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Tyan Lassanova Fazrin Nugraha

The Functions of The Hospital
 The provision of services the  The implementation of the
treatment and recovery of education and training of
healt in accordance with human resources in order to
service standards hospital. increase the ability in the
 Maintenance and provision of health services.
 The implementation of
improvement of individual
research and development as
health through health
well as screening technology,
services plenary session of the field of health in order to
the second and third levels improve health services with
according to the needs of attention to the ethics of
medical. science the field of health.
Kinds of The Hospital
 General Hospital
General hospital usually are easily found in the country, with a
capacity of inpatient care is great for intensive care or long- term.
 Hospital Specialised
These types include trauma centers, children’s hospital,
geriatric hospital, or hospital that serve special interests such as
psychiatric (psychiatric hospital), respiratory disease, and others. The
hospital can consist of any combination or just one building.
 Research Hospital/Education
Research hospital/education is a publiv hospital associated
with the research and educational activities at the faculty of
medicine at a university/institute of higher education.
 Hospital Institution/Company
Hospital estabilished by an institution/company to serve
patients who are members of the institutiom/employees of
the company.
 Clinic
A medical facility smaller that only serve spesific
complaints. Usually run by non-governvental organizations
or doctors who want to run a private practice. The clinic
usually pnly accepts an outpatient basis. The shape can also
be a set of clinics called policlinics.
The Staff and Medical Team
 Doctors
 Nurses
 Midwife
 Nutritionist
 Radiographers
 Medical Recorder
 Pharmacist
 Administrative Officer
 Receptionist
 Security
 Cleaning Service
The Room and Place in The Hospital
  Central Sterile Supply
Surgical Ward
 Medical Ward Department (C.S.S.D)
  Pharmacy
Orthopedic Ward
 Dispensary
 Gynecological Ward
 Maternity Unit
 Pediatric Ward
 Physiotherapy
 Dentological Ward
 Long Stay Ward
 Antenatal Clinic
 Intensive Care Unit
 Postnatal Clinic
 X-ray Department
 Psychiatric Unit
 Admission Department
 Infectious Disease Unit  Doctor’s Room
 Anaesthetic Room  Waiting Room
 Occupational Therapy  Musholla
Department Internist  Kitchen
 Laboratory  Cafetaria
 Polyclinics  Soiled Linen
 Dispather’s Office  Clean Linen
 ICU  Laundry
 Patch Lab
 Nurse Room

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