20191025-Human Rights Abuse in Chile - Myth or Reality

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current events in Chile and Latin America.

Alejandro Rogers B.
International Media Coverage – Reality Check

• The Guardian: “Chile protests: UN to investigate claims of human rights abuses

after 18 deaths”

• But they don’t say that most of those deaths occurred during
looting, precisely because the military was not present.

• Also they don’t say that most of those incidents occurred during the
week end when the government and the military were trying to
regain control of the streets.

• Injured and death tolls has stabilized for the past days, as per the
same Human Rights Institute, the same source the The Guardian
uses to make this appaling article.

International Media Coverage – Reality Check

• France24: UN to probe human rights abuses in Chile as protest death toll swells
• Yes, non other than Michell Bachelet, former socialist President of
Chile and current High Comissioner for Human Rights. The same
Michell Bachelet that allowed human trafficking from Haiti to Chile,
the same Michelle Bachellet who allowed terrorist to take over an
entire region in the south of Chile, the same Michelle Bachelet
under whose watch the statistics of deadh in the National Service
for Children was grossely manipulated to hide the 1282 dead kids.

• And of course, this had to come from the UN, who recently
accepted Venezuela as a member of the Human Right Council. The
same Venezuela that the Organization of American States has
accused of sponsoring these protests and try to destabilize Chile
and the region

• https://www.france24.com/en/20191024-un-to-probe-human-right
HR Issues

• So lets go over some of the Human Rights issues that are being discussed.

• Can military detain citizens during a curefew?

• The basic nature of a curefew is hat some basic rights are suspended, in
particular the right of free movement.
• So if a person is found walking on the streets during the curefew, he
would be “retained” as opposed to “detained”.
• In fact the retained person doesn’t even go through detention there is no
process for criminal action.
• The retained person is left to go home once the curefew is over.

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYfJiWe-aow

• Conclusion: It makes no sense to have state of emergency if the state cannot

enforce it. What is happening here is that biased lawyers looking for fame or
publicity are using this in order to weaken the government and create bad
HR Issues

• In another case a military was accused of firing his weapon during the Curefew of October 22
wounding a person in his leg.

• The court settled in favor of the military official explaining that:

• In the videos presented, the court “clearly observed that the victim disobeys the instructions and
orders of military officials who controlled the curefew. The victim approached the formalized
military, not stopping his march or lying on the ground as required and it is, in those
circumstances, that the shot occurred”.


Conclusion: Willingly disobeying a military order during a state of emergency is to deliberately look
for trouble. What the left is trying to do here is provoke military reaction in order to, again, create
bad press and weaken the government’s reputation. As far as I’m concerned, I congratulate the
official who did his job risking his own life.
HR Issues

• In another case the National Instutue For Human Rights in Chile publically supported claims
against the PDI (the investigation police) of torture in one of the subway stations.

• As such social networks went crazy and #ChileViolatesHumanRights and such became trending

• Even after investigating with the justive department and the PDI and not finding evidence of
torture, the INDH doubled down and took the case further in court.

• Eventually the director of the Human Rights Institute had to acknowledge that there was no
evidence of torture and apologize. But the harm was already done.

• As the director of the PDI stated:

• “Is is absolutly irresponsibile to deliver wrongful information without verifying the data in a
moment of effervescence and uneasiness”.

• https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/chile/2019/10/24/director-de-la-pdi-arremete-co

• Conclusion: Again, this is not an issue of genuine care for Human Rights, it is all about creating
bad press and weakening the government.

• As you can see there is a lot of evidence that the issue of Human Rights is being weaponized to
weaken the government internationally and eventually force Piñera to resign.

• Obviously opponents to the government have all the incentives to maintain the military
presence in the streets hoping that they will eventually provoke something they can show to
the press.

• But so far the police and military official have proven to be cold minded and professionals and
the silent majority recognizes this and is extremely grateful.

That’s all for today.

Thanks again for watching and remember to like, subscribe, comment

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ananlysis on events in Chile and Latin America.

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