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The following slides include a timeline that covers all
the political and military events that occurred
across Europe and the rest of the world during
1918. In this year the Germans launch a final
desperate offensive on the Western front designed
to defeat the French and British. However, this is
defeated which forces the Germans to seek an
Armistice to end World War 1.
Jan - March
 08/01/1918 President Woodrow Wilson delivers his fourteen points
speech to the U.S. Congress.
   11/02/1918 The U.S. President Woodrow Wilson makes "Four
Principles" speech to Congress.  
 03/03/1918 A separate peace treaty is signed by Soviet Russia and the
Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey) at Brest-
 15/03/1918 Soviets ratify the Brest-Litovsk Treaty.
 21/03/1918 The Ludendorff Offensive begins with Germany launching its
Spring push with the Battle of Picardy against the British. This will
eventually amount to five major offensives against Allied forces.
 26/03/1918 Doullens Agreement gives General Ferdinand Foch "co-
ordinating authority" over the Western Front.  
April - May
 09/04/1918 Germany launches second Spring offensive, the
Battle of the Lys, in the British sector of Armentieres.
 14/04/1918 Foch appointed Commander-in-Chief of Allied
forces on Western Front. Apr 1918 Zeebruggge Raid.  
 16/05/1918 Espionage Act is passed.
 25/05/1918 German U-boats appear in US waters for first
 27/05/1918 Third German Spring offensive, Third Battle of
the Aisne, begins in French sector along Chemin des Dames.
 28/05/1918 U.S. forces (28th Regiment of 1st Division) are
victorious in their first major action, Battle of Cantigny.  
June - July
 06/06/1918 US 3rd Division captures Bouresches and southern part of Belleau
 09/06/1918 The Germans launch the fourth Spring offensive, Battle of the Matz,
in French sector between Noyan and Montdider.
 15/06/1918 The Italians prevail against Austro-Hungarian forces at the Battle of
 06/07/1918 US President Woodrow Wilson agrees to US intervention in Siberia.
 15/07/1918 The final phase of great German Spring push, the Second Battle of
Marne, begins.
 16/07/1918 Former Tsar Nicholas II, his wife, and children, are murdered by the
 17/07/1918 Archangel expedition
 18/07/1918 The Allies counterattack against German forces, seizing initiative on
the Western Front. Jul 1918 The Italian Piave Offensive ends.
August - September
 03/08/1918 Allied intervention begins at Vladivostok in Siberia.
 08/08/1918 Haig directs the start of a successful Amiens offensive, forcing all German
troops back to the Hindenburg Line. Ludendorff calls it a "black day" for the German
 12/09/1918 US forces clear the St.-Mihiel salient, during which the greatest air assault
of the war is conducted by the U.S. Airforce..
 19/09/1918 The British begin an offensive against Turkish forces in Palestine, the
Battle of Megiddo.
 26/09/1918 The Battle of the Vardar is fought against the Bugarians by Serb, Czech,
Italian, French and British forces. The Meuse-Argonne offensive begins. this wll be the
final Franco-American offensive of the war.
 27/09/1918 Haig's forces storm the Hindenburg Line, breaking through at several
 28/09/1918 Belgian forces launch an offensive at Ypres.
 29/09/1918 Bulgaria concludes armistice negotiations with the Allies.  
October - November
 03/10/1918 Germany and Austria send peace notes to US President Woodrow Wilson
requesting an armistice.
 17/10/1918 The British begin their advance to the Sambre and Schledt rivers, taking many
German prisoners.
 21/10/1918 Germany ceases unrestricted submarine warfare.
 27/10/1918 Ludendorff resigns.
 30/10/1918 Turkey concludes an armistice with the Allies.
   03/11/1918 The German fleet mutinies at Kiel. Trieste falls to the Allies as Austro-Hungary
concludes an armistice.
 05/11/1918 Allies accept the fourteen points.
 07/11/1918 Germany begins negotiations for an armistice with the Allies in Ferdinand Foch's
railway carriage headquarters at Compiegne.
 09/11/1918 Kaiser Wilhelm abdicates.
 10/11/1918 German republic founded as Kaiser Wilhelm II flees to Holland.
 11/11/1918 Armistice day as fighting ceases at 11am - World War I ends. Central Powers are
forced to annul the Brest-Litovsk Treaty.

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