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Aggregation of people to achieve some common goals.
Kurt Lewin
Group dynamics- Study of group dynamics tells that
how groups should be operated and organized.
Group norms-Acceptable standards of behaviour
acceptable by group members.
Conformity- adjusting one’s behaviour to align with
the norms of the group.
What is Group???
Two or more people

Shared goals

People see themselves

As members

There is interaction
Among members
Types of group
Formal groups- Groups defined by the organization.
Informal groups-a group that is neither formally
structured nor organizationally determined; appears
in response to the social contact.
Informal gps have affect on an ind.s behaviour as well
as on org.s performance.
Why do people Join group??
The people often join groups since the groups give the members a stability and
enhances their achievement capacity. The main reasons to join a group are:

Have a sense of security

Have a status

Develop Self-esteem


Goal achievement
Group dynamics
Group dynamics is the study of forces emerging inside a
group as a result of interaction. It is a social system of a
group. Productivity of a group depends upon its
decision making.
Functional groups- creativity, new ideas, positive feeling
of belongingness, high cohesiveness
Dysfunctional groups- negative aspect of informal
groups- energy loss, conflict, time waste, diversion
from main goal, feel at home and relaxed.
Group structure
Structure of the group consists of roles, norms,
cohesiveness, status
Group role- a set of expected behaviour
1. role perception
2. role expectation
3. role conflict
Norms- acceptable standards of behaviour within a
group that are shared by group’s members. Unwritten
informal rules.
Cohesiveness- degree to which group members are
attracted to each other and wanted to stay in the
group. Cohesiveness influences productivity.
Status –socially defined positions given to the groups
by the group members.
For high productivity both group norms and group
cohesiveness is required.
Group cohesiveness has a negative impact on group
productivity in the absence of group norms.
Importance of High Cohesiveness
 High Cohesiveness Low
- Unity Cohesiveness
- Interactive - Negative Feelings
- Positive Feelings - More Problems
- Ability to Cope with Problems - Less Productive
- More Productive
Group decision making
Merits of gp decision making
Pool of information is created
Different views
Commitment to decisions
High morale
Creativity and innovation
Team spirit strong
1.Costly & time consuming
2. Compromise
3. Interpersonal conflicts
4. Social pressures
5. Groupism
6. No decisions
Group decision making
Meetings- Interaction
Brainstorming- it refers to generation of ideas, all ideas are
welcome (positive or negative, relevant or irrelevant), no
criticism, evaluating them and arriving at a better solution to
the problem
Nominal group technique- verbal communication is not
encouraged initially. All the group members have to write their
suggestions on a paper without discussing them. A list having
all the ideas is prepared then there is open discussion on the
ideas, after discussion ranks are assigned to the ideas according
to the priority, idea with the highest rank is selected for
Delphi technique- it is used when members are
geographically dispersed and cannot assemble at a place to
solve the problems. Saves time and money but it is time
consuming, lack of personal interaction amongst the group
After problem identification a questionnaire is prepared for
respondents, it is sent to the members and then filled
questionnaires are collected and compiled at the central
location, results are sent to the group members and they are
asked to give further suggestions, suggestions are reviewed
and the process is repeated until a consensus is not arrived.
Group decision making
Problems at the time of group decision making
Social loafing- working less in a group then individually
Group think- process in which the norm for consensus
overrides the realistic appraisal. Decisions taken due to
group pressures.
Group shift- risky shift- a change in decision risk between
the group’s decision and individual decision that members
within the group would make; can be either towards
conservatism or greater risk. (Group takes more bold and
daring decisions as responsibility of outcome lies on the
whole group).
Group decision making
Problems at the time of group decision making
Social loafing- working less in a group then individually
Group think- process in which the norm for consensus
overrides the realistic appraisal. Decisions taken due to
group pressures.
Group shift- risky shift- a change in decision risk between
the group’s decision and individual decision that members
within the group would make; can be either towards
conservatism or greater risk. (Group takes more bold and
daring decisions as responsibility of outcome lies on the
whole group).
Group decision making
Problems at the time of group decision making
Social loafing- working less in a group then individually
Group think- process in which the norm for consensus
overrides the realistic appraisal. Decisions taken due to
group pressures.
Group shift- risky shift- a change in decision risk between
the group’s decision and individual decision that members
within the group would make; can be either towards
conservatism or greater risk. (Group takes more bold and
daring decisions as responsibility of outcome lies on the
whole group).
Stages of group development
5 stages of group development
1. FORMING- at this stage there is a great deal of
uncertainty and anxiety about the group’s purpose,
structure and leadership. This stage is complete when
the group members began to think themselves as a
part of the group. (introduction of the group
2. STORMING- in this stage there is intra-group conflict.
There is conflict over power i.e who will control the
group. When this stage is complete there develops a
clear hierarchy of leadership within the group.
( control)
NORMING- at this stage close relationships and group
cohesiveness develops. There emerges positive feelings and
emotional support. At this stage all the group members
focuses on the task in hand. Standards of behaviour are
set. High group cohesiveness and high group norms.
PERFORMING- Actual performance of the task is done.
Group puts its positive energy into the task achievement. It
is the most preferable stage. ( mature group/ performer).
ADJOURNING- termination of the group after the task

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