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Inventions for the future

Luis Mateo Pulgarín Hernández

Jhon Alexander Ríos García
Juan Esteban Herrera Yepes
Smartphone of the future
 The Smartphone are much more than telephones.
They are powerful computing multimedia connected
in network and during the next 10 years they will
become much more advanced. The mobility is
transforming many daily processes, as the forms in
those that we sell, we communicate, collaborate,
qualify and educate.
The Philips to condition developing this
Smartphone with the following components
 Screen 3D
 biometric Security
 wireless Payments
 personal Assistant
 Not more screens
 Hyper connectivity
Definition of the components:
Screen 3D :Your Smartphone will have a screen 3D
and a web seeker 3D and you will not need special
glasses to see them. Instead of sailing in traditional
web sites in your intelligent telephone, you will be
able to enter environments (as shops or rooms of
exhibition) and to maneuver inside them, since you
do it in devices as the Xbox.
biometric Security
Instead of having to remember several passwords,
you will be able to accede to the information and
sites in your smartphone across multiple biometric
checks with help of the advanced resolution of the
screen and the sensors of the telephone.
wireless Payments
Instead of having to remember several passwords,
you will be able to accede to the information and
sites in your smartphone across multiple biometric
checks with help of the advanced resolution of the
screen and the sensors of the telephone.
personal Assistant
Your smartphone will turn your portfolio. It is easy to
use cards of credit, but the electronic portfolios are
easier. Nowadays, Google has an electronic portfolio
that works with Citi MasterCard and soon it will work
with other cards of credit. It is sure and allows
yourself to do payments with your smartphone. In
the nearby, similar future all the companies of
financial services start using the mobile payments,
you will change rapidly your portfolio of leather into a
portfolio smartphone.
Not more screens
Some smartphones will lack screen. The intelligent
traditional telephone with screen will not disappear,
but you will have the option to have one without
screen. This one will be a very popular and very
accepted mobile, since without the screen already you
will not need a big battery. He imagines the
smartphone without screen as the small jewel that the
people were using in Star Trek. It will be activated by
touch and by voice. When you touch, you will connect
with your ultraintelligent agent, who is a part of a
supercomputer in the cloud.
Hyper connectivity

Your smartphone will interact with the intelligent

surfaces. Already we are witnesses of the beginning
of the tactile screens intelligent and produced by
voice who do the times of table with access to
Internet. In spite of only placing your telephone on
these surfaces, both will be connected. In addition,
your ultra intelligent agent will move of your mobile
towards the screen.


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