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 All the promotion techniques are based on communication. It

is a process in which two or more persons consciously or
unconsciously attempt to influence each other through the
use of symbols or spoken words.
 Communication is a two-way process.
 It has four basic components: Sender, Media, Message and
 First the sender gets an idea (ideation) what to communicate.
The source then can encode the message and sends the
message. This message is sent through a channel (media). It is
then received by the receiver who decodes the message and
sends a feedback to the receiver of having received the

Sender Message Receiver


 Through the feedback the sender knows that the message has been
received. It is important that the message be received and convey the
meaning it is intended for.
The nine elements of communication process
 Sender and receiver are the major parties in communication.
1. Sender- is a person who sends the message. A sender makes use of
symbols (words or graphic or visual aids) to convey the message and
produce the required response. For instance - a training manager
conducting training for new batch of employees. Sender may be an
individual or a group or an organization. The views, background,
approach, skills, competencies, and knowledge of the sender have a
great impact on the message.
2. Receiver- is a person for whom the message is intended or aimed.
The degree to which the decoder understands the message is
dependent upon various factors such as knowledge of recipient, their
responsiveness to the message, and the reliance of encoder on
 Message and Media are the major communication tools.

3. Message- is a key idea that the sender wants to

communicate. It is a sign that elicits the response of recipient.
Communication process begins with deciding about the
message to be conveyed. It must be ensured that the main
objective of the message is clear.
4. Channel (media)- are the way you convey your message.
These channels include verbal such as telephone, and face-to-
face conversations as well as non-verbal such as e-mail and
text messaging. Each individual channel has its strengths and
weaknesses in terms of communicating. For instance - Written
medium is chosen when a message has to be conveyed to a
small group of people, while an oral medium is chosen when
spontaneous feedback is required from the recipient as
misunderstandings are cleared then and there.
 Encoding, decoding, response and feedback, represent the major
communication function.
5) Encoding- is the process where the information you would like to
communicate gets transferred into a form to be sent and decoded by
the receiver.
6) Decoding- is on the receiving end of communication. This stage is just
as important as encoding. Communication can go downhill at this stage
if the receiver is not practicing active listening skills or if they do not
possess enough information to accurately decode the message.
7) Response- The listening stage wherein the listener provides
verbal and/or nonverbal reactions to what she hears.
8) Feedback- is the main component of communication process as it
permits the sender to analyze the efficacy of the message. It helps the
sender in confirming the correct interpretation of message by the
decoder. Feedback may be verbal (through words) or non-verbal (in
form of smiles, sighs, etc.). It may take written form also in form of
memos, reports, etc.
 Noise is the last system which interferes with the intended

9. Noise- is any type of disruption that interferes with the transmission

or interpretation of information from the sender to the receiver.
Refers to influences on effective communication that influence the
interpretation of conversations. While often looked over,
communication noise can have a profound impact both on our
perception of interactions with others and our analysis of our own
communication proficiency.
Elements in communication Process

Encoding Message Decoding


Sender Receiver


Feedback Response

Communication can be used in many forms. It can be written or spoken, by body

language, by pictures, illustration, by company logo. It acts as a bridge between
the purchaser and the seller. Communication is a very wide term. It can take in its
preview both external communication and internal communication.
 External Flow
By external flow we mean the communication which flows to the
target market. This target market consists of:

Target Market
Past present
Potential customers also known
as prospects

Channel Members
Whole sellers, Retailers
Agents & any other

Govt. Agencies
Private Agencies to society

Competing, Non-Competing and
 Internal Flow

It is the flow of communication inside the organization with

various departments e.g., finance production, H.R.D. etc. all
marketing function including research, innovation,
development, packaging, branding and production which has to
be of good quality as desired by the customer for his
Types of communication
 Communication can be of many types. It can be personal
communication which is the communication between two or more
persons on a personal level. Other types of communications are formal,
informal, upward, downward, verbal, non-verbal, body language, mass
communication (impersonal), organizational communication,
interpersonal communication, integrated marketing communication
 In marketing communication, mass communication is used for
advertising, publicity, sales promotion etc.
 Mass media used can be through newspapers, magazines, hoardings,
radio, television, cinema, transit media (Buses, taxis, 3-wheelers) etc.
Types of communication
1. Formal Communication- takes place in organization, this can be
horizontal or vertical. It is also in the form of circulars, notices,
orders etc. it can pass downwards, down to various levels (downward
communication). This can also be upwards, feedback goes from the
lower levels to higher level of organization. For example, the nursing
superintendent of a hospital will communicate with staff nurse
through assistant nursing superintendents, supervisors & ward-in-
charge nurses.
2. Informal Communication- communication takes place at informal
places. It does not follow line of authority. Examples of informal
communication are gossip, chitchat & kitty parties. It is very fast &
usually takes place in social groups like friends, family, peer groups,
3. Non-verbal Communication- is written communicational which can
be both formal and informal. It can be in the form of letters,
circulars, notices, or by written media, magazines etc. This
communication occurs without words; where the five senses &
whole range of body movements, posture, gesture, facial
expressions & silence are used for sending & receiving the
message. Nonverbal communication is a more accurate way of
communication because it convey the true & intended meaning of
the message.
4. Verbal Communication- can be by words either face to face or by
telephone. It is spoken communication. A combination of several
words is used & each words conveys a specific meaning. • Some
important elements of verbal communication are language,
vocabulary, denotative & connotative meaning, pacing, intonation,
clarity, consciousness, preciseness, comprehension, brevity, timing
& relevance.
 Body language- is the expression of the body which communicates
message just by action. An exhaustive study of body language is made
and covers numerous topics. We can communicate by smile, by
boredom, by grinding teeth, yawning, angry face, blushing, winking,
shrugging, shaking of head, closing and expanding eyes, by rubbing of
hands, standing postures, sitting postures, playing with fingers,
shaking of hands etc. body language can be combined with other
methods of communication to bring greater communication effect.

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