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To be able to find 04/20/2020

stratified sample
sizes Title: Stratified Sampling

Starter Activity
a ta Lite
1. Find the mean, median, mode racy
3. Rearrange the
and range of these numbers letters to find the
maths terms
3, 4, 5, 5, 8
Mean = 5 Mode = 5
Median = 5 Range = 5 madnoR
2. This pie chart shows 24 Any sails
people’s favourite colour Analysis
mr His goat
How many people like pink?

Tina and Terry are carrying out a survey to see how much people spend on
groceries. They have the following information about which people shop at
which supermarket in their town.

Supermarket Sainsbury’s Tesco Asda Waitrose M&S

Number of 6400 5100 4300 2000 1350

Tina wants to conduct a stratified sample of 200 people, how many people
should she survey from each supermarket?
Real Life Problem

The head teacher is forming a design team to help

design a new school uniform.

They wants 50 pupils in their team and they wants her

team to reflect the number of pupils in each year group.

They needs us to calculate a stratified sample so they

knows how many pupils will be required from each year
Stratified Sampling

A way of sampling data

Tries to give accurate representation for

each piece of data

Each sample is proportional to the groups

Easy Stratified Sampling

The table shows the number of pupils in each year

Year 7 8 9 10 11
Pupils 320 311 380 289 300

I want to take a stratified sample of 10% people.

How many pupils will I need from each Year?

Year 7: 10% x 320 = 32

Year 8: 10% x 311 = 31.1
Year 9: 10% x 380 = 38
Year 10: 10% x 289 = 29
Year 11: 10% x 300 = 30
Stratified Sampling

Suppose we had a class of 30 students, that

consisted of 12 boys and 18 girls.

We want to survey 10 people from the class using

a stratified random sample.

These 10 students need to accurately represent

the ratio of boys to girls in this class.

Can anyone work out how many boy and girls

should be in the sample?
• The class consists of 20 girls and 10 boys.
• We want a sample of size 10 how many boys and girls
should be picked?
Girls Boys Total
20 10 30

20 x 10 = 6.667 1. Find the total.

30 2. Give the group as a fraction of
7 Girls the total.
Boys 3. Multiply this by sample size
10 x 10 = 3.3333 4. Round to nearest whole number
5. Repeat for other groups
3 Boys
Real Life
Stratified Sampling
A sample of 15 from 50 students, in different student clubs
Club Sport Drama Maths
Students 27 14 9

Sport 27 x 15 = 8.1 8
Drama 14 x 15
= 4.2 4
Maths 9 x 15 = 2.7 3
Real Life Problem

The head teacher is forming a design team to help

design a new school uniform.

They wants 50 pupils in their team and they wants her

team to reflect the number of pupils in each year group.

They needs us to calculate a stratified sample so they

knows how many pupils will be required from each year
Real Life Problem

The head has given you the information on the number of

pupils in each year group.
Can you calculate the number of people from each year
who should be in the design group?
Sample Size Year Group 7 8 9 10 11 Total
50 Students 158 174 181 167 172 852

Year 7 158 x 50 = 9.27 9

852 Year 10 167 x 50 = 9.8 10
Year 8 174 x 50 = 10.21 10
Year 11 172 x 50 = 10.09 10
Year 9 181 x 50 = 10.62 11 852
Debbie and Terry are carrying out a survey to see how much people spend
on groceries. They have the following information about which people shop
at which supermarket in their town.
Supermarket Sainsbury’s Tesco Asda Waitrose M&S
Number of 6400 5100 4300 2000 1350
1280 1020 860 400 270
67 53 45 21 14 200

Terry wants a stratified sample of Debbie wants to conduct a

20% from each shop. How many stratified sample of 200 people, how
people from each supermarket many people should she survey from
should he survey? each supermarket?


In a teenage professional football club of 340 players, 18 are

aged between 11 and 12. If a stratified sample of size 100
were to be carried out, how many 11-12 year olds should be
included in the sample?

Answer 18 x 100 = 5.29 5


The table gives information about the number of 564 students doing extracurricular
clubs at a secondary school, a survey is to be done to find how much time they spend on

Club Chess Sports Art Music Maths Drama

Boys 24 85 43 36 25 54
Girls 16 80 50 41 28 82

A stratified sample is to be carried out of A stratified sample is to be carried out of

size 15%. size 60.

a) How many Boys from chess club should a) How many Boys from chess club should
be sampled? be sampled?
b) How many girls from Drama should be b) How many girls from Drama should be
sampled? sampled?
c) How many people from maths club c) How many people from maths club
should be sampled. should be sampled.
d) How many girls should be sampled? d) How many girls should be sampled?
Self Evaluation
• Now rate your lesson using the following

U – Little (unsatisfactory) effort!

S – Some effort, still room for improvement!!
E – Excellent effort!!!

Little understanding
Some understanding, not completely sure
Excellent understanding

Can you explain what stratified sampling is?

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