now a serious problem in our country. It is high time
________________ .
19.(a) Once a clever fox,__________ , fell into a trap; but he
somehow managed to get out of the trap.
(b) The fox tried his ___________ to get out of the trap.
(c) He tried and tried. At last he somehow managed to get out
of the trap of his tail ____________ .
(d) We should not kill the wild animals, rather love and save
them. By loving the wild animals we can ____________ .
(e) In the past man could not realize So they killed them
(f) They killed not only animals _______________ .
(g) We should refrain ________ from killing birds and animals.
(h) We should know that birds and animals are __________ of the
(i) lf we cannot stop killing them, one day our existence _____.
(j) So we should try to protect them ____________ .
20. (a) There are so many students and the classroom was very noisy. The
teacher spoke loudly so that ___________ .
(b) Though Bangladesh is blessed with rivers, we _____________ during dry
season. We do not have any concrete irrigation plan.
(c) He is surely out of his mind. _________ as if he were the president of the
(d) We are cutting down trees indiscriminately. we must do something to stop
this bad practice before it _____________ .
(e) It’s nice to see you again. We haven't seen each other
________________________ l feel really glad.
(f) The textbook is new but it is ____________ . We haven’t had any problem so
(g) The place we visited last week was really wonderful. lf I had had a camera
with me,_________________ .
(h) It will stop raining soon. We have a plan to go out. We will go out when
_____________________ .
(i) Playing in the rain may make you sick. Avoid playing in the rain lest
______________________ .
(j) You should remember that honesty is the best policy. You will be respected
by all if you __________________ .
21. (a) Had he been a little careful, ________________ . But he was not
attentive to his study at all.
(b) ____________ is a great sin. So we should be truthful.
(c) All employees want to be ____________ . But preference always
remains everywhere.
(d) All on a sudden, he came to me __________ yesterday. But I was
absent then.
(e) The rain has stopped. lt is high time _______________ .
(f) The present may be good, but ____________ . So, we can take lesson
from the past.
(g) ___________ may be very fatal. It is going on for many days.
(h) ______________ that the student is not serious about his studies. But
he is expert in playing cricket.
(i) Kith and kin are persons ____________ . We should help them in their
(j) A man cannot remember what ___________________ . Really we lose
many things in course of time.
23. (a) l am finding out an old fashioned bioscope. Do you know the
market __________ ?
(b) We are so self-centered __________ . We should give up self-
(c) ___________ a tendency of some students. As a result, they cannot
make a good result in the exam sometimes.
(d) His mother maintained his educational expenses. But, ___________
all his hopes were nipped in the bud.
(f) He has much money now because he has ____________ .
(g) A good professional career is the dream of every educated person.
So, he aims ___________________ .
(h) lt is said that death is preferable to dishonor. So, we should not do
anything _________________________ .
(i) _______________ brings monotony and a monotonous life is always
(j) The scientists predict that _____________ . This is why, they are
continuing to send spacecrafts into the Mars.
24. (a) Do not be _________ your son's fault.
(b) Akash is my best friend. He helps me __________ .
(c) Though Taha is a student of rich family, ______.
(d) He studied hard so that _____________ .
(e) What will he do with this ______________ ?
(f) Goni mia is a poor farmer who ____________
(g) Garments industry is one of the greatest
__________________________ .
(h) __________ it begun to rain cats and dogs , l took
shelter in a shop.
(i) In childhood I was taught "Honesty is the best
policy". So ____________________ .
(j) I saw that _____________ . So I didn‘t disturb him.
25. (a) I support you because ________ . You should always be
(b) Everybody wants good health. For good health,_______ .
(c) Corruption is like a disease. Therefore it needs ______ .
(d) Had I been proposed to go there, ____________ . But he didn't
say anything.
(e) Do you know the name of the man whose _____________ ? I want
to talk to him.
(f) There goes a proverb that __________ . We must use our time
(g) I live in a rented house. I wish I ____________ .
(h) Fluency in English is a must for getting a good job. It is high
time we _____________ .
(i) His cell phone is switched off but I need to talk to him now.
Please tell me where _________________ .
(j) A good student must possess _____________________ .
26. (a) _____________ than the train left. So, they decided to go to the college
on foot.
(b) Youth is the prime period of a man's life. If we sow good seeds in youth,
(c) Youth is the golden season of life. In youth the mind is soft and
________________________ .
(d) We work hard so that we can attain prosperity. Peace and prosperity are not
possible if _________________ .
(e) A man who ______________ brings misery for him. He becomes a burden to
(f) A rickshaw puller is very industrious. Though he drives rickshaw from
morning till late night, ____________ .
(g) Kamal fell seriously ill because of his working hard for the exam. He decided
that _______________ .
(h) Bangladesh is a small country with a huge population. Most people cannot
afford to educate their children because of _____________________ .
(i) The number of educational institutions in our country is very insignificant.
She needs more educational institutions so that __________ .
(j) Arif met his friend Saif on his way to college. Since the sky was cloudy,
___________________________ .
27. (a) We should make the best use of time. lf we lose the morning hours of
our life ___________ .
(b) Study is the motto of a student. As a student, you should read properly so
that ____________ .
(c) Students should read textbooks again and again with a view to
________________ .
(d) The crown is the symbol of a king. Uneasy lies the head that
_________________ .
(e) Students should respect their teachers. When the student stood up,
_____________ .
(f) Everybody should have a future plan. Tell me what _____________________ .
(g) Success depends on the proper use of time. You will surely succeed
provided that ___________ .
(h) He was absent from the meeting. Had I seen him, __________________
(i) The door should be opened. Would you mind ________?
(j) I am the only person that is responsible for this work. It is who
_________________ .
28. (a) The sky is cloudy and ____________ .
(b) The rainy season is the season of rain and shower. I
think that _______________ .
(c) If it rains, ______________ .
(d) Boys are fond of sports and games. There are some
boys who _____________ .
(e) I don’t like to play in the rain because ___________ .
(f) To tell a lie is a great sin. I do not like people who
__________________ .
(g) If we try, we can shine. I believe that ___________ .
(h) The sky is overcast with dark clouds. So, ________ .
(i) People who are not punctual __________ .
(j) I think those who are untidy in their lifestyle
____________________ .
29. (a) He has written an excellent book. What distinguished his
work was _____________________ .
(b) It was the video thriller that ___________ . I still can't forget it.
(c) That man who my wife is talking ___________ . I never doubt
(d) The meeting l went _________ . It showed me ways ahead.
(e) The present is really beautiful. _____________ who I got the
present from.
(f) It's too late. __________ , we would not have missed the train.
(g) One of the boys who _____________ . He reads in class five.
(h) Mr. Karim is too honest ____________ . That's why he could not
make any property.
(i) This time I am not going. I would go provided that __________ .
(j) As l have already completed my studies, ________. I need money
___________ .
30. (a) I was going by a crowded bus the other day. I got down
from the bus when ___________ .
(b) We were anticipating some dacoits at our home. The police
were informed before ____________ .
(c) I always believed you. I thought that you _________ .
(d) We have to meet him anyhow. Either he will come or
(e) People don‘t like quarrelling. If you don‘t quarrel _________
(f) He is determined to achieve success. We are not sure whether
(g) Reading is a good habit. The more you read, _________ .
(h) My brother is going to the USA. I wish __________ .
(i) Smoking is a serious bad habit. It is high time __________ .
(j) We all honour him. Scarcely had he come __________ .
31. (a) Hospitality has long been a part of our culture. Although many other things are
changing now, _________________ .
(b) Acid throwing is a barbarous act. We should create public awareness so that
_______________________________ .
(c) My work is almost finished. l’ll be back by tomorrow unless __________________ .
(d) Shemonti passed HSC exam this year. I’ve heard she is seeking admission into a
private university. If were she, ____________ . Once it was called the ‘Oxford of the East'.
(e) The hill is too high ______________ . I cannot climb it all the way.
(f) Munira needed some financial assistance. She came to me in order _______ . But I was
financially very hard up then. So I could not help her.
(g) We should take umbrella with us lest _________ . The sky is overcast with dark clouds.
(h) As the patient was in a serious condition, __________ . ICU is the place where only
serious patients are handled.
(i) Samira’s father died of a heart attack while working in his office. No sooner had she
heard the news, __________________ .
(j) My friend lives in Finland. He came to Bangladesh five years ago. It is many years
since __________________ .
32. (a) The students wanted to make a garden. They worked very hard all day long so
that ____________________ .
(b) The woodcutter became overwhelmed with grief when __________ . It was the only
means of his income.
(c) The students worked very hard for the garden. They became very tired after they
_______________ .
(d) English is very important forgetting a good job. It will be very tough for you to get a
good job unless you _____________ .
(e) Most of the people suffer from malnutrition because of their ________________. It is
high time we took a balanced diet.
(f) Many young girls are married off before they reach maturity. Most of them are too
young ______________ .
(g) The book is written in a very simple style. lt ___________ that everybody can
understand it at first reading.
(h) I like warm weather. The warmer the weather, the ______________ .
(i) I always take good care of my books. You can borrow my books as long as you
_____________________ .
(j) Providing ________ we are going to have our picnic as scheduled. So, please keep in
33. (a) Time is very valuable. Those who shone in life ________ .
(b) It is very cold today. You will be sick unless _______________ .
(c) Since he behaved badly ____________ . Actually he misbehaves
with everybody.
(d) This year crops did not grow well because of ___________ . The
price of all necessary things are rising day by day.
(e) It is high time ___________ . It is detrimental to health.
(f) Faysal got a scholarship. He opened a bank account so that
______________________ .
(g) Yesterday l had an interview at Motijheel. Although it was pick
hour, _______________ .
(h) Sabina‘s father died of heart attack. _______________ than she
burst into tears.
(i) The final exam is near. Our English teacher gave us some special
tips lest _________________________ .
(j) Although the man is 60 years old, ___________ . It is his food
habit and physical exercise that makes him look so young.
34. (a) Sakib had failed two times in the SSC exam. If he had studied hard,
_____________ .
(b) There is a vacant post in my company. If you are a graduate, _____________ .
(c) The passer-by was too ____________ . He had walked along the distance.
(d) I like typing. If I had a typewriter, ________ .
(e) Food adulteration is a crime. It is high time __________ .
(f) I left my hometown Jessore. Five years passed since _____________________ .
(g) Your HSC exam is knocking at the door. Study hard so that
____________________ .
(h) Habib was not present when the crime took place. But he talks as if
_____________ .
(i) He is very insincere. We are doubtful whether he ___________ .
(j) Begging is not a profession. I would rather die ___________ .
35. (a) I pay special thanks to the author for writing the book. Although
it is difficult to read, ___________ .
(b) I wish __________ but I am sorry. I will not able to attend because of
my examination.
(c) There exists a very good relation between the two friends. One
helps the other if _____________ .
(d) I don't want to visit the place without you. I will wait for you until
_______________ .
(e) In a moonlit night, the moon shines as if _______________ .
(f) He is the only earning member in his family. He has to work very
hard in order to ____________ .
(g) Adopting unfair means in the examination is very bad. It is high
time ___________ .
(h) I always take good care of my books. You can borrow my books as
long as _________________ .
(i) Providing that __________ , we are going to have our picnic as
scheduled. So, please keep in touch.
(i) We met the strange person while ____________ . We were really
amused at his behaviour.

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