Introduction To Access and Databases: Dr. K.V.Vishwanatha

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Introduction to Access

and Databases

Dr. K.V.Vishwanatha
Professor, Dept. of CSE,
R.V.C.E, Bangalore

 What is a relational database?

 Components of a database:
 Tables
 Queries
 Forms
 Reports
 When to use databases / spreadsheets
Relational databases

Access is a program for creating and

managing relational databases.

 Database: store of information

 Relational: relationships between
pieces of data are stored
A non-relational database

Name DOB Role Manager Phone Location Sex

Alan Spencer 5/2/55 Administrator Colin Morton 4242 G23 M

Sarah Supton 3/12/70 Administrator Alan Spencer 2487 G23 F

Leanne Thurr 3/1/71 Teaching Colin Morton 9210 111 F

Colin Morton 1/1/40 Dean - 4297 323 M
A relational version

ROLES LocationID LocationName
RoleID Title AnnualLeave 01 G23
1 Administrator 1 02 111
2 Teaching Assistant 3 03 323
3 Dean 90
ID Firstname Lastname Role Manager DOB Phone Location Sex

1 Alan Spencer 1 4 5/2/55 4242 01 M

2 Sarah Supton 1 1 3/12/70 2487 01 F
3 Leanne Thurr 2 4 3/1/71 9210 02 F
4 Colin Morton 3 4 1/1/40 4297 03 M
What tables do you need?
 Split data into “subject areas”, eg:
Rooms, Staff, Students, Events, Committees
 Each subject is a potential table
 Identify how the facts (data) you want to store relate
to the subjects (tables)
If the data cannot be thought of as a characteristic of that table it
may need to be assigned to a new table.
The Access environment
 A lot like other Microsoft Office software
(menus, toolbars, etc)
 “Database window” – the central point for
your database
Databases are on disk!

in memory

Word or CREATE/

Excel Hard Access EDIT/ SAVE

program disk program disk

 Must choose a file location before

working on your database
 Tables hold all the information in Access.
 Similar to a “list” in Excel – a grid of
A field (the name of this field is

A record (this
record describes
black ring
Creating a table
1. Import from Excel or other source
(File > Get External Data > Import)
2. Create new within Access
(Insert > Table, or choose the “New” option on the database
 One field in a table is normally chosen
to be the key
 Key must be unique to each record – for example,
your payroll number or a student’s UCAS number
 Access uses the key to perform some of its
operations, such as...
Table relationships

“Students” table:
StudentID LastName FirstName Title TutorID
16012 Johnson Praveen Ms 0002
31526 Hemming Alan Mr 0003
89430 Pike Peter Mr 0003
48612 Turbot John Mr 0001

“Staff” table:
StaffID LastName FirstName Title
0001 Smith Alice Ms
0002 Kerzby Honor Ms
0003 Prentice John Mr
Table relationships
 The “Relationships Window”
(Tools > Relationships)
 Queries look like tables
 They are used to get data from tables
according to specific needs, eg: address lists;
end-of-year marks
 “Dynamic”: when the table is updated, the
query is updated
 Used for entering information into tables
 Not “necessary” – but useful
 Flexible formatting
 Can help ensure that you’re entering the right

UCAS form Form in admissions database

with the same layout
 Reports make the information “presentable”:
printed reports,
labels, charts…
 Can present information from Tables
and/or Queries
 Dynamic (like Queries) – report will update
whenever the underlying data updates
Exporting information
You can:
 Export to Excel
(File > Save As/Export)
N.B. This will export a Table or Query – not the
whole database!
 Save As HTML for the web
(File > Save as HTML)
Starting a new database
 Plan the information that’s going to be in it,
and the uses of it (pencil & paper) – include
everything you can think of!
 Create database
 Enter information
When to use databases

Use a database:
 To store complex information

 When the information will need to be

used/presented in a variety of ways
 Databases can be complex and difficult to set up
 Avoid re-inventing the wheel...
When to use spreadsheets
Use a spreadsheet:
 To maintain a small, simple set of information

 To perform numerical analyses (formulae, functions)

 To create graphs & charts quickly

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