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Aurora ASR
Faiza Yuri A
Syalwa WJ

Hello everyone, How are you today? On this occasion I will give some
examples of Personal Letters. I happen to have a hobby of sending letters
and postcards overseas. So now I want to share some letters from my
friends who are abroad. Review a little about personal letters. Personal
Letters are informal letters written to individuals, usually only two
people who know each other are involved. For nowadays, indeed
writing letters is outdated, people prefer to use the chat application on
their smartphone rather than having to send a letter. However, in my
opinion the fun side of correspondence is the process itself, from the start
of writing, sending to the post office, then waiting for a reply from our
Example Personal Letter

Hello Sisca
Hi!! Let me first introduce myself. I am Anisha Shah. I am 16 years
old, recently gave my 10th grade exams. My results are going to come on
3rd of June. Totallyt nervous about them. I stay in Ahmedabad, India with
my parents, little brother and a big set of cousins!! I am good at
academics, dancing, and singing So, Sisca, you like pink, so I have
made this letter a little pinky. So you like cats. Do you own any? Do you live
there alone or with your family? Tell me more about yourself. I sincerely
wish I remain in touch with you,

With lots of love,

Definition dialog formal from Personal Letter

Formal Dialogue
Formal dialogue is a dialogue that uses language or formal and polite sentences, we usually do
formal dialogue when we are in formal places and talk to people who are older than us, people we
respect, and so forth.

Words that are often used in formal dialogue such as for example:

good morning, afternoon, night: good morning, afternoon, evening

could you help me? : Can you help me?
Alright: alright
see you tomorrow: see you tomorrow
is this your? : is this yours?
could you repeat it? : can you repeat it? and so forth.
Example dialog formal from Personal Letter

Teller : Good morning, what I could help to you sir? (selamat pagi, ada yang bisa saya bantu
untuk mu tuan?)
Customer : good morning, I will save the money (selamat pagi, aku ingin menabungkan
Teller : alright sir, could you give me your card sir? (baiklah tuan, dapatkah anda
memberikan kartu anda tuan)
Customer : this is you are (ini)
Teller : how much will you save sir ? (berapa banyak yag ingin anda tabung tuan?)
Customer : seven million, this is (7 juta, ini)
Teller : alright, please wait for a moment sir (baiklah, tunggu sebentar pak)
Customer : okay (baiklah)
Teller : this is the card and your saving has printed on this (ini kartunya dan tabungan anda
telah di cetak disini)
Customer : thank you (terimakasih)
Teller : you are wellcome (sama-sama)
Definition dialog informal from Personal Letter

Informal Dialogue (informal dialogue)

Informal dialogue is a conversation that usually uses sentences or language
that is more relaxed, this conversation is usually done with friends, friends or
people who are already familiar. In addition, informal conversations are
usually conducted in informal places such as at home, markets, malls, on the
road and so on.

Words that are often used in informal dialogue, for example:

Hi! (Hi)
hello (hello)
can you help me? (can you help me?)
will you help me? (will you help me?)
Example I Informal conversation
Example dialog informal from Personal Letter

(in the market)Lusi : Hi Sinta! (hai sinta!)

Sinta : Hi Lusi! what are you doing here? (hai lusi! apa yang kamu kerjakan disini?)
Lusi : I accompany my mother to buy something (aku menemani ibuku membeli sesuatu) how
about you? (bagaimana dengan mu?)
Sinta : I come here because my mother asks me to buy broom (aku datang kesini karena ibuku
menyuruhku untuk membeli sapu)
Lusi : are you alone? (kamu sendiri)
Sinta : yes, Iam alone (ya, aku sendiri) this afternoon I want to come to your house (sore ini
aku ingin pergi ke rumah mu) are you at home? (kamu dirumah?)
Lusi : yes, Iam at home (ya, aku di rumah) you can come at 4 pm (kamu bisa datang pukul 4
Sinta : well, okay lusi, see u next (baiklah lusi, sampai jumpa nanti)
Lusi : okay sinta, see you (oke sinta, sampai jumpa)
Thank you for your Attention

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

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