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Grey Wolf

By Alex Mihaila

• The grey wolf is the largest member of the wild

dog family. They are mainly grey or brown in
colour, but their colouring, along with their size,
can vary depending on their geographic location.

• Grey wolves used to live in the wild in Ireland but

unfortunately they went extinct due to habitat
loss of their native forests. The last grey wolf
sighting in Ireland was recorded in 1786.
What is their
natural habitat?
• The grey wolf is a habitat generalist which means that
they can occupy a wide range of habitats, including
woodlands, forests, tundra, grasslands, steppe and
even arid landscapes.

• Geographically, they can be found throughout

Europe, North America, Greenland and Asia, and
were once the most widely ranging member of the
dog family.
What do they eat?

• Grey wolves are carnivorous and very opportunistic

hunters who specialise in taking down vulnerable
individuals of larger prey. They will generally eat what
is available to them within their environment, which
can include, but is not limited to, moose, reindeer, yak,
bison, muskox and other medium to large ungulates.

• They will also hunt smaller mammals, such as rabbit,

hare, badger and rodents. When conditions are
difficult they have been known to eat lizards, snakes,
frogs and even insects. They will subsititute their diet
with fruit and vegetable matter, too.
The grey wolf is generally considered to be
monogamous, with mating pairs usually remaining
together for life. Commonly a pack will consist of
approximately 8-12 wolves, within which will be
an alpha pair and their off-spring. They are an
organised group who hunt together, and pups are
cared for by all members of the pack. Pups are
born in spring and are deaf and blind, and won't
develop their senses for a further 9 - 12 days after
birth. They will leave the den within three weeks,
and reach maturity at 2 - 3 years in the wild.

Family Life
• Wolves can reach a maximum speed of
approximately 50-60km/h out in the
• The grey wolf has a body length between
1 – 1.5m, a tail-length of 30 – 51cm and
they weigh on average between 36 –
• The grey wolf is also known as the timber
wolf or tundra wolf.
• In the wild, the grey wolf can live up to 6
– 8 years, but longer in human care.


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