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Designing High Performance

Organization (A) Seminar 6


Dr. Nadeem Dogar

Assistant Professor
UCP Business School
Seminar Outline
Measuring Organizational Effectiveness
Organizational purpose
Strategic intend
Competitive advantage
Core competence
A framework for selecting strategy and design

Make a purpose
Make the design to achieve that purpose
Select the best strategy according to your
Porter’s Strategies
Differentiation Low cost leadership

• Focus on • Focus on efficiency

uniqueness and low cost
• Apple • Easy jet
• Samsung • Wal-Mart

Organizations attempt to distinguish its

product or services from other in the
May use distinguished product feature
To perceived as unique
Low Cost Leadership
To increase market share by offering low
cost as compare to competitors
To bring customer loyalty
How strategies effect organizational design

A blend of strategies that serves best your

purpose rather than adopting someone's
successful strategies,
Points to be considered
Internal and external
Size or organization
Assessing organizational effectiveness

 Meeting deadline : on-time delivery

 Timely material and equipment
 Quality of product and services
 Customer satisfaction and complaints
 Employee training and development
(number of hours)
 Staying within budget
 Shareholder satisfaction
 Reduction in cost
 Supply chain delays or improvements
 Productivity: dollars spends on each unit
of output
 Employee engagement
 Achieving sales targets
 Products development cycle time
(reduction in cycle time)
 Numbers of days to complete task
Four effectiveness approaches
Goal approach indicators

Market share
Social responsibility
Product quality
Resource based approach

Organization must be successful in

obtaining and managing resources to be
Strategically valuable resources give an
organization a competitive edge
Obtain Successfully Organizatio
valued integrate nal
resources resources effectives
Internal process approach
Corporate culture
Employee relationship
Economies of scale
Undistorted vertical and horizontal
Employees development
Conflict management
Strategic constituents approach


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