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Contemporary society Juliana Osorio

Alejandra Cano
Breakdown of natural equilibria

Globalization can be described as a process by which the people of the world are
unified into a single society and function together. This process is a combination of
economic, technological, sociocultural and political forces.
Globalization is often used to refer to economic globalization, that is, integration of
national economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct
investment, capital flows, migration, and the spread of technology.
Globalization has various aspects which affect the world in
several different ways such as:

Industrial - emergence of worldwide production markets and

broader access to a range of foreign products for consumers
and companies. Particularly movement of material and goods
Effects of between and within national boundaries.

Globalization Financial - emergence of worldwide financial markets and

better access to external financing for borrowers; emergence
of under or un-regulated foreign exchange and speculative

Economic - realization of a global common market, based on

the freedom of exchange of goods and capital.
Legal/Ethical Language - the most Political
popular language is
The creation of the
international criminal
About 75% of the world's
mail, telexes, and cables
Some use "globalization"
to mean the creation of a Effects of
court and international
justice movements.
are in English.
Approximately 60% of the
world government, or
cartels of governments Globalization
Crime importation and world's radio programs are (e.g. WTO, World Bank,
raising awareness of global in English. and IMF) which regulate
crime-fighting efforts and the relationships among
About 90% of all Internet
cooperation. governments and
traffic is using English. guarantees the rights
arising from social and
economic globalization.
Effects of Competition Cultural
Survival in the new global business Growth of cross-cultural contacts
Globalization market calls for improved The desire to increase one's standard
productivity and increased of living and enjoy foreign products
competition. and ideas, adopt new technology and
Many industries around the world practices, and participate in a "world
doing the same thing, so Industries culture".
have to upgrade their products and Some dislike the resulting
use technology skillfully to compete. consumerism and loss of languages.
Ecological Social (International cultural exchange)
the start of global environmental challenges that might be solved increased circulation by people of all nations
with international cooperation, with fewer restrictions.
• climate change, Spreading of multiculturalism, and better
• cross-boundary water individual access to cultural diversity through
• air pollution media.
• over-fishing of the ocean
Greater international travel and tourism
• spread of invasive species
Greater immigration, including illegal
Pro-globalization people argue that economic development
historically required a "dirty" industrial stage before progress is
made, and it is argued that developing countries should not, via Spread of local consumer products (e.g. food)
regulation, be prohibited from increasing their standard of living. to other countries

Effects of Globalization
 Technical
 Development of a global telecommunications
infrastructure and greater data flow even into
the world’s most remote areas
 Internet: creation and proliferation of
information via the internet & world wide web
 communication satellites: broadcast information
Effects of through space around the planet nearly
simultaneously allowing for communications
Globalization almost everywhere on earth.
 Television: information from around the world
can be seen anywhere in the world
 submarine fiber optic cable
 wireless telephones
 Increase in the number of standards applied
globally; e.g. copyright laws, patents and world
trade agreements.
All of these effects work together to create globalization – the integration of the
world’s countries into one world economy – where every country depends on others
to be healthy and viable.

Cultural & Intellectual Integration

The Sustainable Development Goals, as descibed by the UN, are the blueprint to achieve a better
and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those
related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and
justice. The goals were established in 2015 as part of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.
Climate Change
Impact of Production on the
Human-induced climate change is dominant
Association between rising CO2 levels and growth of modern
Production can destroy as well as create value: ecology industry
notes How to measure carbon emissions?
Is economy and society sustainable? Possibly not. Consumption versus production perspectives on CO 2 emissions
Issues of balance, and this balance is disrupted by human Atmospheric damage by other industrial processes
Role of ships in pollution
The world’s major cities are also major pollution loci

Environmental Degradation
Developing Double Sectoral and ‘Among the Different sets of
Social Impacts countries
particularly lose
exposure: cases
where a
national effects most vulnerable
social groups
winners and
losers from
out; most of particular area affected by globalization
their production or group is double exposure emerge when
is for export, confronted both are the poor economic
and so their by impacts of residents of globalization
carbon use is for climate change cities in both and
the benefit of and the developed environmental
others globalization and developing change are
worlds’ considered
Breakdown of natural equilibria

 Can be described as rupture of natural balance

 If we disturb any element of nature balance,

then all the other elements get interrupted in the
entire system
Can be defined as a biological equilibrium between the living
beings such as human, plants, and animals

Balance of Some, while interacting with nature, conserve it while others

break it through the exploitation of forests, agricultural
nature activities, and the introduction of invasive species

there is a need for a balanced nature that will ensure not

only the survival of plants and animals but also humans.
Humans have been accused of destroying the
environment, some of their activities have
contributed to creating modern day habitats

It is a misconception too that humans can’t maintain

Human ecological balance as they are destroying it.
This misconception is due to those who are acting
against the laws and damage the environment.
Controlling Water Recycling
population protection
of natural

Ways to maintain the Balance in nature

 Brings the existence of the world

 Earth’s inhabitants such as human

Importance of beings, plants, animals and other micro
Natural living organisms continue to survive.
 The world achieves its equilibrium state
that benefits and protects all living
organisms in it

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