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Research Report

Dr. Zia Rahman
Department of Criminology

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 Outside the body of your research: With

Roman Alphabets
 Title, Your name and the
institution/organization’s requirement
 Signature/Approval
 Abstract/Executive Summary
 Acknowledgement
 Dedication
 Table of Contents
 List of Tables
 List of Graphs
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Main Body

 Chapter One: Introduction

 Problem Identification
 Short version of literature review
 Theories you use
 Objectives
 Short form methodology
 Main Research Questions, Hypothesis
 Organization of your paper: chapterization
 Operational Definition and major terms you
used staff college-report-19March 2020 3
 Chapter Two:
 Literature review/Theoretical

Chapter Three/Four
 Data Collection technique
 Sampling
 Data analysis
 Validity, reliability and generaligibility
 Ethical Issue
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Chapter Four:
Data Analysis/Findings/Result
 For Quantitative:
 Univariate data: graph, table (percentage/mean
median mode, st. deviation etc. using table)
 Bivariate and Multivariate data analysis (using
table and SPSS/STATA result
 For qualitative:
 Answer using research questions/Theme with
related quotations
 e.g., Research Question 1, 2, 3 etc.

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•Chapter Five: Summary and Conclusion
 Summary
Limitations and suggestions for future
References/ Bibliography
APA style preferred

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Appendix : 1, 2, 3 etc.
•Appendix : 1, 2, 3 etc.
•Rare Documents
•Interview questions/Questionnaire
•List of People You Interviewed.
•Consent Form
•Sample Transcriptions
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