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Elibardo Mora Restrepo

What do you think about the
• I thinks this is a problem to have very much in mind, and if we allow
the problem to continue growing exponentially as it has been doing
for a while, there will not be enough resources for everyone. It is
probably the cause of wars , we need to take action from now on.
What would be a possible solution
for it?
• The only solution is to make people aware of the situation, and this is
accomplished through education.
• Governments need to invest more and better money in both public
and private education since people do not seem to be responding to
this problem right now, especially in the most vulnerable population
where this problem is most evident.
Do you see this problem in your
community? What do people do
about it?

• This problem is very common in my country, it is common to see

women who having three or four children, and they really do not have
the economic stability to try to assure them a decent future, this
would mean that their children following the example of their own
parents because they do not manage to receives an adequate
education on the subject since many times they do not even finishing
the academic bachelor,and it turns into a vicious circle.
What will you do in the future to
help solve this problem?
• I will participate in educational campaigns on the importance of not
having more than one child if you do not have the necessary
resources, since this will affect us in the not too distant future in a bad
• To avoid this problem, I will have no more than one child.

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