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Bob is right the name must be creative and interesting for customers to

remember, the name provides an insight into what the business is and
allows to identify the market segment to which it is focused. In his letter
he states that it is a pet store, the name that we suggest is "pamper a
pet" is an easy name to remember and has the initiative to remember
how important it is to take care of pets and give them love.
For a person who likes pets, being able to offer love and pampering gives
joy and happiness to the person who has it. Animals are very grateful and
their presence at home can improve the quality of life and contribute to
improving people's mental health; It is for this reason that we suggest a

“Until you love an animal, a part of

your soul is asleep”.
The letter informs us of the need for a logo, which is why we recommend that you unify the image where a cat
and a dog appear, as well as add other animals; This in order for customers to identify what type of pets they
can find in their business, I am sending you an example of what the logo would look like.

The logo has a blue frame

with a yellow background, it
has some animals such as
a cat, a dog, a bird, a
rodent and a turtle that
shows the great variety of
pets that the store offers,
the name "pamper a pet" is
white where in the letter A
has a footprint of a dog, the
slogan is inside a bone.
Until you love an animal, a part
of your soul is asleep.
Logo explanation:

• Its background is yellow: because it is directly related to emotions such as optimism, happiness,
brightness and joy. It is very effective in attracting attention.
• Its blue frame: because it is related to freshness, spirituality, freedom, patience, loyalty, peace,
honesty, tranquility and calm.
• Animals: shows the great variety of pets that the store offers.
• The bone represents animal food.

Mr. Bob, I hope that our collaboration is useful, it has been a pleasure to have helped you.

We look forward to your prompt response.

Cipa: Leaders

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