Learning Outcomes:: The Material Self

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The Material Self

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, you are able to:
1. Develop understanding about material self.
2. Describe the basic components of material self.
3. Discuss the influence of media in material
4. Develop qualities of wise buyer.
1. List down all the material things that you possess.
2. List down all the things that you want to have.
3. Crash out 5 items that you can easily throw away.
4. Crash out another 5 items that you are willing to
give away.
5. Pick 5 items that you cannot live without.
6. Exchange those items that you want to have but
you can live without.
7. What is that 1 item that define you as the person
you are. Why?
How then a possession define you as a person or
as your SELF?
According to William James, material self is
“the sum total of all that he can call his, not only his
body and his psychic powers, but his clothes and his
house, his wife and children, his ancestors and
friends, his reputation and works, his lands, and
yacht and bank-account.

In other words, a person’s possessions like the

body, family, clothes, money, house, car, and other
tangible objects make up the material self.
Another component of the material self is the
clothes that people wear.

-Clothes represent the self. The style and brand of

clothes becomes a symbolic significance, particularly
among adolescents.

Apart from clothes, the material component of the

self can include books, bed, money, car, house and
other things that a person can call his own possession.
Material Possessions

Regardless of how much or how little material

possessions people have, they are interested in material

Possessions can be used as status symbol.

Ex. Cars, house, gadgets, and clothes are the most

valuable possessions because they are the most visible
in the eyes of others. The more expensive, the more
other people are impressed.
Material possessions can also be a reflection of
hard work and success.
Material possessions can make people more
motivated to work harder to achieve them. Owning
material possessions becomes a driving force, using
the person to seek high level of achievement.
Defining the self by material possessions can
also contribute to feelings of well-being, including a
sense of personal growth and purpose or meaning in
life. However, lack or loss of material possessions
can be disruptive to mental health.

People tend to appraise other people through their

material possessions. Thus, the greater the material
possessions, the more one is likely to attain
acceptance, approval and esteem from other people.
Desire for material possessions also have negative
effects. Materialism is the importance people give on
material possessions.
Someone with a high level of materialism is called
materialistic. A materialistic person is excessively
concerned with the acquisition of material possessions.
The strong desire for material possessions could
lead to psychological dysfunction or impairment in
functioning such as compulsive buying disorder (CBD)
which is characterized by an obsession with shopping
and buying behaviors that causes adverse
Developmental evidence suggests that this
identification with material things begins quite early
in life but remains high throughout life as people
seeks for happiness.
Lack or loss of these material possessions could
lead to anxiety, insecurity, and depression. Thus, when
a person is about to make a purchase, he should ask
himself/herself a very important question: Do I really
need this?
1. A person’s possessions like the body, family, clothes,
money, house, car, and other tangible objects make
up the material self.
2. The components of the material self include the body,
clothes, people and other things that the person calls
3. Materialism is the importance people could give on
material possessions.
4. A materialistic person is excessively concerned with
the acquisition of material possessions.
5. Compulsive buying disorder (CBD) which is
characterized by an obsession with shopping and
buying behaviors.
Performance Task No.1 – October 2, 2018
1. Write your most treasured material possessions
and explain the reasons.
a. Body Part
b. Clothes
c. Other Material Possessions

2. Choose one material thing that you possessed and

that have personal significance or meaning to you.
Why did you find that particular object personally
relevant or meaningful? Discuss your answers.
Spiritual Self

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, you are able to:
1. Demonstrate understanding of the spiritual self.
2. Explain the importance of spirituality in one’s
3. Discuss how spirituality is connected to religion.
4. Describe how spirituality develops.
5. Identify the different spiritual beliefs of
indigenous people in the Philippines.
The spiritual aspect is the inner essence, the part of
the self that connects the person to the sacred, the
supernatural, and the universe.
The spiritual self enables the person to experience
a feeling of oneness with God and the universe and
gives a deeper purpose or meaning of one’s life.
Understanding and nurturing the spiritual self is
important as the other aspects of the self.
The spiritual self develops through interaction,
observation, and imitation.
The family, school, and church play a very
important role in the child’s spiritual development.
Spirituality begins at an early age but develops
throughout life as people continuously interact in the
The root meaning of spirituality is taken from
the Latin word spiritus, meaning breath or life
Spirituality can be understood as a search for
the sacred, a process through which people seek to
discover, hold on to, and, when necessary,
transform whatever they hold sacred in their lives.
Spirituality generally refers to meaning and
purpose in one’s life, a search for wholeness, and a
relationship with a transcendent being.
The term “spirituality” originally developed in
early Christianity. Christians use the term “Spirit” to
describe the Holy Spirit.
In Christian ethics, it is characterized by
reverence, faith, fear, trust, love and admiration
which is intimately connected to God.
Worship is regarded as an essential act to
realize the ultimate meaning of transcendence and
human life.
Acts of worship may include prayer, reading the
bible, attending sacraments, and doing sacrifices.
Spirituality is connected with religion. Religion
is an organized system of ideas about the spiritual
sphere or the supernatural along with associated
ceremonial practices by which people try to
interpret and/or influence aspects of the universe
otherwise beyond their control.
All religions recognize the importance of
spirituality in one’s life.
One’s spirituality may be expressed through
religion and participation in religious rituals and
Spirituality and religion fulfill numerous social
and psychological needs, such as the need to explain
human sufferings and death. Through the practice of
religious activities such as prayers, people may find
comfort, security and stability in times of sufferings,
loss, insecurities, and uncertainties.
The Practice of Animism
Spirituality is often associated with animism. As
the child embodies spiritual beliefs about God and the
sacred; it also includes the primitive concept about
Animism or the belief that creatures, objects, and
places possess spirits such as bathala, diwata,
duwende, kapre, and aswang.
Some of the indigenous people like the Mangyans,
Ifugaos, and Igorots believe that spirits influence
living things (trees, rocks, animals) and space in the
universe (moutains, sea, sky).
Despite of all the scientific progress and
technological achievements, existence of animism
still remains.
The practice of animism may also affect the
spiritual self. Among the sources of animism is
ignorance or lack of education especially in distant
and isolated places.
However, one must admit that there are forces in
this world that are unusual and cannot be explained
by science and modern technology.
Concept activity No. 2- October 4, 2018
Answer the following questions.
1. Distinguish the difference between belief in
spirits and belief in the Holy Spirit.
2. What is the relationship between religion and
3. Give at least two kinds of spiritual beliefs
(animism) in the Philippines. What are the
reasons for having those spiritual beliefs?
4. What are the functions of the Church in
developing the spiritual self?
Political Self

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, you are able to:
1. Describe the nature, functions, and origins of political
2. Discuss the role of family, school, church, peer groups,
and media in the development of political self.
3. Determine the importance of social interaction in
political self.
4. Identify and describe the theoretical perspectives in the
development of political self.
Politics is a social institution through which
power is acquired and exercised by some people and
In Aristotle’s work Politics, he describes the role
that politics and the political community must play
in bringing about the virtuous life in the citizenry.
Citizenship is the most basic identification with
the nation. Citizenship is a term denoting
membership of a citizen in a political society.
As a citizen, the person enjoys full civil and political
rights, including protection inside and outside the
territory of the State.
Political Self and Identity
The political self is an essential part of the self
because it constitutes knowledge about the Constitution,
government, and governance.
The political self helps in defining the structure and
functions of the government.
One component of the political self is identity, the
person’s understanding of who and what he or she is.
That is, for each person there must be an understanding
of himself or herself.
Origins of Political Self
The family has a hierarchical structure, which
requires that each member performs their roles.
The family consists of members who differ in
status, obligations, influence, or power. Traditionally,
the father is the most influential member of the
The father acts as the leader and establishes rules
and issue orders to maintain order in the family.
His role as the leader entails power and authority. He
coordinates with the mother in helping the children
perform certain roles necessary for a successful
From an early age, individuals are taught to obey and
treat parents with respect and conform to their rules.
The first and foremost duty of the parents is to
educate the children about the basic values and beliefs.
The family directly and indirectly influence a person’s
political attitudes, views, and beliefs.
The Philippine Constitution thus recognizes the duty
and responsibility of the parents to educate and train their
children to become good, useful, and worthy citizens of
the country and to prepare them for future positions,
responsibility and leadership.
The Philippine Constitution recognizes the vital
role of schools in indicating among youth the value
of patriotism and nationalism and encouraging their
involvement in public and civic affairs of the
One of the responsibilities of the school is to
teach moral, spiritual, and political values that will
develop the students to become patriotic and morally
upright citizens.
1. Politics is a social institution through which power
is acquired and exercised by some people and
2. Man is by nature a political animal.
3. The process of learning imbues political values
and beliefs.
4. Politics is a central component of self.
5. In order for governance to work in any group or
society, there must exist a covenant of mutual trust
and respect.
6. According to the social learning theory, a person
can acquire learning through observation and
7. Political socialization is viewed as a lifelong process
by which individuals gain knowledge about politics.
8. The theory of symbolic interaction suggests that
behaviors and products of communication, meaning,
and symbols.
9. Political participation can be defined as citizens’
actions or activities influencing politics.
10. Any activity concerning the government or
governance of the state is an example of political
Performance Task- October 8 and 9, 2018
1. Give at least three problems that confront the
Philippine political system. Explain how these
problems can affect your political views and
beliefs. Discuss your answers.
2. The life of national heroes is a great source of
inspiration. Choose one national hero in the
Philippines. Identify his courageous and heroic
acts, which made this day worthy of respect and
emulation. Like the national hero you have
chosen, identify your characteristics and the
things that you can do for the country.
Digital Self

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, you are able to:
1. Define digital self.
2. Explain the role of mobile phones, internet, and
social networking in digital self.
3. Identify the Filipino values of social networking.
4. Explain the role of the government, school, and
church in the prevention of identity theft, false
information, and fake news.
5. Describe the provisions of Data Privacy Act of
The digital self is the aspect of the self that s
expressed or shared to others through the use of
digital technology especially the internet and social

On networking sites, users normally disclose

personal information such as name, age, birthdate,
address, and contact number. Some users provide
very personal information about themselves such as
likes and dislikes, hobbies, favorite food, favorite
movies, visited places, relationship status, thoughts
and feelings, and important events in their lives.
Digital Technology

Advancements in computer and software

technologies have reached an impressive level.
These technologies improve not only very common
areas of people’s daily life, but also areas of
education, health, and production industries.
Forms of technology such as digital technology
includes all types of electronic equipment and
applications that use information in the form of
numeric code.
Digital technology includes the use of devices
that process and use digital information such as
computers and mobile phones.
Forms of digital technology include the use of
mobile phones.
The rise of mobile phones has resulted in the use
of widespread use of internet and social networking.
Internet is a global computer network in which the
users can send and receive all kinds of information
and communication such as text, graphics, video,
and related other facilities.
Social networking is the use of websites such
as facebook and twitter to interact with other users.
Iqbal, Khan, and Malik suggest that mobile
phones are even more becoming part of daily life
of today’s youth. Digital technology allows the
users to keep in touch, connect with people, and
be updated on the activities and whereabouts of
However, the use of technology limits the face
to face interaction the use of digital technology
limits the use face to face interaction with others
and drawn people away from meaningful and
intimate communication with families and friends.
Social Networking in the Philippines

Majority of the Filipinos use the internet

primarily for social networking. The Filipino youth
are the biggest users of social networking in the
past few years.

Hechanova and Ortega- Go found that the use

of internet has both positive and negative
The use of social networking can be an
important facility for debates on current issues in
the country such as political issues. It can also be a
facility to express the opinions, needs, and
concerns of the people.
However, it is also through social networking that
identity theft, false information, and fake news
The Church, schools, and government in the
Philippines make efforts to prevent and effectively
manage the spread of identity theft, false
information, and fake news in the country.
1. The digital self is the aspect of the self that is
expressed or shared to others through the use of
internet and social networking.
2. The use of technology is essential for individual
survival and for communication with other people.
3. Forms of technology such as digital technology
includes all types of electronic equipment and
applications that use information in the form of
numeric code.
4. The Philippines has the fastest growing internet
population in the Southeast Asia.
5. Adolescents are particularly susceptible to
cyberbullying, gossips, and talking.
6. To protect the people from invasion of privacy,
Republic Act 10173,, otherwise known as the Data
Privacy Act of 2012 was created.
Concept Activity: October 10, 2018
Answer the following questions:
1. What are the basic ethical issues to consider
when sharing personal information in social
2. Explain why privacy and confidentiality matters
in one’s life.
Managing and Caring for the Self

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, you are able to:
1. Understand the theoretical explanations on how
to manage and care for the different aspects of
the self.
2. Acquire and develop new skills and learnings
for better management of one’s self and
3. Apply these new skills to one’s self and
functioning for a better quality life.
-One of the objectives of this chapter is to ascertain
what is required for students to have a deeper
understanding of the learning process and the factors
that contribute to learning.
- John Flavell suggests that students should develop
awareness of one’s thinking and the strategies one is
using to learn. This kind of thinking is called
3 Ways to Manage and care for the Self
1. Setting goals for success involves recognizing the
factors and developing strategies that students can
doo to achieve their goals and reach success.
2. Taking charge of one’s health involves recognizing
the factors that cause stress and developing
strategies that students can do to reduce the effects
of stress.
3. Learning to be a better student involves
recognizing the factors and developing strategies
that contribute to learning such as metacognition
and self-regulation.
Learning to a Better Student

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, you are able to:
1. Explain learning and explain how it works in
2. Identify the parts of the brain involved in learning.
3. Describe the importance of neuroplasticity and its
implications to learning.
4. Discuss the influence of metacognition and self-
regulation in learning.
5. Choose and apply strategies to improve learning.
-Humans have the capacity to learn new skills and
adapt to new environments.
-Development and learning are powerful agents of
change across the lifespan that induce structural and
functional plasticity in the neural systems of the
- The ability of the brain to change happens in two
ways. It could be through an increase in number
of synapses between neurons or a change in the
function and structure of the neurons.
-Neurons are the building blocks of the nervous
system that transmit impulses or messages.
-Every neuron is made of a cell body (soma),
dendrites, and axon.
-Neurotransmitters are the electrochemicals that
connect and allow the transmission of impulses from
one neuron to another neuron.
The process of neuroplasticity or changes in the
structure and functions of the neurons in the brain
usually happen in the cerebral cortex which is the
wrinkled layer of the brain.
The cerebral cortex plays a key role in human
learning, thought, memory, and language. Although
the brain continues to grow and develop, the overall
number of neurons and synapses decline with age.
-Dr. Michael Merzenich suggests that learning new
knowledge and skills everyday keeps the structures of
the brain changing and increase its ability to learn.
Metacognition and Self- Regulated Learning

Metacognition is the awareness of one’s

thinking and the strategies one is using to learn.
The ‘meta’ in cognition refers to higher-order
cognition about cognition.

Psychologist John Flavell identified two

components of metacognition: metacognitive
knowledge and metacognitive regulation.
1. Metacognitive knowledge includes knowledge
of one’s own cognitive abilities, knowledge of
cognitive tasks, and knowledge of the strategies
to complete the cognitive tasks.
2. Metacognitive regulation refers to how the
individual monitors and control one’s cognitive
Zimmerman defines self-regulated learning as
the process in which students systematically direct
their thoughts, feelings, and actions toward the
attainment of their academic goals.
Self-regulated learning is a process of taking
control and evaluating one’s own learning.
General Benefits of Metacognition and Self-
Regulation in Learning:
1. Increase students’ knowledge and understanding
of the subject-matters.
2. Help students to understand the kinds of
information they need to successfully solve a
problem in school.
3. Help students to choose the most appropriate
and useful learning strategies to improve their
learning capabilities.
4. Help students to organize daily tasks in school.
5. Help students identify strengths and weaknesses in
their academic performance.
6. Allows students to learn ideas from others such as
their teachers and students.
7. Allows students to give and receive feedback in
their own thinking and performance.
8. Develops autonomy and control among students.
9. Improve academic performance and success.
10. Develops high sense of self-efficacy and self-
How to develop Metacognitive and Self- Regulated
Learning Behaviors:
1. Set your short-term and long-term academic goals
in your studies. Identify the negative outcomes if
you don’t achieve your goals as well as the
positive outcomes when you achieve them.
2. Make a self-help plan to achieve your academic
goals. Think and select strategies on how to
achieve your goals, which include focusing your
attention, avoiding distractions, and developing
skills to manage your time efficiently.
3. Monitor your academic performance and
progress. Use a chart monitor your work outcomes.
When faced with difficult tasks, seek social support
when you need it. Look for inspiration to keep you
motivated in achieving your academic goals. When
confronted with difficulties, always think and keep
working toward your goals and the future.
4. Reflect on what you have learned and
accomplished. Reflection help you to develop your
strengths and improve your weaknesses.
Setting Goals for Success

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, you are able to:
1. Know the types of motivation.
2. Identify your short-term and long-term goals.
3. Understand the importance of goal-setting.
4. Apply the ways on how to achieve your goals.
Motivation directs a person’s behavior toward a
particular goal.
-A goal is the object toward which the behavior is
directed, usually within a specified period of time.
- Goals motivate people to develop strategies that
will enable them to perform better.

Goals can be classified into two categories:

- Shot-term goals- goals that can be achieved in a
day, week, or year.
- Long-term goals- Goals that can be achieved over
a year or more.
The Motivational Impact of Self- Efficacy and
-Albert Bandura defined self-efficacy as the
people’s belief that they can successfully perform
behaviors that will produce desired effects.

According to Carol Dweck, there are two

categories of mindset:
1. Fixed Mindset- people believe that their basic
qualities, like their intelligence or talents, are
simply fixed traits.
Ex. Students worry about making mistakes.
2. Growth Mindset- people believe that their most
basic abilities can be developed through dedication
and hard work.
Students with a growth mindset understand that
mistakes and effort are critical to learning. They
welcome challenges and seek critical feedback to help
them learn.
The Rules of Goal- Setting
1. Set your goals that motivate you. When you
set your goals, it is important that they are
personally important to you.
2. Set SMART(specific, measurable, attainable,
relevant, and time-bound) goals. Your goals
must be clear and well defined so that you
can measure the degree of your success. Be
sure that your goals are attainable and
personally relevant to you. Your goals must
also have a time frame.
3. Write your goals. Make a chart and write a list
of all the goals you want to achieve. Prioritize
the items on the list, discard those important, and
make space to all the important and urgent
activities you want to do such as studying your
4. Develop an Action Plan for your future. Write
the steps to attain your life goals.
5. Start working for your life goals.
Taking Charge of One’s Health

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, you are able to:
1. Understand and explain stress.
2. Discuss the dimensions of stress.
3. Explain how stress affects health.
4. Identify strategies to control stress.
5. Develop your own self-care plan.
1. Stress refers to events that are perceived as challenging,
damaging, or threatening to one’s physical or
psychological well-being.
2. In order to deal with frustrations, conflicts, and stress,
people sometimes use unconscious strategies called
defense mechanisms in order to cope up with pain and
deal with stress.
3. Hans Selye suggested that the body goes through three
stages of phsyiological reactions during stressful
events: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. Cognitive
psychologist Richard Lazarus suggest that the way
people think about and appraise a stressor is am major
factor in how stressful that particular stressor becomes.
4. People cope up with stress through problem-
focused coping and emotion-focused coping.
5. People who are high in self-compassion treat
themselves with kindness, care, and understanding
when they experience stressful events or
Performance Task No. 3- October 11, and 12, 2018
Reflect on and write a short paper on the three
important things you discovered about yourself.

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